
You are viewing the documentation for the 2.9.1 release in the 2.9.x series of releases. The latest stable release series is 3.0.x.

§Play Tutorials

Play’s documentation shows the available features and how to use them, but the documentation will not show how to create an application from start to finish. This is where tutorials and examples come in.

Tutorials and examples are useful for showing a single application at work, especially when it comes to integrating with other systems such as databases or Javascript frameworks.

The play-samples GitHub repository offers Play examples that cover a huge number of cases. There you can find projects in Java, Scala and for multiple versions of Play. You can pick one that demonstrates functionality of interest to you. Make sure you have verified the requirements for running Play. You can either clone the play-samples GitHub repository or download its contents as zip file. The examples cover the following topics:


Play Java Hello World Example Link
Play Java Starter Example Link
Play Java gRPC Example Link
REST API Example Link
File Upload Example Link
Forms Example Link
JPA Example Link
Ebean Example Link
Websocket Example Link
Chatroom using Websockets Example Link
Streaming Example Link
Compile Time Dependency Injection Example Link
Using Dagger 2 for Compile Time DI Link


Play Scala Hello World Example Link
Play Scala Starter Example Link
Play Scala gRPC Example Link
REST API Example Link
File Upload Example Link
Forms Example Link
Anorm Example Link
Integrated Slick Example Link
Isolated Slick Example Link
Websocket Example Link
Chatroom using Websockets Example Link
Streaming Example Link
Compile Time Dependency Injection Example Link
Dependency Injection using Macwire Example Link
Secure Session Example Link
TLS Example Link

§Third Party Tutorials and Templates

The Play community also has a number of tutorials and templates that cover aspects of Play better than the documentation can, or has a different angle. Templates listed here are not maintained by the Play team, and so may be out of date.

This is an incomplete list of several helpful blog posts, and because some of the blog posts have been written a while ago, this section is organized by Play version.


§Play Framework Tutorials and other contents


§Play Framework Tutorials and other contents


§Play Framework Tutorial Video Series

A tutorial video series by Radix Code provides an initial overview to Play, walking through initial IDE setup, defining routes, creating a CRUD application, enabling ORM support, and customizing the views with bootstrap.

§Dependency Injection

§Akka Streams

§Forms and Validators






Semisafe has an excellent series on Play in general:

§Minimal Play

§Dependency Injection


Justin Rodenbostel of SPR Consulting also has two blog posts on building REST APIs in Play:




§AngularJS, RequireJS and sbt-web

Marius Soutier has an excellent series on setting up a Javascript interface using AngularJS with Play and sbt-web. It was originally written for Play 2.1.x, but has been updated for Play 2.4.x.

§React JS




Knoldus has a nice series of blog posts on Anorm:



§Advanced Routing

§Path Bindables


§User Interface

§Play in Practice

Next: Working with Play