trait MessagesApi extends AnyRef
- Alphabetic
- By Inheritance
- MessagesApi
- AnyRef
- Any
- Hide All
- Show All
- Public
- Protected
Abstract Value Members
- abstract def apply(keys: Seq[String], args: Any*)(implicit lang: Lang): String
Translates the first defined message.
Translates the first defined message.
internally to format the message.- keys
the message key
- args
the message arguments
- returns
the formatted message or a default rendering if the key wasn’t defined
- abstract def apply(key: String, args: Any*)(implicit lang: Lang): String
Translates a message.
Translates a message.
internally to format the message.- key
the message key
- args
the message arguments
- returns
the formatted message or a default rendering if the key wasn’t defined
- abstract def isDefinedAt(key: String)(implicit lang: Lang): Boolean
Check if a message key is defined.
Check if a message key is defined.
- key
the message key
- returns
a boolean
- abstract def langCookieHttpOnly: Boolean
Whether the HTTP only attribute of the cookie should be set to true or not.
- abstract def langCookieMaxAge: Option[Int]
An optional max age in seconds for the language Cookie.
- abstract def langCookieName: String
Name for the language Cookie.
- abstract def langCookieSameSite: Option[SameSite]
The value of the SameSite attribute of the cookie.
The value of the SameSite attribute of the cookie. If None, then no SameSite attribute is set.
- abstract def langCookieSecure: Boolean
Whether the secure attribute of the cookie is true or not.
- abstract def messages: Map[String, Map[String, String]]
Get all the defined messages
- abstract def preferred(request: RequestHeader): Messages
Get the preferred messages for the given Java request
- abstract def preferred(request: RequestHeader): Messages
Get the preferred messages for the given request
- abstract def preferred(candidates: Seq[Lang]): Messages
Get the preferred messages for the given candidates.
Get the preferred messages for the given candidates.
Will select a language from the candidates, based on the languages available, and fallback to the default language if none of the candidates are available.
- abstract def setLang(result: Result, lang: Lang): Result
Given a Result and a Lang, return a new Result with the lang cookie set to the given Lang.
- abstract def translate(key: String, args: Seq[Any])(implicit lang: Lang): Option[String]
Translates a message.
Translates a message.
internally to format the message.- key
the message key
- args
the message arguments
- returns
the formatted message, if this key was defined
- abstract def withoutLang(result: Result): Result
Given a Result, return a new Result with the lang cookie discarded.
Concrete Value Members
- def asJava: i18n.MessagesApi
- returns
The Java version for Messages API.