Deprecated Methods |
Use Http.RequestHeader.acceptedTypes() instead. |
Since 2.2. Use F.Promise.wrap(Future) instead. |
Return Promise<Result> from your action instead |
play.mvc.Results.badRequest(File, int)
Since the length of the file is known, there is little reason to send a file as chunked. |
play.mvc.Results.created(File, int)
Since the length of the file is known, there is little reason to send a file as chunked. |
Use the discardCookie methods instead |
play.mvc.Results.forbidden(File, int)
Since the length of the file is known, there is little reason to send a file as chunked. |
Since 2.2. Use Promise#promise(Function0) instead. |
Since 2.2. Use F.Promise.get(long, TimeUnit) or F.Promise.get(long) instead. |
Since 2.2. Use {F.Promise.get(long) instead. |
play.libs.F.Promise.get(Long, TimeUnit)
Since 2.2. Use F.Promise.get(long, TimeUnit) instead. |
Since 2.2. Use F.Promise.wrapped() instead. |
play.mvc.Results.internalServerError(File, int)
Since the length of the file is known, there is little reason to send a file as chunked. |
play.mvc.Results.notFound(File, int)
Since the length of the file is known, there is little reason to send a file as chunked. |
play.mvc.Results.ok(File, int)
Since the length of the file is known, there is little reason to send a file as chunked. |
play.test.Helpers.routeAndCall(Class extends Router.Routes>, FakeRequest)
Since 2.2. Use F.Promise.timeout(long) or F.Promise.timeout(long, TimeUnit) instead. |
play.libs.F.Promise.timeout(A, Long)
Since 2.2. Use F.Promise.timeout(Object, long) instead. |
play.libs.F.Promise.timeout(A, Long, TimeUnit)
Since 2.2. Use F.Promise.timeout(Object, long, TimeUnit) instead. |
play.libs.Akka.timeout(Callable, Long, TimeUnit)
Since 2.2. Use Promise#delayed(Function0,long,TimeUnit) instead. |
play.mvc.Results.unauthorized(File, int)
Since the length of the file is known, there is little reason to send a file as chunked. |
play.libs.F.Promise.waitAll(F.Promise extends A>...)
Since 2.1. Use #sequence(Promise...) instead. |
Since 2.1. Use F.Promise.sequence(Iterable) instead. |