§Writing Plugins
Note: Plugins are deprecated. Instead, use Modules.
In the context of the Play runtime, a plugin is a class that is able to plug into the Play lifecycle, and also allows sharing components in a non static way in your application.
Not every library that adds functionality to Play is or needs to be a plugin in this context - a library that provides a custom filter for example does not need to be a plugin.
Similarly, plugins don’t necessarily imply that they are reusable between applications, it is often very useful to implement a plugin locally within an application, in order to hook into the Play lifecycle and share components in your code.
§Implementing plugins
Implementing a plugin requires two steps. The first is to implement the play.api.Plugin
package plugins
import play.api.{Plugin, Application}
class MyPlugin extends Plugin {
val myComponent = new MyComponent()
override def onStart() = {
override def onStop() = {
override def enabled = true
The next step is to register this with Play. This can be done by creating a file called play.plugins
and placing it in the root of the classloader. In a typical Play app, this means putting it in the conf
Each line in the play.plugins
file contains a number followed by the fully qualified name of the plugin to load. The number is used to control lifecycle ordering, lower numbers will be started first and stopped last. Multiple plugins can be declared in the one file, and any lines started with #
are treated as comments.
Choosing the right number for ordering for a plugin is important, it needs to fit in appropriate according to what other plugins it depends on. The plugins that Play uses use the following ordering numbers:
- 100 - Utilities that have no dependencies, such as the messages plugin
- 200 - Database connection pools
- 300-500 - Plugins that depend on the database, such as JPA, Ebean and evolutions
- 600 - The Play cache plugin
- 700 - The WS plugin
- 1000 - The Akka plugin
- 10000 - The Global plugin, which invokes the
methods. This plugin is intended to execute last.
§Accessing plugins
Plugins can be accessed via the plugin
method on play.api.Application
import play.api.Play
import play.api.Play.current
val myComponent = Play.application.plugin[MyPlugin]
.getOrElse(throw new RuntimeException("MyPlugin not loaded"))
§Actor example
A common use case for using plugins is to create and share actors around the application. This can be done by implementing an actors plugin:
package actors
import play.api._
import play.api.libs.concurrent.Akka
import akka.actor._
import javax.inject.Inject
class Actors @Inject() (implicit app: Application) extends Plugin {
lazy val myActor = Akka.system.actorOf(MyActor.props, "my-actor")
object Actors {
def myActor: ActorRef = Play.current.plugin[Actors]
.getOrElse(throw new RuntimeException("Actors plugin not loaded"))
Note the Actors
companion object methods that allow easy access to the ActorRef
for each actor, instead of code having to use the plugins API directly.
The plugin can then be registered in play.plugins
The reason 1100
was chosen for the ordering was because this plugin depends on the Akka plugin, and so must start after that.
Next: Embedding Play
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