Class Security.AuthenticatedAction

  extended by play.mvc.Results
      extended by play.mvc.Action<Security.Authenticated>
          extended by play.mvc.Security.AuthenticatedAction
Enclosing class:

public static class Security.AuthenticatedAction
extends Action<Security.Authenticated>

Wraps another action, allowing only authenticated HTTP requests.

The user name is retrieved from the session cookie, and added to the HTTP request's username attribute.

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class play.mvc.Action
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class play.mvc.Results
Results.AsyncResult, Results.ByteChunks, Results.Chunks<A>, Results.Redirect, Results.Status, Results.StringChunks, Results.Todo
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class play.mvc.Action
configuration, delegate
Fields inherited from class play.mvc.Results
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 F.Promise<SimpleResult> call(Http.Context ctx)
          Executes this action with the give HTTP context and returns the result.
Methods inherited from class play.mvc.Results
async, badRequest, badRequest, badRequest, badRequest, badRequest, badRequest, badRequest, badRequest, badRequest, badRequest, badRequest, badRequest, badRequest, badRequest, badRequest, created, created, created, created, created, created, created, created, created, created, created, created, created, created, created, forbidden, forbidden, forbidden, forbidden, forbidden, forbidden, forbidden, forbidden, forbidden, forbidden, forbidden, forbidden, forbidden, forbidden, forbidden, found, found, internalServerError, internalServerError, internalServerError, internalServerError, internalServerError, internalServerError, internalServerError, internalServerError, internalServerError, internalServerError, internalServerError, internalServerError, internalServerError, internalServerError, internalServerError, movedPermanently, movedPermanently, noContent, notFound, notFound, notFound, notFound, notFound, notFound, notFound, notFound, notFound, notFound, notFound, notFound, notFound, notFound, notFound, ok, ok, ok, ok, ok, ok, ok, ok, ok, ok, ok, ok, ok, ok, ok, redirect, redirect, seeOther, seeOther, status, status, status, status, status, status, status, status, status, status, status, status, status, temporaryRedirect, temporaryRedirect, unauthorized, unauthorized, unauthorized, unauthorized, unauthorized, unauthorized, unauthorized, unauthorized, unauthorized, unauthorized, unauthorized, unauthorized, unauthorized, unauthorized, unauthorized
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Security.AuthenticatedAction()
Method Detail


public F.Promise<SimpleResult> call(Http.Context ctx)
Description copied from class: Action
Executes this action with the give HTTP context and returns the result.

Specified by:
call in class Action<Security.Authenticated>