
You are viewing the documentation for the 2.0.x release series. The latest stable release series is 3.0.x.

§Play 2.0 for Java developers

The Java API for the Play 2.0 application developers is available in the play package.

The API available in the play.api package (such as play.api.mvc) is reserved for Scala developers. As a Java developer, look at play.mvc.

§Main concepts

  1. HTTP programming
    1. Actions, Controllers and Results
    2. HTTP routing
    3. Manipulating the HTTP response
    4. Session and Flash scopes
    5. Body parsers
    6. Actions composition
  2. Asynchronous HTTP programming
    1. Handling asynchronous results
    2. Streaming HTTP responses
    3. Comet sockets
    4. WebSockets
  3. The template engine
    1. Templates syntax
    2. Common use cases
  4. HTTP form submission and validation
    1. Form definitions
    2. Using the form template helpers
  5. Working with Json
    1. Handling and serving Json requests
  6. Working with XML
    1. Handling and serving XML requests
  7. Handling file upload
    1. Direct upload and multipart/form-data
  8. Accessing an SQL database
    1. Configuring and using JDBC
    2. Using Ebean ORM
    3. Integrating with JPA
  9. Using the Cache
    1. The Play cache API
  10. Calling WebServices
    1. The Play WS API
    2. Connect to OpenID servers
  11. Integrating with Akka
    1. Setting up Actors and scheduling asynchronous tasks
  12. Internationalization
    1. Messages externalization and i18n
  13. The application Global object
    1. Application global settings
    2. Intercepting requests
  14. Testing your application
    1. Writing tests
    2. Writing functional tests


  1. Your first application

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