All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractCSPAction |
Processes a request and adds content security policy header.
AccessConnectionPoolDataSourceProxy |
This class is necessary because ConnectionPoolDataSourceProxy's targetDS field is protected.
Accumulator<E,A> |
Accumulates inputs asynchronously into an output value.
Action<T> |
An action acts as decorator for the action method call.
Action.Simple |
A simple action with no configuration.
ActionCreator |
An interface for creating Java actions from Java methods.
ActorFlow |
Provides a flow that is handled by an actor.
AddCSRFToken |
This action adds a CSRF token to the request and response if not already there.
AddCSRFTokenAction |
AhcWSClient |
A WS client backed by AsyncHttpClient implementation.
AhcWSComponents |
AsyncHttpClient WS implementation components.
AhcWSModule |
The Play module to provide Java bindings for WS to an AsyncHTTPClient implementation.
AhcWSModule.AhcWSClientProvider |
AhcWSModule.StandaloneWSClientProvider |
AhcWSRequest |
A Play WS request backed by AsyncHTTPClient implementation.
AhcWSResponse |
A Play WS response backed by an AsyncHttpClient response.
Akka |
Helper to access the application defined Akka Actor system.
AkkaComponents |
Akka and Akka Streams components.
AkkaGuiceSupport |
Support for binding actors with Guice.
AkkaStreams |
Akka streams utilities.
AkkaTypedComponents |
Akka Typed components.
AllowedHostsComponents |
Java Components for the Allowed Hosts filter.
AnnotationUtils |
Annotation utilities.
Application |
A Play application.
ApplicationComponents |
The application component.
ApplicationLifecycle |
Application lifecycle register.
ApplicationLoader |
Loads an application.
ApplicationLoader.Context |
The context for loading an application.
ApplicationProvider |
Provides information about a Play Application running inside a Play server.
AssetsComponents |
Java components for Assets.
AsyncCacheApi |
The Cache API.
BaseComponents |
Binding<T> |
A binding.
BindingKey<T> |
A binding key.
BindingKeyTarget<T> |
A binding target that is provided by another key - essentially an alias.
Bindings |
BindingTarget<T> |
A binding target.
BodyParser<A> |
A body parser parses the HTTP request body content.
BodyParser.AnyContent |
Guess the body content by checking the Content-Type header.
BodyParser.BufferingBodyParser<A> |
A body parser that first buffers
BodyParser.Bytes |
Parse the body as a byte string.
BodyParser.CompletableBodyParser<A> |
A body parser that completes the underlying one.
BodyParser.Default |
If the request has a body, guess the body content by checking the Content-Type header.
BodyParser.DelegatingBodyParser<A,B> |
A body parser that delegates to a Scala body parser, and uses the supplied function to
transform its result to a Java body.
BodyParser.DelegatingMultipartFormDataBodyParser<A> |
A body parser that exposes a file part handler as an abstract method and delegates the
implementation to the underlying Scala multipartParser.
BodyParser.Empty |
Don't parse the body.
BodyParser.FormUrlEncoded |
Parse the body as form url encoded if the Content-Type is application/x-www-form-urlencoded.
BodyParser.Json |
Parse the body as Json if the Content-Type is text/json or application/json.
BodyParser.MaxLengthBodyParser<A> |
Abstract body parser that enforces a maximum length.
BodyParser.MultipartFormData |
Parse the body as multipart form-data without checking the Content-Type.
BodyParser.Of |
Specify the body parser to use for an Action method.
BodyParser.Raw |
Store the body content in a RawBuffer.
BodyParser.TemporaryFile |
BodyParser.Text |
Parse the body as text if the Content-Type is text/plain.
BodyParser.ToFile |
BodyParser.TolerantJson |
Parse the body as Json without checking the Content-Type.
BodyParser.TolerantText |
Parse the body as text without checking the Content-Type.
BodyParser.TolerantXml |
Parse the body as Xml without checking the Content-Type.
BodyParser.Xml |
Parse the body as Xml if the Content-Type is application/xml.
BodyParserComponents |
Java BodyParser components.
BodyParsers |
Utilities for creating body parsers.
BuiltInComponents |
Helper to provide the Play built in components.
BuiltInComponentsFromContext |
This helper class provides all the built-in component dependencies by trading them for a single
dependency - the application loader context.
BuiltInModule |
Cached |
Mark an action to be cached on server side.
CachedAction |
Cache another action.
CaffeineCacheComponents |
Caffeine Cache Java Components for compile time injection.
CaffeineDefaultExpiry |
CaffeineExecutionContext |
CaffeineParser |
A configuration parser for the Caffeine builder.
Call |
Defines a 'call', describing an HTTP request.
ClassLoaderExecution |
ClassLoaderExecutionContext |
Execution context for managing the ClassLoader scope.
ClientCookieDecoder |
A RFC6265 compliant cookie decoder to be used
client side.
ClientCookieEncoder |
A RFC6265 compliant cookie encoder to be used
client side, so only name=value pairs are sent.
ClusterShardingComponents |
Comet |
Provides an easy way to use a Comet formatted output with Akka Streams.
ConfigurationComponents |
Provides configuration components.
ConnectionCallable<A> |
Similar to java.util.concurrent.Callable with a Connection as argument.
ConnectionPool |
Connection pool API for managing data sources.
ConnectionPoolComponents |
A base for Java connection pool components.
ConnectionRunnable |
Similar to java.lang.Runnable with a Connection as argument.
Constraints |
Defines a set of built-in validation constraints.
Constraints.Email |
Defines a email constraint for a string field.
Constraints.Email.List |
Defines several @Email annotations on the same element.
Constraints.EmailValidator |
Validator for @Email fields.
Constraints.Max |
Defines a maximum value for a numeric field.
Constraints.Max.List |
Defines several @Max annotations on the same element.
Constraints.MaxLength |
Defines a maximum length for a string field.
Constraints.MaxLength.List |
Defines several @MaxLength annotations on the same element.
Constraints.MaxLengthValidator |
Validator for @MaxLength fields.
Constraints.MaxValidator |
Validator for @Max fields.
Constraints.Min |
Defines a minimum value for a numeric field.
Constraints.Min.List |
Defines several @Min annotations on the same element.
Constraints.MinLength |
Defines a minimum length for a string field.
Constraints.MinLength.List |
Defines several @MinLength annotations on the same element.
Constraints.MinLengthValidator |
Validator for @MinLength fields.
Constraints.MinValidator |
Validator for @Min fields.
Constraints.Pattern |
Defines a pattern constraint for a string field.
Constraints.Pattern.List |
Defines several @Pattern annotations on the same element.
Constraints.PatternValidator |
Validator for @Pattern fields.
Constraints.PlayConstraintValidator<A extends Annotation,T> |
Constraints.PlayConstraintValidatorWithPayload<A extends Annotation,T> |
Constraints.Required |
Defines a field as required.
Constraints.Required.List |
Defines several @Required annotations on the same element.
Constraints.RequiredValidator |
Validator for @Required fields.
Constraints.Validatable<T> |
Constraints.ValidatableWithPayload<T> |
Constraints.Validate |
Constraints.Validate.List |
Defines several @Validate annotations on the same element.
Constraints.ValidatePayloadWith |
Defines a custom validator.
Constraints.ValidatePayloadWith.List |
Defines several @ValidatePayloadWith annotations on the same element.
Constraints.ValidatePayloadWithValidator |
Validator for @ValidatePayloadWith fields.
Constraints.ValidateValidator |
Constraints.ValidateValidatorWithPayload |
Constraints.ValidateWith |
Defines a custom validator.
Constraints.ValidateWith.List |
Defines several @ValidateWith annotations on the same element.
Constraints.ValidateWithPayload |
Constraints.ValidateWithPayload.List |
Defines several @ValidateWithPayload annotations on the same element.
Constraints.ValidateWithValidator |
Validator for @ValidateWith fields.
Constraints.ValidationPayload |
Constraints.Validator<T> |
Super-type for validators.
Constraints.ValidatorWithPayload<T> |
Super-type for validators with a payload.
ConstructionTarget<T> |
A binding target that is provided by a class.
ConstructorUtils |
Imported from apache.commons.lang3 3.6
ContextBasedBuiltInComponents |
This helper class provides all the built-in component dependencies by trading them for a single
dependency - the application loader context.
Controller |
Superclass for a Java-based controller.
Cookie |
CookieSigner |
Authenticates a cookie by returning a message authentication code (MAC).
CORSComponents |
Java Components for the CORS Filter.
CryptoComponents |
This annotation runs the play.filters.csp.CSPAction on a controller method.
CSPAction |
This action is used to add a CSP header to the response through injection.
CSPComponents |
The Java CSP components.
CSPReportComponents |
Components for reporting CSP violations.
CSRFComponents |
The Java CSRF components.
CSRFErrorHandler |
This interface handles the CSRF error.
CSRFErrorHandler.DefaultCSRFErrorHandler |
CSRFTokenSigner |
Cryptographic utilities for generating and validating CSRF tokens.
CustomExecutionContext |
Provides a custom execution context from an Akka dispatcher.
Database |
Database API for managing data sources and connections.
Databases |
Creation helpers for manually instantiating databases.
DBApi |
DB API for managing application databases.
DBComponents |
Java DB components.
DBModule |
Injection module with default DB components.
DBModule.NamedDatabaseProvider |
Inject provider for named databases.
DefaultActionCreator |
A default implementation of the action creator.
DefaultApplication |
Default implementation of a Play Application.
DefaultAsyncCacheApi |
Adapts a Scala AsyncCacheApi to a Java AsyncCacheApi.
DefaultConnectionPool |
Default delegating implementation of the connection pool API.
DefaultConstraintValidatorFactory |
Creates validator instances with injections available.
DefaultCookie |
The default Cookie implementation.
DefaultCookieSigner |
This class delegates to the Scala CookieSigner.
DefaultCSRFTokenSigner |
Cryptographic utilities for generating and validating CSRF tokens.
DefaultDatabase |
Default delegating implementation of the database API.
DefaultDBApi |
Default delegating implementation of the DB API.
DefaultFutures |
The default implementation of the Futures trait.
DefaultHttpErrorHandler |
Default implementation of the http error handler.
DefaultHttpFilters |
Helper class which has a varargs constructor taking the filters.
DefaultHttpRequestHandler |
DefaultJPAApi |
Default implementation of the JPA API.
DefaultJPAApi.JPAApiProvider |
DefaultJPAConfig |
Default JPA configuration.
DefaultJPAConfig.JPAConfigProvider |
DefaultOpenIdClient |
DefaultSyncCacheApi |
An implementation of SyncCacheApi that wraps AsyncCacheApi
DelegateApplicationLifecycle |
DelegateInjector |
DynamicForm |
A dynamic form.
DynamicForm.Dynamic |
Simple data structure used by DynamicForm .
EhCacheComponents |
EhCache Java Components for compile time injection.
Environment |
The environment for the application.
EssentialAction |
Given a `RequestHeader`, an `EssentialAction` consumes the request body (a `ByteString`) and
returns a `Result`.
EssentialFilter |
EventSource |
This class provides an easy way to use Server Sent Events (SSE) as a chunked encoding, using an
Akka Source.
EventSource.Event |
Utility class to build events.
Evolution |
An evolution.
Evolutions |
Utilities for working with evolutions.
EvolutionsReader |
Reads evolutions.
ExceptionUtils |
Copied from apache.commons.lang3 3.7
F |
Defines a set of functional programming style helpers.
F.Either<L,R> |
Represents a value of one of two possible types (a disjoint union)
F.Function3<A,B,C,R> |
A Function with 3 arguments.
F.Function4<A,B,C,D,R> |
A Function with 4 arguments.
F.LazySupplier<T> |
F.PromiseTimeoutException |
Exception thrown when an operation times out.
F.Tuple<A,B> |
A pair - a tuple of the types A and B .
F.Tuple3<A,B,C> |
A tuple of A,B,C
F.Tuple4<A,B,C,D> |
A tuple of A,B,C,D
F.Tuple5<A,B,C,D,E> |
A tuple of A,B,C,D,E
FileMimeTypes |
FileMimeTypesComponents |
Java File Mime Types components.
Files |
Contains TemporaryFile and TemporaryFileCreator operations.
Files.DelegateTemporaryFile |
Delegates to the Scala implementation.
Files.DelegateTemporaryFileCreator |
A temporary file creator that delegates to a Scala TemporaryFileCreator.
Files.SingletonTemporaryFileCreator |
A temporary file creator that uses the Scala play.api.libs.Files.SingletonTemporaryFileCreator
class behind the scenes.
Files.TemporaryFile |
A temporary file created by a TemporaryFileCreator.
Files.TemporaryFileCreator |
This creates temporary files when Play needs to keep overflow data on the filesystem.
Filter |
Form<T> |
Helper to manage HTML form description, submission and validation.
Form.Display |
Defines a form element's display name.
Form.Field |
A form field.
Formats |
Defines several default formatters.
Formats.AnnotationDateFormatter |
Annotation formatter, triggered by the @DateTime annotation.
Formats.AnnotationNonEmptyFormatter |
Annotation formatter, triggered by the @NonEmpty annotation.
Formats.DateFormatter |
Formatter for java.util.Date values.
Formats.DateTime |
Defines the format for a Date field.
Formats.NonEmpty |
Defines the format for a String field that cannot be empty.
Formatters |
Formatters helper.
Formatters.AnnotationFormatter<A extends Annotation,T> |
Super-type for annotation-based formatters.
Formatters.SimpleFormatter<T> |
Super-type for custom simple formatters.
FormattersModule |
FormFactory |
Helper to create HTML forms.
FormFactoryComponents |
Java Components for FormFactory.
FormFactoryModule |
Futures |
Guiceable |
GuiceApplicationBuilder |
GuiceApplicationLoader |
An ApplicationLoader that uses Guice to bootstrap the application.
GuiceBuilder<Self,Delegate extends play.api.inject.guice.GuiceBuilder<Delegate>> |
A builder for creating Guice-backed Play Injectors.
GuiceInjectorBuilder |
Default empty builder for creating Guice-backed Injectors.
GzipFilterComponents |
The GZIP filter Java components.
HandlerDef |
HandlerForRequest |
A request and a handler to handle it.
Helpers |
Helper functions to run tests.
HikariCPComponents |
HikariCP Java components (for compile-time injection).
HtmlOrJsonHttpErrorHandler |
An HttpErrorHandler that uses either HTML or JSON in the response depending on the client's
Http |
Defines HTTP standard objects.
Http.Cookie |
HTTP Cookie
Http.Cookie.SameSite |
The cookie SameSite attribute
Http.CookieBuilder |
Http.Cookies |
HTTP Cookies set
Http.Flash |
HTTP Flash.
Http.HeaderNames |
Defines all standard HTTP headers.
Http.Headers |
Http.HttpVerbs |
Standard HTTP Verbs
Http.MimeTypes |
Common HTTP MIME types
Http.MultipartFormData<A> |
Multipart form data body.
Http.MultipartFormData.DataPart |
Http.MultipartFormData.FileInfo |
Info about a file part
Http.MultipartFormData.FilePart<A> |
A file part.
Http.MultipartFormData.Part<A> |
Http.RawBuffer |
Handle the request body a raw bytes data.
Http.Request |
An HTTP request.
Http.RequestBody |
The request body.
Http.RequestBuilder |
The builder for building a request.
Http.RequestHeader |
Http.RequestImpl |
An HTTP request.
Http.Session |
HTTP Session.
Http.Status |
Defines all standard HTTP status codes.
HttpComponents |
HttpConfigurationComponents |
Http Configuration Java Components.
HttpEntity |
An HTTP entity
HttpEntity.Chunked |
A chunked entity, backed by a source of chunks.
HttpEntity.Streamed |
A streamed entity, backed by a source.
HttpEntity.Strict |
A strict entity, where all the data for it is in memory.
HttpErrorHandler |
Component for handling HTTP errors in Play.
HttpErrorHandler.Attrs |
Request attributes used by the error handler.
HttpErrorHandlerComponents |
The HTTP Error handler Java Components.
HttpErrorInfo |
Used as request attribute which gets attached to the request that gets passed to an error
HttpExecution |
HttpExecutionContext |
HttpFilters |
Provides filters to the HttpRequestHandler.
HttpFiltersComponents |
A compile time default filters components.
HttpRequestHandler |
An HTTP request handler
I18nComponents |
Java I18n components.
InjectedActorSupport |
Support for creating injected child actors.
Injector |
An injector, capable of providing components.
IPFilterComponents |
The IP filter components for compile time dependency injection.
JavaScriptReverseRouter |
Helpers for creating JavaScript reverse routers
JCacheComponents |
JCache components
JPAApi |
JPAComponents |
Java JPA Components.
JPAConfig |
JPA configuration.
JPAConfig.PersistenceUnit |
JPAModule |
Injection module with default JPA components.
Json |
Helper functions to handle JsonNode values.
JsonHttpErrorHandler |
An alternative default HTTP error handler which will render errors as JSON messages instead of
HTML pages.
Jsonp |
The JSONP Content renders a JavaScript call of a JSON object.
Example of use, provided the following route definition:
Lang |
A Lang supported by the application.
Langs |
Manages languages in Play
Logger |
High level API for logging operations.
Logger.ALogger |
Typical logger interface
LoggerConfigurator |
Runs through underlying logger configuration.
MappedConstraintValidatorFactory |
ConstraintValidatorFactory to be used with compile-time Dependency Injection.
MappedJavaHandlerComponents |
The components necessary to handle a Java handler.
Message |
A WebSocket message.
Message.Binary |
A binary WebSocket message
Message.Close |
A close WebSocket message
Message.Ping |
A ping WebSocket message
Message.Pong |
A pong WebSocket message
Message.Text |
A text WebSocket message
Messages |
A Messages will produce messages using a specific language.
Messages.Attrs |
MessagesApi |
The messages API.
MessagesImpl |
This class implements the Messages interface.
MethodUtils |
Imported from apache.commons.lang3 3.6
Mode |
Application mode, either `DEV`, `TEST`, or `PROD`.
Module |
A Play dependency injection module.
MultipartFormatter |
NamedCache |
NamedCacheImpl |
NamedCaffeineCache<K,V> |
NamedDatabase |
NamedDatabaseImpl |
NamedImpl |
An implementation of the [[javax.inject.Named]] annotation.
NoHttpFiltersComponents |
Java component to mix in when no default filters should be mixed in to BuiltInComponents .
OpenIdClient |
A client for performing OpenID authentication.
OpenIdComponents |
OpenID Java components.
OpenIdModule |
PathBindable<T extends PathBindable<T>> |
Binder for path parameters.
Paths |
Implementations to work with URL paths.
PreferredMediaTypeHttpErrorHandler |
An `HttpErrorHandler` that delegates to one of several `HttpErrorHandlers` depending on the
client's media type preference.
ProviderConstructionTarget<T> |
A binding target that is provided by a provider class.
ProviderTarget<T> |
A binding target that is provided by a provider instance.
QualifierAnnotation |
A qualifier annotation.
QualifierClass<T extends Annotation> |
A qualifier annotation instance.
QualifierInstance<T extends Annotation> |
A qualifier annotation instance.
QueryStringBindable<T extends QueryStringBindable<T>> |
Binder for query string parameters.
RangeResults |
Java API for Range results.
RangeResults.SourceAndOffset |
RangeResults.SourceFunction |
RedirectHttpsComponents |
The Redirect to HTTPS filter components for compile time dependency injection.
RequestFunctions |
RequestFunctions.Params0<R> |
A function that receives a Http.Request , no parameters, and return a result type.
RequestFunctions.Params1<P,R> |
A function that receives a Http.Request , a single parameter, and return a result type.
RequestFunctions.Params2<P1,P2,R> |
A function that receives a Http.Request , two parameters, and return a result type.
RequestFunctions.Params3<P1,P2,P3,R> |
A function that receives a Http.Request , three parameters, and return a result type.
RequestFunctions.RequestFunction |
This is used to "tag" the functions which requires a request to execute.
RequireCSRFCheck |
This action requires a CSRF check.
RequireCSRFCheckAction |
Resources |
Provides utility functions to work with resources.
ResponseHeader |
A simple HTTP response header, used for standard responses.
Result |
Any action result.
Results |
Common results.
Router |
The Java Router API
Router.Attrs |
Request attributes used by the router.
Router.RouteDocumentation |
RoutingDsl |
A DSL for building a router.
RoutingDslComponents |
Java Components for RoutingDsl.
RoutingDslComponentsFromContext |
RoutingDsl components from the built in components.
Scala |
Class that contains useful java <-> scala conversion helpers.
Security |
Defines several security helpers.
Security.Authenticated |
Security.AuthenticatedAction |
Wraps another action, allowing only authenticated HTTP requests.
Security.Authenticator |
Handles authentication.
SecurityHeadersComponents |
The security headers Java components.
Server |
A Play server.
Server.Builder |
Configures and builds an embedded server.
Server.Protocol |
Specifies the protocols supported by the server.
ServerCookieDecoder |
A RFC6265 compliant cookie decoder to be used
server side.
ServerCookieEncoder |
A RFC6265 compliant cookie encoder to be used
server side, so some fields are sent (Version is typically ignored).
SimpleEvolutionsReader |
A simple evolutions reader that uses a map to store evolutions
SourceProvider |
Provides access to the calling line of code.
SSLEngineProvider |
To configure the SSLEngine used by Play as a server, extend this class.
StaticFileMimeTypes |
StatusHeader |
A status with no body
SyncCacheApi |
A synchronous API to access a Cache.
SyncCacheApiAdapter |
Adapts a Scala SyncCacheApi to a Java SyncCacheApi
TemporaryFileComponents |
Components related to temporary file handle.
TestBrowser |
A test browser (Using Selenium WebDriver) with the FluentLenium API
TestServer |
A test web server.
Time |
Time utilities.
Time.CronExpression |
Thanks to Quartz project,
TransactionIsolationLevel |
An enumeration defines of isolation level that determines the degree to which one transaction
must be isolated from resource or data modifications made by other operations.
TypedEntry<A> |
An entry that binds a typed key and a value.
TypedKey<A> |
A TypedKey is a key that can be used to get and set values in a TypedMap or any object
with typed keys.
TypedMap |
A TypedMap is an immutable map containing typed values.
UserInfo |
The OpenID user info
ValidationError |
A form validation error.
ValidatorFactoryProvider |
ValidatorProvider |
ValidatorsComponents |
Java Components for Validator.
ValidatorsModule |
WebSocket |
A WebSocket handler.
WebSocket.MappedWebSocketAcceptor<In,Out> |
Utility class for creating WebSockets.
With |
Decorates an Action or a Controller with another Action .
WithApplication |
Provides an application for JUnit tests.
WithBrowser |
Provides a server and browser to JUnit tests.
WithServer |
Provides a server to JUnit tests.
WSBodyReadables |
JSON, XML and Multipart Form Data Readables used for Play-WS bodies.
WSBodyWritables |
JSON, XML and Multipart Form Data Writables used for Play-WS bodies.
WSClient |
This is the WS Client interface for Java.
WSClientComponents |
Java WSClient components.
WSRequest |
This is the main interface to building a WS request in Java.
WSResponse |
This is the WS response from the server.
WSTestClient |
XML utilities.
XML.Constants |
Includes the SAX prefixes from '' since they
will likely be internal in JDK9
XPath |
XPath for parsing