
  • package root
    Definition Classes
  • package play

    Play framework.

    Play framework.


    Definition Classes
  • package api

    Contains the public API for Scala developers.

    Contains the public API for Scala developers.

    Read configuration
    val poolSize = configuration.getInt("engine.pool.size")
    Use the logger"Hello!")
    Define a Plugin
    class MyPlugin(app: Application) extends Plugin
    Create adhoc applications (for testing)
    val application = Application(new File("."), this.getClass.getClassloader, None, Play.Mode.DEV)
    Definition Classes
  • package mvc

    Contains the Controller/Action/Result API to handle HTTP requests.

    Contains the Controller/Action/Result API to handle HTTP requests.

    For example, a typical controller:

    class HomeController @Inject() (val controllerComponents: ControllerComponents) extends BaseController {
      def index = Action {
        Ok("It works!")
    Definition Classes
  • package akkahttp
    Definition Classes
  • package macros
    Definition Classes
  • package request
    Definition Classes
  • AssignedCell
  • Cell
  • DefaultRequestFactory
  • LazyCell
  • RemoteConnection
  • RequestAttrKey
  • RequestFactory
  • RequestTarget



package request

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. final class AssignedCell[+A] extends Cell[A]

    A cell with a fixed value assigned to it.

  2. trait Cell[+A] extends AnyRef

    A cell represents a memory location that stores a value.

    A cell represents a memory location that stores a value. The cell abstracts away the details of how the value is stored. For example, an AssignedCell stores a simple value, whereas a LazyCell only calculates the value when it is first needed.

  3. class DefaultRequestFactory extends RequestFactory

    The default RequestFactory used by a Play application.

    The default RequestFactory used by a Play application. This RequestFactory adds the following typed attributes to requests: - request id - cookie - session cookie - flash cookie

  4. abstract class LazyCell[A] extends Cell[A]

    A cell that evaluates its value on demand.

    A cell that evaluates its value on demand. Cell access is unsychronized for performance reasons. However the cell may be safely accessed from multiple threads provided its create method is idempotent.

  5. trait RemoteConnection extends AnyRef

    Contains information about the connection from the remote client to the server.

    Contains information about the connection from the remote client to the server. Connection information may come from the socket or from other metadata attached to the request by an upstream proxy, e.g. Forwarded headers.

  6. trait RequestFactory extends AnyRef

    A RequestFactory provides logic for creating requests.

  7. trait RequestTarget extends AnyRef

    The target of a request, as defined in RFC 7230 section 5.3, i.e.

    The target of a request, as defined in RFC 7230 section 5.3, i.e. the URI or path that has been requested by the client.

Value Members

  1. object Cell
  2. object RemoteConnection
  3. object RequestAttrKey

    Keys to request attributes.

  4. object RequestFactory
  5. object RequestTarget