Playframework Menu module
What’s New in v1.0c * Support reverse url mapping
The Menu module is developed to enable Playframework application developer to quickly implement web navigation menu
It is a usual task for web developer to implement navigation menu. The idea of Menu module is to enable developer to quickly define menu structure and inject the menu using tag in the play groovy templates.
- Define menu structure with yaml data file
- Provide easy to use menu tag to insert navigation menu to your web page
- Support current menu
- Support hierarchical structure
- Using label to group your menus
- Add javascript to support menu fold
- Add more CSS style
- Menu Configuration
- Add configuration to disable default menu model implementation
- Although Play Menu module is developed on Play-1.1beta, I don’t think there are any reason to prevent it be running on Play-1.0, except the sample application. The sample application demonstrate how you can implement your own Menu model besides using Menu module’s built-in _Menu model. The user defined Menu model of the sample application use MongoDB to store the menu structure via play-morphia plugin.
# Define menu default implementation class
# default is: models._Menu
Prepare _menu.yml file
you can define menu hierarchies in _menu.yml file (if you use default menu implementation), otherwise, you should define menu hierarchies in corresponding files loaded in your customized menu implementation “.loadMenu()” method. But the content of this file should be the same.
# Sample _menu.yml
name: play
url: /
- play
name: learn
url: /doc
title: play documentation
parent: play
- play
- doc
name: community
url: /community
title: play community
parent: play
- play
- community
name: code
url: /code
parent: play
- play
- code
name: modules
url: /modules
parent: play
- play
- module
name: akka support
url: /modules/akka
parent: module
- play
- module
name: Bespin online editor
url: /modules/bespin
parent: module
- play
- module
name: Manage user
url: /admin/users
context: admin # context is deprecated, use labels instead
- play
- admin
As you can find in the above sample _menu.yml file, each menu item can have five enties:
- name
- url
- title (optional)
- context (optional, could be used to partition your navigation menu depends on the context, e.g. admin)
- parent (optional, if no parent specified, then this entry is the top level menu)
Start from v1.0c, you can use reverse URL mapping in menu yml file, e.g. url: ‘@{Application.index}’ will map to ‘/’. Note, you must use quotation mark “'” to use the reverse URL mapping style.
Use menu tag in your template
Basically you don’t need to do anything else once you have created your _menu.yml file. Just make sure you have configured db in your application.conf file because the default menu implementation use JPA. Now you can easily insert menu in your groovy template file. For example:
<div id='navigation'>
#{ /}
That’s it, easy, isn’t? One important note, if you decide to use default _Menu model built-in the module (I guess 90% case you will use the built-in one), make sure you delete the in menu/app/controllers directory. That one is prepared in case you have your own IMenu model implementation, just as demonstrated in the sample app.
Create your own Menu model implementation
It’s possible that you will not be able to use the default Menu impl. One obvious reason is GAE does not support JPA. In the case, you need to implement your own IMenu in your models package. The demo application provides a Menu model implementation with mongodb, you can refer to it on how to implement your own Menu model. There are several notes need to be mentioned:
- Always implement your menu model using models.Menu as the package/class name. Otherwise you can’t benefit from controllers._Menus which prepare renderArgs for tag.
- Plugin will always load _menu.yml unless you disable it, i.e. menu.no_def_impl=true. You can choose to put your menu structure in that file, or (most probably) implement your own bootstrap load mechanism. In the demo app, there is a Bootstrap job created OnApplicationStart to load menu.yml file. The load process use Fixtures.load because Morphia Model support that. If you are using Model doesnot support Fixture.load, you are on your own to create and load your own intial data file or input the menu struture data in your db storage directly.
Define Context
Context is deprecated, use label instead
p. Normally you won’t touch renderArgs because the module is smart enough to determine your top menus and the current menu being selected. One common case you need to touch with the renderArgs is to define your context, for example, in the base controller of your administration controllers, you will probably have the following codes:
static void setMenuContext() {
renderArgs.put("_menu_context", "admin");
Use label to group menu
First you need to assign label(s) to menu items in your menu definition file “_menu.yml” if you use default implementation. Then you can define require tag to display menus which are associated with specific label. You can do it in two ways:
/* apply label method 1: use controller to set the label */
static void setMenuLabel() {
renderArgs.put("_menu_label", "play");
/* apply label method 2: assign label in your template file */
<div id="admin-menu">#{ menu_label: 'admin' /}</div>
<div id="user-menu">#{ menu_label: 'user' /></div>
Note: menu items labeled with ‘_global’ will always get displayed unless ‘_menu_no_global’ options set to true
Other RenderArgs
- _menu_top_list: a list of IMenu object to be rendered in the web page
- _menu_current: url indicate the current menu
How to customize look&feel of the navigation menu rendered in my web page?
Refer to {play.path}/modules/menu-xx/public/stylesheets/_menu.css