
  • package root
    Definition Classes
  • package play

    Play framework.

    Play framework.


    Definition Classes
  • package api

    Contains the public API for Scala developers.

    Contains the public API for Scala developers.

    Read configuration
    val poolSize = configuration.getInt("engine.pool.size")
    Use the logger"Hello!")
    Define a Plugin
    class MyPlugin(app: Application) extends Plugin
    Create adhoc applications (for testing)
    val application = Application(new File("."), this.getClass.getClassloader, None, Play.Mode.DEV)
    Definition Classes
  • package cache

    Contains the Cache access API.

    Contains the Cache access API.

    Definition Classes
  • package cluster
    Definition Classes
  • package controllers
    Definition Classes
  • package data

    Contains data manipulation helpers (typically HTTP form handling)

    Contains data manipulation helpers (typically HTTP form handling)

    val taskForm = Form(
        "name" -> text(minLength = 3),
        "dueDate" -> date("yyyy-MM-dd"),
        "done" -> boolean
    Definition Classes
  • package db

    Contains the JDBC database access API.

    Contains the JDBC database access API.

    Example, retrieving a connection from the 'customers' datasource:

    val conn = db.getConnection("customers")
    Definition Classes
  • package http

    Contains standard HTTP constants.

    Contains standard HTTP constants. For example:

    val text = ContentTypes.TEXT
    val ok = Status.OK
    val accept = HeaderNames.ACCEPT
    Definition Classes
  • package i18n

    Contains the internationalisation API.

    Contains the internationalisation API.

    For example, translating a message:

    val msgString = Messages("items.found", items.size)
    Definition Classes
  • package inject

    Play's runtime dependency injection abstraction.

    Play's runtime dependency injection abstraction.

    Play's runtime dependency injection support is built on JSR-330, which provides a specification for declaring how dependencies get wired to components. JSR-330 however does not address how components are provided to or located by a DI container. Play's API seeks to address this in a DI container agnostic way.

    The reason for providing this abstraction is so that Play, the modules it provides, and third party modules can all express their bindings in a way that is not specific to any one DI container.

    Components are bound in the DI container. Each binding is identified by a BindingKey, which is typically an interface that the component implements, and may be optionally qualified by a JSR-330 qualifier annotation. A binding key is bound to a BindingTarget, which describes how the implementation of the interface that the binding key represents is constructed or provided. Bindings may also be scoped using JSR-330 scope annotations.

    Bindings are provided by instances of Module.

    Out of the box, Play provides an implementation of this abstraction using Guice.

    Definition Classes
    See also

    The Module class for information on how to provide bindings.

  • package internal
    Definition Classes
  • package libs

    Contains various APIs that are useful while developing web applications.

    Contains various APIs that are useful while developing web applications.

    Definition Classes
  • package mvc

    Contains the Controller/Action/Result API to handle HTTP requests.

    Contains the Controller/Action/Result API to handle HTTP requests.

    For example, a typical controller:

    class HomeController @Inject() (val controllerComponents: ControllerComponents) extends BaseController {
      def index = Action {
        Ok("It works!")
    Definition Classes
  • package routing
    Definition Classes
  • package templates
    Definition Classes
  • package test

    Contains test helpers.

    Contains test helpers.

    Definition Classes
  • Application
  • ApplicationLoader
  • BuiltInComponents
  • BuiltInComponentsFromContext
  • ConfigLoader
  • Configuration
  • ContextBasedBuiltInComponents
  • DefaultApplication
  • DefaultMarkerContext
  • Environment
  • Logger
  • LoggerConfigurator
  • LoggerLike
  • Logging
  • LowPriorityMarkerContextImplicits
  • MarkerContext
  • MarkerContexts
  • Mode
  • NoHttpFiltersComponents
  • OptionalDevContext
  • OptionalSourceMapper
  • OptionalSourceMapperProvider
  • Play
  • UnexpectedException



trait BuiltInComponents extends I18nComponents with PekkoComponents with PekkoTypedComponents

  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. BuiltInComponents
  2. PekkoTypedComponents
  3. PekkoComponents
  4. I18nComponents
  5. AnyRef
  6. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Abstract Value Members

  1. abstract def applicationLifecycle: ApplicationLifecycle

    A registry to receive application lifecycle events, e.g.

    A registry to receive application lifecycle events, e.g. to close resources when the application stops.

    Definition Classes
  2. abstract def configuration: Configuration

    The application's configuration.

    The application's configuration.

    Definition Classes
  3. abstract def environment: Environment

    The application's environment, e.g.

    The application's environment, e.g. it's ClassLoader and root path.

    Definition Classes
  4. abstract def httpFilters: Seq[EssentialFilter]

    List of filters, typically provided by mixing in play.filters.HttpFiltersComponents or play.api.NoHttpFiltersComponents.

    List of filters, typically provided by mixing in play.filters.HttpFiltersComponents or play.api.NoHttpFiltersComponents.

    In most cases you will want to mixin HttpFiltersComponents and append your own filters:

    class MyComponents(context: ApplicationLoader.Context)
      extends BuiltInComponentsFromContext(context)
      with play.filters.HttpFiltersComponents {
      lazy val loggingFilter = new LoggingFilter()
      override def httpFilters = {
        super.httpFilters :+ loggingFilter

    If you want to filter elements out of the list, you can do the following:

    class MyComponents(context: ApplicationLoader.Context)
      extends BuiltInComponentsFromContext(context)
      with play.filters.HttpFiltersComponents {
      override def httpFilters = {
        super.httpFilters.filterNot(_.getClass == classOf[CSRFFilter])
  5. abstract def router: Router

    The router that's used to pass requests to the correct handler.

Concrete Value Members

  1. lazy val actorSystem: ActorSystem
    Definition Classes
  2. lazy val application: Application
  3. lazy val classicActorSystemProvider: ClassicActorSystemProvider
    Definition Classes
  4. lazy val cookieSigner: CookieSigner
  5. lazy val coordinatedShutdown: CoordinatedShutdown
    Definition Classes
  6. lazy val csrfTokenSigner: CSRFTokenSigner
  7. lazy val defaultActionBuilder: DefaultActionBuilder
  8. lazy val defaultBodyParser: BodyParser[AnyContent]
  9. def devContext: Option[DevContext]

    Helper to interact with the Play build environment.

    Helper to interact with the Play build environment. Only available in dev mode.

  10. implicit lazy val executionContext: ExecutionContext
    Definition Classes
  11. lazy val fileMimeTypes: FileMimeTypes
  12. lazy val httpConfiguration: HttpConfiguration
    Definition Classes
  13. lazy val httpErrorHandler: HttpErrorHandler
  14. lazy val httpRequestHandler: HttpRequestHandler
  15. lazy val injector: Injector

    The runtime Injector instance provided to the DefaultApplication.

    The runtime Injector instance provided to the DefaultApplication. This injector is set up to allow existing (deprecated) legacy APIs to function. It is not set up to support injecting arbitrary Play components.

  16. lazy val langs: Langs
    Definition Classes
  17. implicit lazy val materializer: Materializer
    Definition Classes
  18. lazy val messagesApi: MessagesApi
    Definition Classes
  19. lazy val playBodyParsers: PlayBodyParsers
  20. lazy val requestFactory: RequestFactory
  21. implicit lazy val scheduler: Scheduler
    Definition Classes
  22. lazy val tempFileCreator: TemporaryFileCreator
  23. lazy val tempFileReaper: TemporaryFileReaper
  24. def webCommands: WebCommands

    Commands that intercept requests before the rest of the application handles them.

    Commands that intercept requests before the rest of the application handles them. Used by Evolutions.

Deprecated Value Members

  1. lazy val javaContextComponents: JavaContextComponents

    (Since version 2.8.0) Use the corresponding methods that provide MessagesApi, Langs, FileMimeTypes or HttpConfiguration

  2. def sourceMapper: Option[SourceMapper]

    Helper to locate the source code for the application.

    Helper to locate the source code for the application. Only available in dev mode.


    (Since version 2.7.0) Use instead