final case class AkkaHeadersWrapper(request: HttpRequest, knownContentLength: Option[String], hs: Seq[HttpHeader], isChunked: Option[String], uri: String) extends Headers with Product with Serializable
- Alphabetic
- By Inheritance
- AkkaHeadersWrapper
- Serializable
- Product
- Equals
- Headers
- AnyRef
- Any
- Hide All
- Show All
- Public
- Protected
Instance Constructors
- new AkkaHeadersWrapper(request: HttpRequest, knownContentLength: Option[String], hs: Seq[HttpHeader], isChunked: Option[String], uri: String)
Value Members
- def add(headers: (String, String)*): AkkaHeadersWrapper
Append the given headers
Append the given headers
- Definition Classes
- AkkaHeadersWrapper → Headers
- def apply(key: String): String
Retrieves the first header value which is associated with the given key.
Retrieves the first header value which is associated with the given key.
- Definition Classes
- AkkaHeadersWrapper → Headers
- lazy val asJava: Headers
- Definition Classes
- Headers
- def equals(other: Any): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- AkkaHeadersWrapper → Equals → Headers → AnyRef → Any
- def get(key: String): Option[String]
Optionally returns the first header value associated with a key.
Optionally returns the first header value associated with a key.
- Definition Classes
- AkkaHeadersWrapper → Headers
- def getAll(key: String): Seq[String]
Retrieve all header values associated with the given key.
Retrieve all header values associated with the given key.
- Definition Classes
- AkkaHeadersWrapper → Headers
- def hasBody: Boolean
True if this request has a body, so we know if we should trigger body parsing.
True if this request has a body, so we know if we should trigger body parsing. The base implementation simply checks for the Content-Length or Transfer-Encoding headers, but subclasses (such as fake requests) may return true in other cases so the headers need not be updated to reflect the body.
- Definition Classes
- AkkaHeadersWrapper → Headers
- def hasHeader(headerName: String): Boolean
Checks if the given header is present.
Checks if the given header is present.
- headerName
The name of the header (case-insensitive)
- returns
if the request did contain the header.
- Definition Classes
- AkkaHeadersWrapper → Headers
- def hashCode(): Int
- Definition Classes
- AkkaHeadersWrapper → Headers → AnyRef → Any
- lazy val headers: Seq[(String, String)]
The headers as a sequence of name-value pairs.
The headers as a sequence of name-value pairs.
- Definition Classes
- AkkaHeadersWrapper → Headers
- val hs: Seq[HttpHeader]
- val isChunked: Option[String]
- lazy val keys: Set[String]
Retrieve all header keys
Retrieve all header keys
- Definition Classes
- AkkaHeadersWrapper → Headers
- val knownContentLength: Option[String]
- def productElementNames: Iterator[String]
- Definition Classes
- Product
- def remove(keys: String*): Headers
Remove any headers with the given keys
Remove any headers with the given keys
- Definition Classes
- AkkaHeadersWrapper → Headers
- def replace(headers: (String, String)*): Headers
Append the given headers, replacing any existing headers having the same keys
Append the given headers, replacing any existing headers having the same keys
- Definition Classes
- AkkaHeadersWrapper → Headers
- val request: HttpRequest
- lazy val toMap: Map[String, Seq[String]]
Transform the Headers to a Map
Transform the Headers to a Map
- Definition Classes
- Headers
- lazy val toSimpleMap: Map[String, String]
Transform the Headers to a Map by ignoring multiple values.
Transform the Headers to a Map by ignoring multiple values.
- Definition Classes
- Headers
- def toString(): String
- Definition Classes
- Headers → AnyRef → Any
- val uri: String