Class AhcWSClient

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Closeable, AutoCloseable, WSClient

    public class AhcWSClient
    extends Object
    implements WSClient
    A WS client backed by AsyncHttpClient implementation.

    See for documentation.

    • Constructor Detail

      • AhcWSClient

        public AhcWSClient​( client,
                           Materializer materializer)
      • AhcWSClient

        public AhcWSClient​( client,
                           Materializer materializer)
    • Method Detail

      • create

        public static AhcWSClient create​( config,
                                         Materializer materializer)
        Creates WS client manually from configuration, internally creating a new instance of AsyncHttpClient and managing its own thread pool.

        This client is not managed as part of Play's lifecycle, and must be closed by calling ws.close(), otherwise you will run into memory leaks.

        config - a config object, usually from AhcWSClientConfigFactory
        cache - if not null, provides HTTP caching.
        materializer - an Akka materializer
        a new instance of AhcWSClient.
      • getUnderlying

        public Object getUnderlying()
        Description copied from interface: WSClient
        The underlying implementation of the client, if any. You must cast the returned value to the type you want.
        Specified by:
        getUnderlying in interface WSClient
        the backing object.
      • asScala

        public asScala()
        Specified by:
        asScala in interface WSClient
        the Scala version for this WSClient.
      • url

        public WSRequest url​(String url)
        Description copied from interface: WSClient
        Returns a WSRequest object representing the URL. You can append additional properties on the WSRequest by chaining calls, and execute the request to return an asynchronous Promise<WSResponse>.
        Specified by:
        url in interface WSClient
        url - the URL to request
        the request
      • getStandaloneWSClient

        public getStandaloneWSClient()
        Return the implementation interface of StandaloneAhcWSClient.