Package play.test

Class Helpers

    • Field Detail


        public static final long DEFAULT_TIMEOUT
        Default Timeout (milliseconds) for fake requests issued by these Helpers. This value is determined from System property test.timeout. The default value is 30000 (30 seconds).
      • GET

        public static String GET
      • POST

        public static String POST
      • PUT

        public static String PUT
      • DELETE

        public static String DELETE
      • HEAD

        public static String HEAD
      • HTMLUNIT

        public static Class<? extends org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver> HTMLUNIT
      • FIREFOX

        public static Class<? extends org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver> FIREFOX
    • Constructor Detail

      • Helpers

        public Helpers()
    • Method Detail

      • fakeRequest

        public static Http.RequestBuilder fakeRequest()
        Builds a new "GET /" fake request.
        the request builder.
      • fakeRequest

        public static Http.RequestBuilder fakeRequest​(String method,
                                                      String uri)
        Builds a new fake request.
        method - the request method.
        uri - the relative URL.
        the request builder.
      • fakeRequest

        public static Http.RequestBuilder fakeRequest​(Call call)
        Builds a new fake request corresponding to a given route call.
        call - the route call.
        the request builder.
      • contextComponents

        public static play.core.j.JavaContextComponents contextComponents()
        Deprecated as of 2.8.0. Inject MessagesApi, Langs, FileMimeTypes or HttpConfiguration instead
        Creates a new JavaContextComponents using play.api.Configuration.reference and play.api.Environment.simple as defaults
        the newly created JavaContextComponents
      • fakeApplication

        public static Application fakeApplication()
        Builds a new fake application, using GuiceApplicationBuilder.
        an application from the current path with no additional configuration.
      • inMemoryDatabase

        public static Map<String,​String> inMemoryDatabase()
        Constructs a in-memory (h2) database configuration to add to a fake application.
        a map of String containing database config info.
      • inMemoryDatabase

        public static Map<String,​String> inMemoryDatabase​(String name)
        Constructs a in-memory (h2) database configuration to add to a fake application.
        name - the database name.
        a map of String containing database config info.
      • inMemoryDatabase

        public static Map<String,​String> inMemoryDatabase​(String name,
                                                                Map<String,​String> options)
        Constructs a in-memory (h2) database configuration to add to a fake application.
        name - the database name.
        options - the database options.
        a map of String containing database config info.
      • stubMessagesApi

        public static MessagesApi stubMessagesApi()
        Constructs an empty messagesApi instance.
        a messagesApi instance containing no values.
      • stubMessagesApi

        public static MessagesApi stubMessagesApi​(Map<String,​Map<String,​String>> messages,
                                                  Langs langs)
        Constructs a MessagesApi instance containing the given keys and values.
        a messagesApi instance containing given keys and values.
      • fakeApplication

        public static Application fakeApplication​(Map<String,​?> additionalConfiguration)
        Build a new fake application. Uses GuiceApplicationBuilder.
        additionalConfiguration - map containing config info for the app.
        an application from the current path with additional configuration.
      • contentAsBytes

        public static ByteString contentAsBytes​(Result result)
        Extracts the content as a ByteString.

        This method is only capable of extracting the content of results with strict entities. To extract the content of results with streamed entities, use contentAsBytes(Result, Materializer).

        result - The result to extract the content from.
        The content of the result as a ByteString.
        UnsupportedOperationException - if the result does not have a strict entity.
      • contentAsBytes

        public static ByteString contentAsBytes​(Result result,
                                                Materializer mat)
        Extracts the content as a ByteString.
        result - The result to extract the content from.
        mat - The materializer to use to extract the body from the result stream.
        The content of the result as a ByteString.
      • contentAsBytes

        public static ByteString contentAsBytes​(Result result,
                                                Materializer mat,
                                                long timeout)
        Extracts the content as a ByteString.
        result - The result to extract the content from.
        mat - The materializer to use to extract the body from the result stream.
        timeout - The amount of time, in milliseconds, to wait for the body to be produced.
        The content of the result as a ByteString.
      • contentAsBytes

        public static ByteString contentAsBytes​(play.twirl.api.Content content)
        Extracts the content as bytes.
        content - the content to be turned into bytes.
        the body of the content as a byte string.
      • contentAsString

        public static String contentAsString​(play.twirl.api.Content content)
        Extracts the content as a String.
        content - the content.
        the body of the content as a String.
      • contentAsString

        public static String contentAsString​(Result result)
        Extracts the content as a String.

        This method is only capable of extracting the content of results with strict entities. To extract the content of results with streamed entities, use contentAsString(Result, Materializer).

        result - The result to extract the content from.
        The content of the result as a String.
        UnsupportedOperationException - if the result does not have a strict entity.
      • contentAsString

        public static String contentAsString​(Result result,
                                             Materializer mat)
        Extracts the content as a String.
        result - The result to extract the content from.
        mat - The materializer to use to extract the body from the result stream.
        The content of the result as a String.
      • contentAsString

        public static String contentAsString​(Result result,
                                             Materializer mat,
                                             long timeout)
        Extracts the content as a String.
        result - The result to extract the content from.
        mat - The materializer to use to extract the body from the result stream.
        timeout - The amount of time, in milliseconds, to wait for the body to be produced.
        The content of the result as a String.
      • routeAndCall

        public static Result routeAndCall​(Application app,
                                          Router router,
                                          Http.RequestBuilder requestBuilder)
        Route and call the request.
        app - The application used while routing and executing the request
        router - The router
        requestBuilder - The request builder
        the result
      • routeAndCall

        public static Result routeAndCall​(Application app,
                                          Router router,
                                          Http.RequestBuilder requestBuilder,
                                          long timeout)
        Route and call the request, respecting the given timeout.
        app - The application used while routing and executing the request
        router - The router
        requestBuilder - The request builder
        timeout - The amount of time, in milliseconds, to wait for the body to be produced.
        the result
      • route

        public static Result route​(Application app,
                                   Call call)
        Route a call using the given application.
        app - the application
        call - the call to route
        the result
        See Also:
      • route

        public static Result route​(Application app,
                                   Call call,
                                   long timeout)
        Route a call using the given application and timeout.
        app - the application
        call - the call to route
        timeout - the time out
        the result
        See Also:
      • route

        public static Result route​(Application app,
                                   Http.RequestBuilder requestBuilder)
        Route a request.
        app - The application used while routing and executing the request
        requestBuilder - the request builder
        the result.
      • route

        public static Result route​(Application app,
                                   Http.RequestBuilder requestBuilder,
                                   long timeout)
        Route the request considering the given timeout.
        app - The application used while routing and executing the request
        requestBuilder - the request builder
        timeout - the amount of time, in milliseconds, to wait for the body to be produced.
        the result
      • start

        public static void start​(Application application)
        Starts a new application.
        application - the application to start.
      • stop

        public static void stop​(Application application)
        Stops an application.
        application - the application to stop.
      • running

        public static void running​(Application application,
                                   Runnable block)
        Executes a block of code in a running application.
        application - the application context.
        block - the block to run after the Play app is started.
      • testServer

        public static TestServer testServer()
        Creates a new Test server listening on port defined by configuration setting "testserver.port" (defaults to a random port).
        the test server.
      • testServer

        public static TestServer testServer​(Application app)
        Creates a new Test server listening on port defined by configuration setting "testserver.port" (defaults to a random port) and using the given Application.
        app - the application.
        the test server.
      • testServer

        public static TestServer testServer​(int port)
        Creates a new Test server.
        port - the port to run the server on.
        the test server.
      • testServer

        public static TestServer testServer​(int port,
                                            int sslPort)
        Creates a new Test server.
        port - the port to run the server on.
        sslPort - the port to run the server on.
        the test server.
      • testServer

        public static TestServer testServer​(int port,
                                            Application app)
        Creates a new Test server.
        port - the port to run the server on.
        app - the Play application.
        the test server.
      • start

        public static void start​(TestServer server)
        Starts a Test server.
        server - the test server to start.
      • stop

        public static void stop​(TestServer server)
        Stops a Test server.
        server - the test server to stop.a
      • running

        public static void running​(TestServer server,
                                   Runnable block)
        Executes a block of code in a running server.
        server - the server to start.
        block - the block of code to run after the server starts.
      • running

        public static void running​(TestServer server,
                                   Class<? extends org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver> webDriver,
                                   Consumer<TestBrowser> block)
        Executes a block of code in a running server, with a test browser.
        server - the test server.
        webDriver - the web driver class.
        block - the block of code to execute.
      • running

        public static void running​(TestServer server,
                                   org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver webDriver,
                                   Consumer<TestBrowser> block)
        Executes a block of code in a running server, with a test browser.
        server - the test server.
        webDriver - the web driver instance.
        block - the block of code to execute.
      • testBrowser

        public static TestBrowser testBrowser()
        Creates a Test Browser.

        Be aware: If set, the port the test browser is using is defined by the system property "testserver.port". Starting with Play 2.9, if this property is not set, the port by default is 0, which means the operating system will assign a random port. Thus, you should only use this method here if you did explicitly set the "testserver.port" property, otherwise you should use the testBrowser(port) method (which takes a port param).

        the test browser.
      • testBrowser

        public static TestBrowser testBrowser​(int port)
        Creates a Test Browser.
        port - the local port.
        the test browser.
      • testBrowser

        public static TestBrowser testBrowser​(Class<? extends org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver> webDriver)
        Creates a Test Browser.

        Be aware: If set, the port the test browser is using is defined by the system property "testserver.port". Starting with Play 2.9, if this property is not set, the port by default is 0, which means the operating system will assign a random port. Thus, you should only use this method here if you did explicitly set the "testserver.port" property, otherwise you should use the testBrowser(webDriver, port) method (which takes a port param).

        webDriver - the class of webdriver.
        the test browser.
      • testBrowser

        public static TestBrowser testBrowser​(Class<? extends org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver> webDriver,
                                              int port)
        Creates a Test Browser.
        webDriver - the class of webdriver.
        port - the local port to test against.
        the test browser.
      • testBrowser

        public static TestBrowser testBrowser​(org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver of,
                                              int port)
        Creates a Test Browser.
        of - the web driver to run the browser with.
        port - the port to run against http://localhost
        the test browser.
      • testBrowser

        public static TestBrowser testBrowser​(org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver of)
        Creates a Test Browser.

        Be aware: If set, the port the test browser is using is defined by the system property "testserver.port". Starting with Play 2.9, if this property is not set, the port by default is 0, which means the operating system will assign a random port. Thus, you should only use this method here if you did explicitly set the "testserver.port" property, otherwise you should use the testBrowser(of, port) method (which takes a port param).

        of - the web driver to run the browser with.
        the test browser.