§Working with sub-projects
A complex project is not necessarily composed of a single Play application. You may want to split a large project into several smaller applications, or even extract some logic into a standard Java or Scala library that has nothing to do with a Play application.
It will be helpful to read the sbt documentation on multi-project builds. Sub-projects can be fully defined in the parent project’s build file, although here we put sub-projects’ settings in their own build file.
§Adding a simple library sub-project
You can make your application depend on a simple library project. Just add another sbt project definition in your build.sbt
name := "my-first-application"
version := "1.0"
lazy val myFirstApplication = (project in file("."))
lazy val myLibrary = project
The lowercased project
on the last line is a Scala Macro which will use the name of the val it is being assigned to in order to determine the project’s name and folder.
The myFirstApplication
project declares the base project. If you don’t have any sub projects, this is already implied, however when declaring sub projects, it’s usually required to declare it so that you can ensure that it aggregates (that is, runs things like compile/test etc on the sub projects when run in the base project) and depends on (that is, adds the sub projects to the main projects classpath) the sub projects.
The above example defines a sub-project in the application’s myLibrary
folder. This sub-project is a standard sbt project, using the default layout:
└ build.sbt
└ app
└ conf
└ public
└ myLibrary
└ build.sbt
└ src
└ main
└ java
└ scala
has its own build.sbt
file, this is where it can declare its own settings, dependencies etc.
When you have a sub-project enabled in your build, you can focus on this project and compile, test or run it individually. Just use the projects
command in the Play console prompt to display all projects:
[my-first-application] $ projects
[info] In file:/Volumes/Data/gbo/myFirstApp/
[info] * my-first-application
[info] my-library
The default project is the one whose variable name comes first alphabetically. You may make your main project by making its variable name aaaMain. To change the current project use the project
[my-first-application] $ project my-library
[info] Set current project to my-library
When you run your Play application in dev mode, the dependent projects are automatically recompiled, and if something cannot compile you will see the result in your browser:
§Sharing common variables and code
If you want your sub projects and root projects to share some common settings or code, then these can be placed in a Scala file in the project
directory of the root project. For example, in project/Common.scala
you might have:
import sbt._
import Keys._
object Common {
val settings: Seq[Setting[_]] = Seq(
organization := "com.example",
version := "1.2.3-SNAPSHOT"
val fooDependency = "com.foo" %% "foo" % "2.4"
Then in each of your build.sbt
files, you can reference anything declared in the file:
name := "my-sub-module"
libraryDependencies += Common.fooDependency
One thing to note is that if you have a mix of Play and non-Play projects, you may need to share Play configuration explicitly. For example, you may want to share the InjectedRoutesGenerator
and specs2 for every Play project:
object Common {
val playSettings = settings ++ Seq(
routesGenerator := InjectedRoutesGenerator,
libraryDependencies += specs2 % Test,
resolvers += Resolver.ApacheMavenSnapshotsRepo // contains pekko(-http) snapshots
And in the sub-project’s build.sbt
file, you would have the following:
§Splitting your web application into several parts
As a Play application is just a standard sbt project with a default configuration, it can depend on another Play application. You can make any sub module a Play application by adding the PlayJava
or PlayScala
plugins, depending on whether your project is a Java or Scala project, in its corresponding build.sbt
Note: In order to avoid naming collision, make sure your controllers, including the Assets controller in your subprojects are using a different name space than the main project. For example, controllers in the
module should have the fully qualified package name ofadmin.MyController
§Splitting the route file
It’s also possible to split the route file into smaller pieces. This is a very handy feature if you want to create a robust, reusable multi-module play application.
§Consider the following build configuration
name := "myproject"
lazy val admin = (project in file("modules/admin")).enablePlugins(PlayScala)
lazy val main = (project in file("."))
name := "myadmin"
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"com.mysql" % "mysql-connector-j" % "8.0.33",
§Project structure
└ controllers
└ models
└ views
└ application.conf
└ routes
└ admin
└ build.sbt
└ conf
└ admin.routes
└ app
└ controllers
└ models
└ views
└ build.properties
└ plugins.sbt
Note: Configuration and route file names must be unique in the whole project structure. Particularly, there must be only one
file and only oneroutes
file. To define additional routes or configuration in sub-projects, use sub-project-specific names. For instance, the route file inadmin
is calledadmin.routes
. To use a specific set of settings in development mode for a sub project, it would be even better to put these settings into the build file, e.g.PlayKeys.devSettings += ("play.http.router", "admin.Routes")
GET /index controllers.HomeController.index()
-> /admin admin.Routes
GET /assets/*file controllers.Assets.at(path="/public", file)
GET /index controllers.admin.HomeController.index()
GET /assets/*file controllers.Assets.at(path="/public/lib/myadmin", file)
Note: Resources are served from a unique classloader, and thus resource path must be relative from project classpath root.
Subprojects resources are generated intarget/web/public/main/lib/{module-name}
, so the resources are accessible from/public/lib/{module-name}
when usingplay.api.Application#resources(uri)
method, which is what theAssets.at
method does.
§Assets and controller classes should be all defined in the controllers.admin
- Java
package controllers.admin; import controllers.AssetsMetadata; import javax.inject.Inject; import play.api.Environment; import play.api.http.HttpErrorHandler; import play.api.mvc.*; public class Assets extends controllers.Assets { @Inject public Assets(HttpErrorHandler errorHandler, AssetsMetadata meta, Environment env) { super(errorHandler, meta, env); } public Action<AnyContent> at(String path, String file) { boolean aggressiveCaching = true; return super.at(path, file, aggressiveCaching); } }
- Scala
And a controller:
- Java
/* * Copyright (C) from 2022 The Play Framework Contributors <https://github.com/playframework>, 2011-2021 Lightbend Inc. <https://www.lightbend.com> */ package controllers.admin; import play.mvc.Controller; import play.mvc.Result; public class HomeController extends Controller { public Result index() { return ok("admin"); } }
- Scala
§Reverse routing in admin
in case of a regular controller call:
and for Assets
§Through the browser
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