



package routing

The play.core.routing package contains all the code necessary for Play's code generated routers.

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. routing
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. case class DynamicPart(name: String, constraint: String, encodeable: Boolean) extends PathPart with Product with Serializable

    A dynamically extracted part of the path.

    A dynamically extracted part of the path.


    The name of the part.


    The constraint - that is, the type.


    Whether the path should be encoded/decoded.

  2. abstract class GeneratedRouter extends Router

    A generated router.

  3. trait HandlerInvoker[-T] extends AnyRef

    An object that, when invoked with a thunk, produces a Handler that wraps that thunk.

    An object that, when invoked with a thunk, produces a Handler that wraps that thunk. Constructed by a HandlerInvokerFactory.

  4. trait HandlerInvokerFactory[-T] extends AnyRef

    An object that creates a HandlerInvoker.

    An object that creates a HandlerInvoker. Used by the createInvoker method to create a HandlerInvoker for each route. The Routes.createInvoker method looks for an implicit HandlerInvokerFactory and uses that to create a HandlerInvoker.

  5. class Include extends AnyRef

    An included router

  6. case class Param[T](name: String, value: Either[String, T]) extends Product with Serializable
  7. trait PathPart extends AnyRef

    A part of a path.

  8. case class PathPattern(parts: Seq[PathPart]) extends Product with Serializable

    A pattern for match paths, consisting of a sequence of path parts.

  9. case class ReverseRouteContext(fixedParams: Map[String, Any]) extends Product with Serializable

    The context for a reverse route.

    The context for a reverse route.

    This is made available implicitly to PathBindables and QueryStringBindables in the reverse router so that they can query the fixed params that are passed to the action.

    An empty reverse router context is made available implicitly to the router and JavaScript router.


    The fixed params that this route passes to the action.

  10. case class RouteParams(path: Map[String, Either[Throwable, String]], queryString: Map[String, Seq[String]]) extends Product with Serializable
  11. case class StaticPart(value: String) extends PathPart with Product with Serializable

    A static part of the path.

Value Members

  1. def dynamicString(dynamic: String): String
  2. def queryString(items: List[Option[String]]): String
  3. object HandlerInvokerFactory
  4. object Include

    An included router

  5. object ReverseRouteContext extends Serializable
  6. object Route

    A route