
You are viewing the documentation for the 2.4.10 release in the 2.4.x series of releases. The latest stable release series is 3.0.x.

§Installing Play


You need to have a JDK 1.8 (or later) installed on your machine (see General Installation Tasks).

§Quick Start

  1. Download the latest Typesafe Activator.
  2. Extract the archive on a location where you have write access.
  3. Change dir with cmd cd activator* (or with the file-manager)
  4. Start it with cmd activator ui (or with the file-manager)
  5. Access it at http://localhost:8888

You’ll find documentation and a list of application samples which get you going immediately. For a simple start, try the play-java sample.

§Command Line

To use play from any location on your file-system, add the activator directory to your path (see General Installation Tasks).

Creating my-first-app based on the play-java template is as simple as:

activator new my-first-app play-java
cd my-first-app
activator run

http://localhost:9000 - access your application here.

You are now ready to work with Play!

§General Installation Tasks

You may need to deal with those general tasks in order to install Play! on your system.

§JDK installation

Verify if you have a JDK (Java Development Kit) Version 1.8 or later on your machine. Simply use those commands to verify:

java -version
javac -version

If you don’t have the JDK, you have to install it:

  1. MacOS, Java is built-in, but you may have to Update to the latest
  2. Linux, use either the latest Oracle JDK or OpenJDK (do not use not gcj).
  3. Windows just download and install the latest JDK package.

§Add Executables to Path

For convenience, you should add the Activator installation directory to your system PATH.

On Unix, use export PATH=/path/to/activator:$PATH

On Windows, add ;C:\path\to\activator to your PATH environment variable. Do not use a path with spaces.

§File Permissions


Running activator writes some files to directories within the distribution, so don’t install to /opt, /usr/local or anywhere else you’d need special permission to write to.

Make sure that the activator script is executable. If it’s not, do a chmod u+x /path/to/activator.

§Proxy Setup

If you’re behind a proxy make sure to define it with set HTTP_PROXY=http://<host>:<port> on Windows or export HTTP_PROXY=http://<host>:<port> on UNIX.

Next: Creating a new application