
You are viewing the documentation for the 2.0.7 release in the 2.0.x series of releases. The latest stable release series is 3.0.x.

§Creating a standalone version of your application

§Using the dist task

The simplest way to deploy a Play 2.0 application is to retrieve the source (typically via a git workflow) on the server and to use either play start or play stage to start it in place.

However, you sometimes need to build a binary version of your application and deploy it to the server without any dependencies on Play itself. You can do this with the dist task.

In the Play console, simply type dist:

[My first application] $ dist

one can easily use an external application.conf by using a special system property called conf.file, so assuming your production application.conf is stored under your home directory, the following command should create a play distribution using the custom application.conf:_

 $ play -Dconfig.file=/home/peter/prod/application.conf dist 

This produces a ZIP file containing all JAR files needed to run your application in the target folder of your application, the ZIP file’s contents are organized as:

 └ lib
    └ *.jar
 └ start

You can use the generated start script to run your application.

Alternatively you can run play dist directly from your OS shell prompt, which does the same thing:

$ play dist

§Publishing to a Maven (or Ivy) repository

You can also publish your application to a Maven repository. This publishes both the JAR file containing your application and the corresponding POM file.

You have to configure the repository you want to publish to, in the project/Build.scala file:

val main = PlayProject(appName, appVersion, appDependencies).settings(
  publishTo := Some(
    "My resolver" at ""
  credentials += Credentials(
    "Repo", "", "admin", "admin123"

Then in the Play console, use the publish task:

[My first application] $ publish

Check the sbt documentation to get more information about the resolvers and credentials definition.