Package play.mvc

Interface Http.Request

    • Method Detail

      • withAttrs

        Http.Request withAttrs​(TypedMap newAttrs)
        Description copied from interface: Http.RequestHeader
        Create a new version of this object with the given attributes attached to it.
        Specified by:
        withAttrs in interface Http.RequestHeader
        newAttrs - The new attributes to add.
        The new version of this object with the attributes attached.
      • addAttr

        <A> Http.Request addAttr​(TypedKey<A> key,
                                 A value)
        Description copied from interface: Http.RequestHeader
        Create a new versions of this object with the given attribute attached to it.
        Specified by:
        addAttr in interface Http.RequestHeader
        Type Parameters:
        A - the attribute type
        key - The new attribute key.
        value - The attribute value.
        The new version of this object with the new attribute.
      • addAttrs

        Http.Request addAttrs​(TypedEntry<?> e1)
        Description copied from interface: Http.RequestHeader
        Create a new versions of this object with the given attribute attached to it.
        Specified by:
        addAttrs in interface Http.RequestHeader
        e1 - The new attribute.
        The new version of this object with the new attribute.
      • addAttrs

        Http.Request addAttrs​(TypedEntry<?> e1,
                              TypedEntry<?> e2)
        Description copied from interface: Http.RequestHeader
        Create a new versions of this object with the given attributes attached to it.
        Specified by:
        addAttrs in interface Http.RequestHeader
        e1 - The first new attribute.
        e2 - The second new attribute.
        The new version of this object with the new attributes.
      • addAttrs

        Http.Request addAttrs​(TypedEntry<?> e1,
                              TypedEntry<?> e2,
                              TypedEntry<?> e3)
        Description copied from interface: Http.RequestHeader
        Create a new versions of this object with the given attributes attached to it.
        Specified by:
        addAttrs in interface Http.RequestHeader
        e1 - The first new attribute.
        e2 - The second new attribute.
        e3 - The third new attribute.
        The new version of this object with the new attributes.
      • addAttrs

        Http.Request addAttrs​(List<TypedEntry<?>> entries)
        Description copied from interface: Http.RequestHeader
        Create a new versions of this object with the given attributes attached to it.
        Specified by:
        addAttrs in interface Http.RequestHeader
        entries - The new attributes.
        The new version of this object with the new attributes.
      • removeAttr

        Http.Request removeAttr​(TypedKey<?> key)
        Description copied from interface: Http.RequestHeader
        Create a new versions of this object with the given attribute removed.
        Specified by:
        removeAttr in interface Http.RequestHeader
        key - The key of the attribute to remove.
        The new version of this object with the attribute removed.
      • withTransientLang

        default Http.Request withTransientLang​(Lang lang)
        Description copied from interface: Http.RequestHeader
        Create a new version of this object with the given transient language set. The transient language will be taken into account when using MessagesApi.preferred(RequestHeader)} (It will take precedence over any other language).
        Specified by:
        withTransientLang in interface Http.RequestHeader
        lang - The language to use.
        The new version of this object with the given transient language set.
      • withTransientLang

        default Http.Request withTransientLang​(Locale locale)
        Description copied from interface: Http.RequestHeader
        Create a new version of this object with the given transient language set. The transient language will be taken into account when using MessagesApi.preferred(RequestHeader)} (It will take precedence over any other language).
        Specified by:
        withTransientLang in interface Http.RequestHeader
        locale - The language to use.
        The new version of this object with the given transient language set.
      • withoutTransientLang

        default Http.Request withoutTransientLang()
        Description copied from interface: Http.RequestHeader
        Create a new version of this object with the given transient language removed.
        Specified by:
        withoutTransientLang in interface Http.RequestHeader
        The new version of this object with the transient language removed.