



trait MessagesRequestHeader extends RequestHeader with MessagesProvider

This trait is a RequestHeader that can provide a play.api.i18n.Messages instance.

This is very useful with when used for forms processing, as the form helpers defined in views.helper (e.g. inputText.scala.html) take a MessagesProvider.

Linear Supertypes
Known Subclasses
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. MessagesRequestHeader
  2. MessagesProvider
  3. RequestHeader
  4. AnyRef
  5. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Abstract Value Members

  1. abstract def attrs: TypedMap

    A map of typed attributes associated with the request.

    A map of typed attributes associated with the request.

    Definition Classes
  2. abstract def connection: RemoteConnection

    The remote connection that made the request.

    The remote connection that made the request.

    Definition Classes
  3. abstract def headers: Headers

    The HTTP headers.

    The HTTP headers.

    Definition Classes
  4. abstract def messages: Messages
    Definition Classes
  5. abstract def method: String

    The HTTP method.

    The HTTP method.

    Definition Classes
  6. abstract def target: RequestTarget

    The target of the HTTP request, i.e.

    The target of the HTTP request, i.e. the URI or path that was given on the first line of the request.

    Definition Classes
  7. abstract def version: String

    The HTTP version.

    The HTTP version.

    Definition Classes

Concrete Value Members

  1. lazy val acceptLanguages: Seq[Lang]

    The Request Langs extracted from the Accept-Language header and sorted by preference (preferred first).

    The Request Langs extracted from the Accept-Language header and sorted by preference (preferred first).

    Definition Classes
  2. lazy val acceptedTypes: Seq[MediaRange]


    The media types list of the request’s Accept header, sorted by preference (preferred first).

    Definition Classes
  3. def accepts(mimeType: String): Boolean

    Check if this request accepts a given media type.

    Check if this request accepts a given media type.


    true if mimeType matches the Accept header, otherwise false

    Definition Classes
  4. def addAttr[A](key: TypedKey[A], value: A): RequestHeader

    Create a new versions of this object with the given attribute attached to it.

    Create a new versions of this object with the given attribute attached to it.


    The type of value.


    The new attribute key.


    The attribute value.


    The new version of this object with the new attribute.

    Definition Classes
  5. def addAttrs(entries: TypedEntry[_]*): RequestHeader

    Create a new versions of this object with the given attributes attached to it.

    Create a new versions of this object with the given attributes attached to it.


    The new attributes.


    The new version of this object with the new attributes.

    Definition Classes
  6. def addAttrs(e1: TypedEntry[_], e2: TypedEntry[_], e3: TypedEntry[_]): RequestHeader

    Create a new versions of this object with the given attributes attached to it.

    Create a new versions of this object with the given attributes attached to it.


    The first new attribute.


    The second new attribute.


    The third new attribute.


    The new version of this object with the new attributes.

    Definition Classes
  7. def addAttrs(e1: TypedEntry[_], e2: TypedEntry[_]): RequestHeader

    Create a new versions of this object with the given attributes attached to it.

    Create a new versions of this object with the given attributes attached to it.


    The first new attribute.


    The second new attribute.


    The new version of this object with the new attributes.

    Definition Classes
  8. def addAttrs(e1: TypedEntry[_]): RequestHeader

    Create a new versions of this object with the given attribute attached to it.

    Create a new versions of this object with the given attribute attached to it.


    The new attribute.


    The new version of this object with the new attribute.

    Definition Classes
  9. def asJava: mvc.Http.RequestHeader
    Definition Classes
  10. lazy val charset: Option[String]

    Returns the charset of the request for text-based body

    Returns the charset of the request for text-based body

    Definition Classes
  11. final def clientCertificateChain: Option[Seq[X509Certificate]]

    The X509 certificate chain presented by a client during SSL requests.

    The X509 certificate chain presented by a client during SSL requests. This method is equivalent to connection.clientCertificateChain.

    Definition Classes
  12. lazy val contentType: Option[String]

    Returns the value of the Content-Type header (without the parameters (eg charset))

    Returns the value of the Content-Type header (without the parameters (eg charset))

    Definition Classes
  13. def cookies: Cookies

    The HTTP cookies.

    The HTTP cookies. The request's cookies are stored in an attribute indexed by play.api.mvc.request.RequestAttrKey.Cookies. The attribute uses a Cell to store the cookies, to allow them to be evaluated on-demand.

    Definition Classes
  14. lazy val domain: String

    The HTTP domain.

    The HTTP domain. The domain part of the request's host.

    Definition Classes
  15. def flash: Flash

    Parses the Flash cookie and returns the Flash data.

    Parses the Flash cookie and returns the Flash data. The request's flash cookie is stored in an attribute indexed by play.api.mvc.request.RequestAttrKey.Flash. The attribute uses a play.api.mvc.request.Cell to store the flash, to allow it to be evaluated on-demand.

    Definition Classes
  16. def getQueryString(key: String): Option[String]

    Helper method to access a queryString parameter.

    Helper method to access a queryString parameter. This method delegates to connection.getQueryParameter(key).


    The query parameter's value if the parameter is present and there is only one value. If the parameter is absent or there is more than one value for that parameter then None is returned.

    Definition Classes
  17. def hasBody: Boolean

    True if this request has a body, so we know if we should trigger body parsing.

    True if this request has a body, so we know if we should trigger body parsing. The base implementation simply checks for the Content-Length or Transfer-Encoding headers, but subclasses (such as fake requests) may return true in other cases so the headers need not be updated to reflect the body.

    Definition Classes
  18. lazy val host: String

    The HTTP host (domain, optionally port).

    The HTTP host (domain, optionally port). This value is derived from the request target, if a hostname is present. If the target doesn't have a host then the Host header is used, if present. If that's not present then an empty string is returned.

    Definition Classes
  19. final def id: Long

    The request id.

    The request id. The request id is stored as an attribute indexed by play.api.mvc.request.RequestAttrKey.Id.

    Definition Classes
  20. lazy val mediaType: Option[MediaType]

    The media type of this request.

    The media type of this request. Same as contentType, except returns a fully parsed media type with parameters.

    Definition Classes
  21. final def path: String

    The URI path.

    The URI path. This method delegates to target.path.

    Definition Classes
  22. final def queryString: Map[String, Seq[String]]

    The parsed query string.

    The parsed query string. This method delegates to target.queryMap.

    Definition Classes
  23. def rawQueryString: String

    Returns the raw query string.

    Returns the raw query string. This method delegates to connection.rawQueryString.

    Definition Classes
  24. final def remoteAddress: String

    The client IP address.

    The client IP address.

    retrieves the last untrusted proxy from the Forwarded-Headers or the X-Forwarded-*-Headers.

    This method delegates to connection.remoteAddressString.

    Definition Classes
  25. def removeAttr(key: TypedKey[_]): RequestHeader

    Create a new versions of this object with the given attribute removed.

    Create a new versions of this object with the given attribute removed.


    The key of the attribute to remove.


    The new version of this object with the attribute removed.

    Definition Classes
  26. final def secure: Boolean

    Is the client using SSL? This method delegates to

    Is the client using SSL? This method delegates to

    Definition Classes
  27. def session: Session

    Parses the Session cookie and returns the Session data.

    Parses the Session cookie and returns the Session data. The request's session cookie is stored in an attribute indexed by play.api.mvc.request.RequestAttrKey.Session. The attribute uses a play.api.mvc.request.Cell to store the session cookie, to allow it to be evaluated on-demand.

    Definition Classes
  28. def toString(): String
    Definition Classes
    RequestHeader → AnyRef → Any
  29. def transientLang(): Option[Lang]

    The transient language will be taken into account when using play.api.i18n.MessagesApi.preferred() (It will take precedence over any other language).

    The transient language will be taken into account when using play.api.i18n.MessagesApi.preferred() (It will take precedence over any other language).


    The current transient language of this request.

    Definition Classes
  30. final def uri: String

    The complete request URI, containing both path and query string.

    The complete request URI, containing both path and query string. The URI is what was on the status line after the request method. E.g. in "GET /foo/bar?q=s HTTP/1.1" the URI should be /foo/bar?q=s. It could be absolute, some clients send absolute URLs, especially proxies, e.g.

    This method delegates to target.uriString.

    Definition Classes
  31. def withAttrs(newAttrs: TypedMap): RequestHeader

    Create a new version of this object with the given attributes attached to it.

    Create a new version of this object with the given attributes attached to it. This replaces any existing attributes.


    The new attributes to add.


    The new version of this object with the attributes attached.

    Definition Classes
  32. def withBody[A](body: A): Request[A]

    Attach a body to this header.

    Attach a body to this header.


    The type of the body.


    The body to attach.


    A new request with the body attached to the header.

    Definition Classes
  33. def withConnection(newConnection: RemoteConnection): RequestHeader
    Definition Classes
  34. def withHeaders(newHeaders: Headers): RequestHeader

    The remote connection that made the request.

    The remote connection that made the request.

    Definition Classes
  35. def withMethod(newMethod: String): RequestHeader

    Return a new copy of the request with its method changed.

    Return a new copy of the request with its method changed.

    Definition Classes
  36. def withTarget(newTarget: RequestTarget): RequestHeader

    Return a new copy of the request with its target changed.

    Return a new copy of the request with its target changed.

    Definition Classes
  37. def withTransientLang(locale: Locale): RequestHeader

    Create a new versions of this object with the given transient language set.

    Create a new versions of this object with the given transient language set. The transient language will be taken into account when using play.api.i18n.MessagesApi.preferred() (It will take precedence over any other language).


    The language to use.


    The new version of this object with the given transient language set.

    Definition Classes
  38. def withTransientLang(code: String): RequestHeader

    Create a new versions of this object with the given transient language set.

    Create a new versions of this object with the given transient language set. The transient language will be taken into account when using play.api.i18n.MessagesApi.preferred() (It will take precedence over any other language).


    The language to use.


    The new version of this object with the given transient language set.

    Definition Classes
  39. def withTransientLang(lang: Lang): RequestHeader

    Create a new versions of this object with the given transient language set.

    Create a new versions of this object with the given transient language set. The transient language will be taken into account when using play.api.i18n.MessagesApi.preferred() (It will take precedence over any other language).


    The language to use.


    The new version of this object with the given transient language set.

    Definition Classes
  40. def withVersion(newVersion: String): RequestHeader

    Return a new copy of the request with its HTTP version changed.

    Return a new copy of the request with its HTTP version changed.

    Definition Classes
  41. def withoutTransientLang(): RequestHeader

    Create a new versions of this object with the given transient language removed.

    Create a new versions of this object with the given transient language removed.


    The new version of this object with the transient language removed.

    Definition Classes