§Building Play from source
If you want to use some unreleased changes for Play, or you want to contribute to the development of Play yourself, you’ll need to compile Play from the source code. You’ll need a Git client to fetch the source.
To build Play, you need to have sbt installed.
§Grab the source
From the shell, first checkout the Play source:
$ git clone git@github.com:playframework/playframework.git
Checkout the branch you want, main
is the current development branch, while stable branches for major releases are named with a .x
, for example, 2.8.x
Now run sbt
$ sbt
To build and publish Play, run publishLocal
> publishLocal
This will build and publish Play for the default Scala version. If you want to publish for all versions of Scala, you can cross build:
> +publishLocal
Or to publish for a specific Scala version:
> ++ 2.13.15 publishLocal
§Build the documentation
The documentation is available at playframework/documentation
as Markdown files. To see HTML, run the following:
$ cd playframework/documentation
$ sbt run
You can now browse the documentation at http://localhost:9000/@documentation.
For more details on developing the Play documentation, see the Documentation Guidelines.
§Run tests
You can run unit and integration tests from the sbt console using the test
> test
Like with publishing, you can prefix the command with +
to run the tests against all supported Scala versions.
The Play PR validation runs a few more tests than just the unit and integration tests, including scripted tests, testing the documentation code samples, and testing the Play templates. The scripts that are run by the PR validation can be found in the framework/scripts
directory, you can run each of these to run the same tests that the PR validation runs.
§Use in projects
When you publish Play locally, it will publish a snapshot version to your local repository. To use this, you need to update your build configuration to use this version.
Navigate to your existing Play project and make the following edits in project/plugins.sbt
// Change the sbt plugin to use the local Play build (3.0.0-SNAPSHOT)
addSbtPlugin("org.playframework" % "sbt-plugin" % "3.0.0-SNAPSHOT")
Once you have done this, you can start the console and interact with your project normally:
$ cd <projectdir>
$ sbt
§Using Code in Eclipse
You can find at Stackoverflow some information how to setup eclipse to work on the code.
Next: Repositories
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