Interface Summary | |
F.Callback<A> | A Callback with a single argument. |
F.Callback0 | A Callback with no arguments. |
F.Callback2<A,B> | A Callback with 2 arguments. |
F.Callback3<A,B,C> | A Callback with 3 arguments. |
F.Function<A,R> | A Function with a single argument. |
F.Function0<R> | A Function with no arguments. |
F.Function2<A,B,R> | A Function with 2 arguments. |
F.Function3<A,B,C,R> | A Function with 3 arguments. |
WS.Cookie | A WS Cookie. |
WS.SignatureCalculator | Sign a WS call. |
Class Summary | |
Akka | Helper to access the application defined Akka Actor system. |
Classpath | |
Comet | A Chunked stream sending Comet messages. |
Crypto | Cryptographic utilities. |
EventSource | |
F | Defines a set of functional programming style helpers. |
F.Either<A,B> | Represents a value of one of two possible types (a disjoint union) |
F.None<T> | Represents non-existent values. |
F.Option<T> | Represents optional values. |
F.Promise<A> | A promise to produce a result of type A . |
F.Some<T> | Represents existing values of type T . |
F.Tuple<A,B> | A pair - a tuple of the types A and B . |
F.Tuple3<A,B,C> | A tuple of A,B,C |
F.Tuple4<A,B,C,D> | A tuple of A,B,C,D |
F.Tuple5<A,B,C,D,E> | A tuple of A,B,C,D,E |
HttpExecution | ExecutionContexts that preserve the current thread's context ClassLoader and Http.Context. |
Json | Helper functions to handle JsonNode values. |
Jsonp | The JSONP Content renders a JavaScript call of a JSON object. Example of use, provided the following route definition: |
OAuth | |
OAuth.ConsumerKey | A consumer key / consumer secret pair that the OAuth provider gave you, to identify your application. |
OAuth.OAuthCalculator | A signature calculator for the Play WS API. |
OAuth.RequestToken | A request token / token secret pair, to be used for a specific user. |
OAuth.ServiceInfo | The information identifying a oauth provider: URLs and the consumer key / consumer secret pair. |
OAuth.WSRequestAdapter | |
OpenID | provides support for OpenID |
OpenID.UserInfo | |
Scala | Class that contains useful java <-> scala conversion helpers. |
Time | Time utilities. |
Time.CronExpression | Thanks to Quartz project, https://quartz.dev.java.net |
WS | Asynchronous API to to query web services, as an http client. |
WS.Response | A WS response. |
WS.WSRequest | Provides the bridge between Play and the underlying ning request |
WS.WSRequestHolder | provides the User facing API for building WS request. |
XML | XML utilities. |
XPath | XPath for parsing |
Yaml | Yaml utilities. |
Provides various APIs that are useful for developing web applications.