A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ 


absoluteURL(Http.Request) - Method in class play.mvc.Call
Transform this call to an absolute URL.
absoluteURL(Http.Request, boolean) - Method in class play.mvc.Call
Transform this call to an absolute URL.
absoluteURL(boolean, String) - Method in class play.mvc.Call
Transform this call to an absolute URL.
ACCEPT - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
accept() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.RequestHeader
ACCEPT_CHARSET - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
ACCEPT_ENCODING - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
ACCEPT_LANGUAGE - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
ACCEPT_RANGES - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
ACCEPTED - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.Status
acceptedTypes() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.RequestHeader
acceptLanguages() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.RequestHeader
The Request Langs extracted from the Accept-Language header and sorted by preference (preferred first).
accepts(String) - Method in class play.mvc.Http.RequestHeader
Check if this request accepts a given media type.
ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_CREDENTIALS - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_HEADERS - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_METHODS - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_ORIGIN - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
ACCESS_CONTROL_EXPOSE_HEADERS - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
ACCESS_CONTROL_MAX_AGE - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
ACCESS_CONTROL_REQUEST_HEADERS - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
ACCESS_CONTROL_REQUEST_METHOD - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
accessTokenURL - Variable in class play.libs.oauth.OAuth.ServiceInfo
Action<T> - Class in play.mvc
An action acts as decorator for the action method call.
Action() - Constructor for class play.mvc.Action
Action.Simple - Class in play.mvc
A simple action with no configuration.
Action.Simple() - Constructor for class play.mvc.Action.Simple
actorProps(ActorRef) - Method in class play.mvc.WebSocket
The props to create the actor to handle this WebSocket.
add(Object) - Method in class play.libs.F.Option
addAll(Collection<? extends T>) - Method in class play.libs.F.Option
AddCSRFToken - Annotation Type in play.filters.csrf
This action adds a CSRF token to the request and response if not already there.
AddCSRFTokenAction - Class in play.filters.csrf
AddCSRFTokenAction() - Constructor for class play.filters.csrf.AddCSRFTokenAction
addHeader(String, String) - Method in class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSRequest
addHeader(String, String) - Method in interface play.libs.ws.WSRequest
addToSet(int, int, int, int) - Method in class play.libs.Time.CronExpression
AGE - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
Akka - Class in play.libs
Helper to access the application defined Akka Actor system.
Akka() - Constructor for class play.libs.Akka
all() - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Retrieves all entities of the given type.
ALL_SPEC - Static variable in class play.libs.Time.CronExpression
ALL_SPEC_INT - Static variable in class play.libs.Time.CronExpression
ALLOW - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
api() - Method in class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSPlugin
api() - Method in class play.libs.ws.WSPlugin
The root api of the plugin.
app - Variable in class play.libs.ws.WSPlugin
app - Variable in class play.test.WithApplication
app - Variable in class play.test.WithServer
Application - Class in play
A Play application.
Application(Application) - Constructor for class play.Application
Creates an application from a Scala Application value.
application() - Static method in class play.Play
Returns the currently running application.
ApplicationProvider - Class in play.server
Provides information about a Play Application running inside a Play server.
ApplicationProvider(Application, File) - Constructor for class play.server.ApplicationProvider
apply(String) - Method in class play.data.Form
Retrieve a field.
apply(A) - Method in interface play.libs.F.Function
apply() - Method in interface play.libs.F.Function0
apply(A, B) - Method in interface play.libs.F.Function2
apply(A, B, C) - Method in interface play.libs.F.Function3
args - Variable in class play.mvc.Http.Context
Free space to store your request specific data
arguments() - Method in class play.data.validation.ValidationError
Returns the error arguments.
as(Class<T>) - Method in class play.mvc.Http.RequestBody
Cast this RequestBody as T if possible.
as(String) - Method in class play.mvc.Results.Status
Change the Content-Type header for this result.
asByteArray() - Method in class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSResponse
Get the response body as a byte array
asByteArray() - Method in interface play.libs.ws.WSResponse
asBytes(int) - Method in class play.mvc.Http.RawBuffer
Returns the buffer content as a bytes array.
asBytes() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.RawBuffer
Returns the buffer content as a bytes array.
asFile() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.RawBuffer
Returns the buffer content as File.
asFormUrlEncoded() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.MultipartFormData
Extract the data parts as Form url encoded.
asFormUrlEncoded() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.RequestBody
The request content parsed as URL form-encoded.
asJava(Map<K, V>) - Static method in class play.libs.Scala
Converts a Scala Map to Java.
asJava(Seq<T>) - Static method in class play.libs.Scala
Converts a Scala List to Java.
asJson() - Method in class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSResponse
Get the response body as a JsonNode
asJson() - Method in interface play.libs.ws.WSResponse
asJson() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.RequestBody
The request content as Json.
asMap() - Method in class play.Configuration
Returns the config as a map of plain old Java maps, lists and values.
asMultipartFormData() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.RequestBody
The request content parsed as multipart form data.
asRaw() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.RequestBody
The request content as Array bytes.
asScala(Map<A, B>) - Static method in class play.libs.Scala
Converts a Java Map to Scala.
asText() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.RequestBody
The request content as text.
asXml() - Method in class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSResponse
Get the response body as a DOM document
asXml() - Method in interface play.libs.ws.WSResponse
asXml() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.RequestBody
The request content as XML.
attributes - Variable in class play.libs.openid.OpenID.UserInfo
auth(String, String, WSAuthScheme) - Method in class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSRequest
auth(String, String, WSAuthScheme) - Method in interface play.libs.ws.WSRequest
AUTHORIZATION - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
authorizationURL - Variable in class play.libs.oauth.OAuth.ServiceInfo
availables() - Static method in class play.i18n.Lang
Retrieve Lang availables from the application configuration.


BAD_GATEWAY - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.Status
BAD_REQUEST - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.Status
badRequest() - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 400 BAD_REQUEST simple result.
badRequest(Content) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 400 BAD_REQUEST simple result.
badRequest(Content, String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 400 BAD_REQUEST simple result.
badRequest(String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 400 BAD_REQUEST simple result.
badRequest(String, String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 400 BAD_REQUEST simple result.
badRequest(JsonNode) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 400 BAD_REQUEST simple result.
badRequest(JsonNode, String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 400 BAD_REQUEST simple result.
badRequest(byte[]) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 400 BAD_REQUEST simple result.
badRequest(InputStream) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 400 BAD_REQUEST chunked result.
badRequest(InputStream, int) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 400 BAD_REQUEST chunked result.
badRequest(File) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 400 BAD_REQUEST file result as an attachment.
badRequest(File, boolean) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 400 BAD_REQUEST file result.
badRequest(File, String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 400 BAD_REQUEST file result as an attachment.
badRequest(File, int) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Since the length of the file is known, there is little reason to send a file as chunked.
badRequest(Results.Chunks<?>) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 400 BAD_REQUEST chunked result.
beforeStart(Application) - Method in class play.GlobalSettings
Executed before any plugin - you can set-up your database schema here, for instance.
BINARY - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.MimeTypes
Content-Type of binary data.
bind(Map<String, String>, String...) - Method in class play.data.DynamicForm
Binds data to this form - that is, handles form submission.
bind(JsonNode, String...) - Method in class play.data.Form
Binds Json data to this form - that is, handles form submission.
bind(Map<String, String>, String...) - Method in class play.data.Form
Binds data to this form - that is, handles form submission.
bind(String, String) - Method in interface play.mvc.PathBindable
Bind an URL path parameter.
bind(String, Map<String, String[]>) - Method in interface play.mvc.QueryStringBindable
Bind a query string parameter.
bindForCurrentThread(EntityManager) - Static method in class play.db.jpa.JPA
Bind an EntityManager to the current thread.
bindFromRequest(String...) - Method in class play.data.DynamicForm
Binds request data to this form - that is, handles form submission.
bindFromRequest(Http.Request, String...) - Method in class play.data.DynamicForm
Binds request data to this form - that is, handles form submission.
bindFromRequest(String...) - Method in class play.data.Form
Binds request data to this form - that is, handles form submission.
bindFromRequest(Http.Request, String...) - Method in class play.data.Form
Binds request data to this form - that is, handles form submission.
bindFromRequest(Map<String, String[]>, String...) - Method in class play.data.Form
Binds request data to this form - that is, handles form submission.
body() - Method in class play.libs.Jsonp
body() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Request
The request body.
BodyParser - Interface in play.mvc
A body parser parses the HTTP request body content.
BodyParser.AnyContent - Class in play.mvc
Guess the body content by checking the Content-Type header.
BodyParser.AnyContent() - Constructor for class play.mvc.BodyParser.AnyContent
BodyParser.Empty - Class in play.mvc
Don't parse the body.
BodyParser.Empty() - Constructor for class play.mvc.BodyParser.Empty
BodyParser.FormUrlEncoded - Class in play.mvc
Parse the body as form url encoded if the Content-Type is application/x-www-form-urlencoded.
BodyParser.FormUrlEncoded() - Constructor for class play.mvc.BodyParser.FormUrlEncoded
BodyParser.Json - Class in play.mvc
Parse the body as Json if the Content-Type is text/json or application/json.
BodyParser.Json() - Constructor for class play.mvc.BodyParser.Json
BodyParser.MultipartFormData - Class in play.mvc
Parse the body as form url encoded without checking the Content-Type.
BodyParser.MultipartFormData() - Constructor for class play.mvc.BodyParser.MultipartFormData
BodyParser.Of - Annotation Type in play.mvc
Specify the body parser to use for an Action method.
BodyParser.Raw - Class in play.mvc
Store the body content in a RawBuffer.
BodyParser.Raw() - Constructor for class play.mvc.BodyParser.Raw
BodyParser.Text - Class in play.mvc
Parse the body as text if the Content-Type is text/plain.
BodyParser.Text() - Constructor for class play.mvc.BodyParser.Text
BodyParser.TolerantJson - Class in play.mvc
Parse the body as Json without checking the Content-Type.
BodyParser.TolerantJson() - Constructor for class play.mvc.BodyParser.TolerantJson
BodyParser.TolerantText - Class in play.mvc
Parse the body as text without checking the Content-Type.
BodyParser.TolerantText() - Constructor for class play.mvc.BodyParser.TolerantText
BodyParser.TolerantXml - Class in play.mvc
Parse the body as Xml without checking the Content-Type.
BodyParser.TolerantXml() - Constructor for class play.mvc.BodyParser.TolerantXml
BodyParser.Xml - Class in play.mvc
Parse the body as Xml if the Content-Type is application/xml.
BodyParser.Xml() - Constructor for class play.mvc.BodyParser.Xml
browser - Variable in class play.test.WithBrowser
buildExpression(String) - Method in class play.libs.Time.CronExpression
byId(I) - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Retrieves an entity by ID.


Cache - Class in play.cache
Provides an access point for Play's cache service.
Cache() - Constructor for class play.cache.Cache
CACHE_CONTROL - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
Cached - Annotation Type in play.cache
Mark an action to be cached on server side.
CachedAction - Class in play.cache
Cache another action.
CachedAction() - Constructor for class play.cache.CachedAction
call(Http.Context) - Method in class play.cache.CachedAction
call(Http.Context) - Method in class play.db.ebean.TransactionalAction
call(Http.Context) - Method in class play.db.jpa.TransactionalAction
call(Http.Context) - Method in class play.filters.csrf.AddCSRFTokenAction
call(Http.Context) - Method in class play.filters.csrf.RequireCSRFCheckAction
call(Http.Context) - Method in class play.mvc.Action
Executes this action with the given HTTP context and returns the result.
Call - Class in play.mvc
Defines a 'call', describing an HTTP request.
Call() - Constructor for class play.mvc.Call
call(Http.Context) - Method in class play.mvc.Security.AuthenticatedAction
callAction(HandlerRef) - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
Call an action method while decorating it with the right @With interceptors.
callAction(HandlerRef, long) - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
callAction(HandlerRef, FakeRequest) - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
Call an action method while decorating it with the right @With interceptors.
callAction(HandlerRef, FakeRequest, long) - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
callbacks - Variable in class play.mvc.WebSocket.In
Callbacks to invoke at each frame.
cancel() - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Cancels query execution, if supported by the underlying database and driver.
changeLang(String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
Change durably the lang for the current user
changeLang(Lang) - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
Change durably the lang for the current user
changeLang(String) - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Context
Change durably the lang for the current user.
changeLang(Lang) - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Context
Change durably the lang for the current user.
changeLang(String) - Method in class play.mvc.Http.WrappedContext
changeLang(Lang) - Method in class play.mvc.Http.WrappedContext
charset(Result) - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
Extracts the Charset of this Result value.
charset(Result, long) - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
checkNext(int, String, int, int) - Method in class play.libs.Time.CronExpression
classloader() - Method in class play.Application
Retrieves the application classloader.
Classpath - Class in play.libs
Classpath() - Constructor for class play.libs.Classpath
clear() - Method in class play.libs.F.Option
clear() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Flash
Clears the flash scope.
clear() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Session
Clears the session.
clearLang() - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
Clear the lang for the current user.
clearLang() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Context
Clear the lang for the current user.
clearLang() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.WrappedContext
client() - Method in class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSAPI
client() - Static method in class play.libs.ws.WS
client() - Method in interface play.libs.ws.WSAPI
clone() - Method in class play.libs.Time.CronExpression
close() - Method in class play.libs.Comet
Close the channel
close() - Method in class play.libs.EventSource
Close the channel
close() - Method in class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSClient
close() - Method in class play.mvc.Results.Chunks.Out
Closes the stream.
close() - Method in interface play.mvc.WebSocket.Out
Close this channel.
closeCallbacks - Variable in class play.mvc.WebSocket.In
Callbacks to invoke on close.
code() - Method in class play.i18n.Lang
The Lang code (such as fr or en-US).
Comet - Class in play.libs
A Chunked stream sending Comet messages.
Comet(String) - Constructor for class play.libs.Comet
Create a new Comet socket
compareSignedTokens(String, String) - Static method in class play.libs.Crypto
Compare two signed tokens
completeWith(F.Promise) - Method in class play.libs.F.RedeemablePromise
Completes this promise with the specified Promise, once that Promise is completed.
completeWith(F.Promise, ExecutionContext) - Method in class play.libs.F.RedeemablePromise
Completes this promise with the specified Promise, once that Promise is completed.
configuration() - Method in class play.Application
Retrieves the application configuration/
Configuration - Class in play
The current application configuration.
Configuration(Config) - Constructor for class play.Configuration
Creates a new configuration from a Typesafe Config object.
Configuration(Configuration) - Constructor for class play.Configuration
Creates a new configuration from a Scala-based configuration.
configuration - Variable in class play.mvc.Action
The action configuration - typically the annotation used to decorate the action method.
CONFLICT - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.Status
CONNECTION - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
constantTimeEquals(String, String) - Static method in class play.libs.Crypto
Constant time equals method.
constraints() - Method in class play.data.Form.Field
Returns all the constraints associated with this field.
Constraints - Class in play.data.validation
Defines a set of built-in validation constraints.
Constraints() - Constructor for class play.data.validation.Constraints
Constraints.Email - Annotation Type in play.data.validation
Defines a email constraint for a string field.
Constraints.EmailValidator - Class in play.data.validation
Validator for @Email fields.
Constraints.EmailValidator() - Constructor for class play.data.validation.Constraints.EmailValidator
Constraints.Max - Annotation Type in play.data.validation
Defines a maximum value for a numeric field.
Constraints.MaxLength - Annotation Type in play.data.validation
Defines a maxmimum length for a string field.
Constraints.MaxLengthValidator - Class in play.data.validation
Validator for @MaxLength fields.
Constraints.MaxLengthValidator() - Constructor for class play.data.validation.Constraints.MaxLengthValidator
Constraints.MaxLengthValidator(long) - Constructor for class play.data.validation.Constraints.MaxLengthValidator
Constraints.MaxValidator - Class in play.data.validation
Validator for @Max fields.
Constraints.MaxValidator() - Constructor for class play.data.validation.Constraints.MaxValidator
Constraints.MaxValidator(long) - Constructor for class play.data.validation.Constraints.MaxValidator
Constraints.Min - Annotation Type in play.data.validation
Defines a minumum value for a numeric field.
Constraints.MinLength - Annotation Type in play.data.validation
Defines a minumum length for a string field.
Constraints.MinLengthValidator - Class in play.data.validation
Validator for @MinLength fields.
Constraints.MinLengthValidator() - Constructor for class play.data.validation.Constraints.MinLengthValidator
Constraints.MinLengthValidator(long) - Constructor for class play.data.validation.Constraints.MinLengthValidator
Constraints.MinValidator - Class in play.data.validation
Validator for @Min fields.
Constraints.MinValidator() - Constructor for class play.data.validation.Constraints.MinValidator
Constraints.MinValidator(long) - Constructor for class play.data.validation.Constraints.MinValidator
Constraints.Pattern - Annotation Type in play.data.validation
Defines a pattern constraint for a string field.
Constraints.PatternValidator - Class in play.data.validation
Validator for @Pattern fields.
Constraints.PatternValidator() - Constructor for class play.data.validation.Constraints.PatternValidator
Constraints.PatternValidator(String) - Constructor for class play.data.validation.Constraints.PatternValidator
Constraints.Required - Annotation Type in play.data.validation
Defines a field as required.
Constraints.RequiredValidator - Class in play.data.validation
Validator for @Required fields.
Constraints.RequiredValidator() - Constructor for class play.data.validation.Constraints.RequiredValidator
Constraints.ValidateWith - Annotation Type in play.data.validation
Defines a custom validator.
Constraints.ValidateWithValidator - Class in play.data.validation
Validator for @ValidateWith fields.
Constraints.ValidateWithValidator() - Constructor for class play.data.validation.Constraints.ValidateWithValidator
Constraints.ValidateWithValidator(Class) - Constructor for class play.data.validation.Constraints.ValidateWithValidator
Constraints.Validator<T> - Class in play.data.validation
Super-type for validators.
Constraints.Validator() - Constructor for class play.data.validation.Constraints.Validator
contains(Object) - Method in class play.libs.F.None
contains(Object) - Method in class play.libs.F.Some
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class play.libs.F.None
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class play.libs.F.Some
Content - Interface in play.mvc
Use play.twirl.api.Content (since 2.3.0)
CONTENT_ENCODING - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
CONTENT_LANGUAGE - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
CONTENT_LENGTH - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
CONTENT_LOCATION - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
CONTENT_MD5 - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
CONTENT_RANGE - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
CONTENT_TRANSFER_ENCODING - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
CONTENT_TYPE - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
contentAsBytes(Result) - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
Extracts the content as bytes.
contentAsBytes(Result, long) - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
contentAsBytes(Content) - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
Extracts the content as bytes.
contentAsString(Content) - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
Extracts the content as String.
contentAsString(Result) - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
Extracts the content as String.
contentAsString(Result, long) - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
contentType() - Method in class play.libs.Jsonp
contentType(Content) - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
Extracts the Content-Type of this Content value.
contentType(Result) - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
Extracts the Content-Type of this Result value.
contentType(Result, long) - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
CONTINUE - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.Status
Controller - Class in play.mvc
Superclass for a Java-based controller.
Controller() - Constructor for class play.mvc.Controller
conversion - Static variable in class play.data.format.Formatters
The underlying conversion service.
COOKIE - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
cookie(String) - Method in class play.mvc.Http.RequestHeader
cookie(String, Result) - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
Extracts a Cookie value from this Result value
cookie(String, Result, long) - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
cookies() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.RequestHeader
cookies() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Response
cookies(Result) - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
Extracts the Cookies (an iterator) from this result value.
cookies(Result, long) - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
copy() - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Copies this query.
country() - Method in class play.i18n.Lang
A valid ISO Country Code.
CREATED - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.Status
created() - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 201 CREATED simple result.
created(Content) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 201 CREATED simple result.
created(Content, String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 201 CREATED simple result.
created(String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 201 CREATED simple result.
created(String, String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 201 CREATED simple result.
created(JsonNode) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 201 CREATED simple result.
created(JsonNode, String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 201 CREATED simple result.
created(byte[]) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 201 CREATED simple result.
created(InputStream) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 201 CREATED chunked result.
created(InputStream, int) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 201 CREATED chunked result.
created(File) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 201 CREATED file result as an attachment.
created(File, boolean) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 201 CREATED file result.
created(File, String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 201 CREATED file result as an attachment.
created(File, int) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Since the length of the file is known, there is little reason to send a file as chunked.
created(Results.Chunks<?>) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 201 CREATED chunked result.
createSSLEngine() - Method in interface play.server.SSLEngineProvider
cronInterval(String) - Static method in class play.libs.Time
Computes the number of milliseconds between the next valid date and the one after.
cronInterval(String, Date) - Static method in class play.libs.Time
Compute the number of milliseconds between the next valid date and the one after.
Crypto - Class in play.libs
Cryptographic utilities.
Crypto() - Constructor for class play.libs.Crypto
CSRFErrorHandler - Interface in play.filters.csrf
This interface handles the CSRF error.
CSRFErrorHandler.DefaultCSRFErrorHandler - Class in play.filters.csrf
CSRFErrorHandler.DefaultCSRFErrorHandler() - Constructor for class play.filters.csrf.CSRFErrorHandler.DefaultCSRFErrorHandler
CSS - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.MimeTypes
Content-Type of css.
ctx() - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
Returns the current HTTP context.
ctx() - Static method in class play.mvc.Http.Context.Implicit
Returns the current context.
current - Static variable in class play.mvc.Http.Context
current() - Static method in class play.mvc.Http.Context
Retrieves the current HTTP context, for the current thread.


data() - Method in class play.data.DynamicForm
data() - Method in class play.data.Form
Retrieves the actual form data.
DATE - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
DAY_OF_MONTH - Static variable in class play.libs.Time.CronExpression
DAY_OF_WEEK - Static variable in class play.libs.Time.CronExpression
dayMap - Static variable in class play.libs.Time.CronExpression
daysOfMonth - Variable in class play.libs.Time.CronExpression
daysOfWeek - Variable in class play.libs.Time.CronExpression
DB - Class in play.db
Provides a high-level API for getting JDBC connections.
DB() - Constructor for class play.db.DB
debug(String) - Method in class play.Logger.ALogger
Logs a message with the DEBUG level.
debug(String, Object...) - Method in class play.Logger.ALogger
Logs a message with the DEBUG level.
debug(String, Throwable) - Method in class play.Logger.ALogger
Logs a message with the DEBUG level, with the given error.
debug(String) - Static method in class play.Logger
Log a message with the DEBUG level.
debug(String, Object...) - Static method in class play.Logger
Log a message with the DEBUG level.
debug(String, Throwable) - Static method in class play.Logger
Log a message with the DEBUG level.
decryptAES(String) - Static method in class play.libs.Crypto
Decrypt a String with the AES encryption standard using the application's secret key.
decryptAES(String, String) - Static method in class play.libs.Crypto
Decrypt a String with the AES encryption standard.
DEFAULT_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class play.test.Helpers
Default Timeout (milliseconds) for fake requests issued by these Helpers.
defaultContext() - Static method in class play.libs.HttpExecution
An ExecutionContext that executes work on the application's internal ActorSystem dispatcher.
defaultServer() - Method in class play.db.ebean.EbeanPlugin
delayed(F.Function0<A>, long, TimeUnit) - Static method in class play.libs.F.Promise
Create a Promise which, after a delay, will be redeemed with the result of a given function.
delayed(F.Function0<A>, long, TimeUnit, ExecutionContext) - Static method in class play.libs.F.Promise
Create a Promise which, after a delay, will be redeemed with the result of a given function.
delegate - Variable in class play.mvc.Action
The wrapped action.
delete() - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model
Deletes this entity.
delete(String) - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model
Deletes this entity, using a specific Ebean server.
delete() - Method in class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSRequestHolder
Perform a DELETE on the request asynchronously.
delete() - Method in interface play.libs.ws.WSRequestHolder
DELETE - Static variable in class play.test.Helpers
deleteManyToManyAssociations(String) - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model
Deletes a many-to-many association
discardCookie(String) - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Response
Discard a cookie on the default path ("/") with no domain and that's not secure
discardCookie(String, String) - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Response
Discard a cookie on the given path with no domain and not that's secure
discardCookie(String, String, String) - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Response
Discard a cookie on the given path and domain that's not secure
discardCookie(String, String, String, boolean) - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Response
Discard a cookie in this result
discardCookies(String...) - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Response
Use the discardCookie methods instead
discardErrors() - Method in class play.data.Form
Discard errors of this form
displayableConstraint(Set<ConstraintDescriptor<?>>) - Static method in class play.data.validation.Constraints
Converts a set of constraints to human-readable values.
domain() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Cookie
DynamicForm - Class in play.data
A dynamic form.
DynamicForm() - Constructor for class play.data.DynamicForm
Creates a new empty dynamic form.
DynamicForm(Map<String, String>, Map<String, List<ValidationError>>, F.Option<DynamicForm.Dynamic>) - Constructor for class play.data.DynamicForm
Creates a new dynamic form.
DynamicForm.Dynamic - Class in play.data
Simple data structure used by DynamicForm.
DynamicForm.Dynamic() - Constructor for class play.data.DynamicForm.Dynamic
DynamicForm.Dynamic(Map) - Constructor for class play.data.DynamicForm.Dynamic


EbeanPlugin - Class in play.db.ebean
A Play plugin that automatically manages Ebean configuration.
EbeanPlugin(Application) - Constructor for class play.db.ebean.EbeanPlugin
em(String) - Static method in class play.db.jpa.JPA
Get the EntityManager for specified persistence unit for this thread.
em() - Static method in class play.db.jpa.JPA
Get the default EntityManager for this thread.
em(String) - Method in class play.db.jpa.JPAPlugin
email() - Static method in class play.data.validation.Constraints
Constructs a 'email' validator.
empty() - Static method in class play.libs.F.RedeemablePromise
Creates a new Promise with no value
emptyMap() - Static method in class play.libs.Scala
Creates an empty Scala Map.
emptySeq() - Static method in class play.libs.Scala
Creates an empty Scala Seq.
enabled() - Method in class play.db.jpa.JPAPlugin
enabled() - Method in class play.Plugin
Is this plugin enabled.
encryptAES(String) - Static method in class play.libs.Crypto
Encrypt a String with the AES encryption standard using the application's secret key.
encryptAES(String, String) - Static method in class play.libs.Crypto
Encrypt a String with the AES encryption standard and the supplied private key.
entrySet() - Method in class play.Configuration
Returns the config as a set of full paths to config values.
equals(Object) - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model
equals(Object) - Method in class play.i18n.Lang
equals(Object) - Method in class play.libs.F.Tuple
equals(Object) - Method in class play.libs.F.Tuple3
equals(Object) - Method in class play.libs.F.Tuple4
equals(Object) - Method in class play.libs.F.Tuple5
error(String) - Method in class play.data.DynamicForm
Retrieve an error by key.
error(String) - Method in class play.data.Form
Retrieve an error by key.
error(String) - Method in class play.Logger.ALogger
Log a message with the ERROR level.
error(String, Object...) - Method in class play.Logger.ALogger
Log a message with the ERROR level.
error(String, Throwable) - Method in class play.Logger.ALogger
Log a message with the ERROR level, with the given error.
error(String) - Static method in class play.Logger
Log a message with the ERROR level.
error(String, Object...) - Static method in class play.Logger
Log a message with the ERROR level.
error(String, Throwable) - Static method in class play.Logger
Log a message with the ERROR level.
errors() - Method in class play.data.Form
Returns all errors.
errors() - Method in class play.data.Form.Field
Returns all the errors associated with this field.
errorsAsJson() - Method in class play.data.Form
Returns the form errors serialized as Json.
errorsAsJson(Lang) - Method in class play.data.Form
Returns the form errors serialized as Json using the given Lang.
ETAG - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
event(String) - Static method in class play.libs.EventSource.Event
event(JsonNode) - Static method in class play.libs.EventSource.Event
EVENT_STREAM - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.MimeTypes
Content-Type of server sent events.
EventSource - Class in play.libs
Implementation of Server-Sent Events.
EventSource() - Constructor for class play.libs.EventSource
Create a new EventSource socket
EventSource.Event - Class in play.libs
Utility class to build events.
EventSource.Event(String, String, String) - Constructor for class play.libs.EventSource.Event
execute() - Method in class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSRequest
execute(String) - Method in class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSRequestHolder
Execute an arbitrary method on the request asynchronously.
execute() - Method in class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSRequestHolder
execute() - Method in interface play.libs.ws.WSRequest
execute(String) - Method in interface play.libs.ws.WSRequestHolder
execute() - Method in interface play.libs.ws.WSRequestHolder
Execute the request
EXPECT - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
EXPECTATION_FAILED - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.Status
EXPIRES - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
expressionParsed - Variable in class play.libs.Time.CronExpression
extractSignedToken(String) - Static method in class play.libs.Crypto
Extract a signed token that was signed by Crypto.signToken(String).


F - Class in play.libs
Defines a set of functional programming style helpers.
F() - Constructor for class play.libs.F
F.Callback<A> - Interface in play.libs
A Callback with a single argument.
F.Callback0 - Interface in play.libs
A Callback with no arguments.
F.Callback2<A,B> - Interface in play.libs
A Callback with 2 arguments.
F.Callback3<A,B,C> - Interface in play.libs
A Callback with 3 arguments.
F.Either<A,B> - Class in play.libs
Represents a value of one of two possible types (a disjoint union)
F.Function<A,R> - Interface in play.libs
A Function with a single argument.
F.Function0<R> - Interface in play.libs
A Function with no arguments.
F.Function2<A,B,R> - Interface in play.libs
A Function with 2 arguments.
F.Function3<A,B,C,R> - Interface in play.libs
A Function with 3 arguments.
F.None<T> - Class in play.libs
Represents non-existent values.
F.None() - Constructor for class play.libs.F.None
F.Option<T> - Class in play.libs
Represents optional values.
F.Option() - Constructor for class play.libs.F.Option
F.Predicate<A> - Interface in play.libs
A Predicate (boolean-valued function) with a single argument.
F.Promise<A> - Class in play.libs
A promise to produce a result of type A.
F.Promise(Future<A>) - Constructor for class play.libs.F.Promise
Since 2.2. Use F.Promise.wrap(Future) instead.
F.RedeemablePromise<A> - Class in play.libs
RedeemablePromise is an object which can be completed with a value or failed with an exception.
F.Some<T> - Class in play.libs
Represents existing values of type T.
F.Some(T) - Constructor for class play.libs.F.Some
F.Tuple<A,B> - Class in play.libs
A pair - a tuple of the types A and B.
F.Tuple(A, B) - Constructor for class play.libs.F.Tuple
F.Tuple3<A,B,C> - Class in play.libs
A tuple of A,B,C
F.Tuple3(A, B, C) - Constructor for class play.libs.F.Tuple3
F.Tuple4<A,B,C,D> - Class in play.libs
A tuple of A,B,C,D
F.Tuple4(A, B, C, D) - Constructor for class play.libs.F.Tuple4
F.Tuple5<A,B,C,D,E> - Class in play.libs
A tuple of A,B,C,D,E
F.Tuple5(A, B, C, D, E) - Constructor for class play.libs.F.Tuple5
failure(Throwable) - Method in class play.libs.F.RedeemablePromise
Completes the promise with an exception
FakeApplication - Class in play.test
A Fake application.
FakeApplication(File, ClassLoader, Map<String, ? extends Object>, List<String>, List<String>, GlobalSettings) - Constructor for class play.test.FakeApplication
A Fake application.
FakeApplication(File, ClassLoader, Map<String, ? extends Object>, List<String>, GlobalSettings) - Constructor for class play.test.FakeApplication
fakeApplication() - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
Build a new fake application.
fakeApplication(GlobalSettings) - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
Build a new fake application.
fakeApplication(Map<String, ? extends Object>) - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
Build a new fake application.
fakeApplication(Map<String, ? extends Object>, GlobalSettings) - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
Build a new fake application.
fakeApplication(Map<String, ? extends Object>, List<String>) - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
Build a new fake application.
fakeApplication(Map<String, ? extends Object>, List<String>, GlobalSettings) - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
Build a new fake application.
fakeApplication(Map<String, ? extends Object>, List<String>, List<String>) - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
Build a new fake application.
fakeApplication(Map<String, ? extends Object>, List<String>, List<String>, GlobalSettings) - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
Build a new fake application.
fakeGlobal() - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
A fake Global
FakeRequest - Class in play.test
Fake HTTP request implementation.
FakeRequest() - Constructor for class play.test.FakeRequest
Constructs a new GET / fake request.
FakeRequest(String, String) - Constructor for class play.test.FakeRequest
Constructs a new request.
fakeRequest() - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
Build a new GET / fake request.
fakeRequest(String, String) - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
Build a new fake request.
fakeRequest(Call) - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
Build a new fake request corresponding to a given route call
fallbackTo(F.Promise<A>) - Method in class play.libs.F.Promise
Creates a new promise which holds the result of this promise if it was completed successfully, otherwise the result of the fallback promise if it completed successfully.
fetch(String) - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Specifies a path to load including all its properties.
fetch(String, FetchConfig) - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Additionally specifies a JoinConfig to specify a 'query join' and/or define the lazy loading query.
fetch(String, String) - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Specifies a path to fetch with a specific list properties to include, to load a partial object.
fetch(String, String, FetchConfig) - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Additionally specifies a FetchConfig to use a separate query or lazy loading to load this path.
field(String) - Method in class play.data.DynamicForm
Retrieves a field.
field(String) - Method in class play.data.Form
Retrieve a field.
fill(Map) - Method in class play.data.DynamicForm
Fille with existing data.
fill(T) - Method in class play.data.Form
Populates this form with an existing value, used for edit forms.
filter() - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Creates a filter for sorting and filtering lists of entities locally without going back to the database.
filter(F.Predicate<? super A>) - Method in class play.libs.F.Promise
Creates a new promise by filtering the value of the current promise with a predicate.
filter(F.Predicate<? super A>, ExecutionContext) - Method in class play.libs.F.Promise
Creates a new promise by filtering the value of the current promise with a predicate.
filterMany(String) - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Applies a filter on the 'many' property list rather than the root level objects.
filters() - Method in class play.GlobalSettings
Get the filters that should be used to handle each request.
findFutureIds() - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Executes a find IDs query in a background thread.
findFutureList() - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Executes a find list query in a background thread.
findFutureRowCount() - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Executes a find row count query in a background thread.
findIds() - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Executes a query and returns the results as a list of IDs.
findIterate() - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
findList() - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Executes the query and returns the results as a list of objects.
findMap() - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Executes the query and returns the results as a map of objects.
findMap(String, Class<K>) - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Executes the query and returns the results as a map of the objects.
findNextWhiteSpace(int, String) - Method in class play.libs.Time.CronExpression
findPagingList(int) - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Returns a PagingList for this query.
findRowCount() - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Returns the number of entities this query should return.
findSet() - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Executes the query and returns the results as a set of objects.
findUnique() - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Executes the query and returns the results as either a single bean or null, if no matching bean is found.
findVisit(QueryResultVisitor<T>) - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
FIREFOX - Static variable in class play.test.Helpers
flash() - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
Returns the current HTTP flash scope.
flash(String, String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
Puts a new value into the flash scope.
flash(String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
Returns a value from the flash scope.
flash() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Context
Returns the current flash scope.
flash() - Static method in class play.mvc.Http.Context.Implicit
Returns the current flash scope.
flash() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.WrappedContext
flash(Result) - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
Extracts the Flash values of this Result value.
flash(Result, long) - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
flatMap(F.Function<? super A, F.Promise<B>>) - Method in class play.libs.F.Promise
Maps the result of this promise to a promise for a result of type B, and flattens that to be a single promise for B.
flatMap(F.Function<? super A, F.Promise<B>>, ExecutionContext) - Method in class play.libs.F.Promise
Maps the result of this promise to a promise for a result of type B, and flattens that to be a single promise for B.
fluentWait() - Method in class play.test.TestBrowser
Creates a generic FluentWait<WebDriver> instance using the underlying web driver
FORBIDDEN - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.Status
forbidden() - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 403 FORBIDDEN simple result.
forbidden(Content) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 403 FORBIDDEN simple result.
forbidden(Content, String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 403 FORBIDDEN simple result.
forbidden(String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 403 FORBIDDEN simple result.
forbidden(String, String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 403 FORBIDDEN simple result.
forbidden(JsonNode) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 403 FORBIDDEN simple result.
forbidden(JsonNode, String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 403 FORBIDDEN simple result.
forbidden(byte[]) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 403 FORBIDDEN simple result.
forbidden(InputStream) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 403 FORBIDDEN chunked result.
forbidden(InputStream, int) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 403 FORBIDDEN chunked result.
forbidden(File) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 403 FORBIDDEN file result as an attachment.
forbidden(File, boolean) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 403 FORBIDDEN file result.
forbidden(File, String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 403 FORBIDDEN file result as an attachment.
forbidden(File, int) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Since the length of the file is known, there is little reason to send a file as chunked.
forbidden(Results.Chunks<?>) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 403 FORBIDDEN chunked result.
forCode(String) - Static method in class play.i18n.Lang
Create a Lang value from a code (such as fr or en-US).
Form<T> - Class in play.data
Helper to manage HTML form description, submission and validation.
Form(Class<T>) - Constructor for class play.data.Form
Creates a new Form.
Form(String, Class<T>) - Constructor for class play.data.Form
Form(String, Class<T>, Class<?>) - Constructor for class play.data.Form
Form(String, Class<T>, Map<String, String>, Map<String, List<ValidationError>>, F.Option<T>) - Constructor for class play.data.Form
Form(String, Class<T>, Map<String, String>, Map<String, List<ValidationError>>, F.Option<T>, Class<?>) - Constructor for class play.data.Form
Creates a new Form.
form() - Static method in class play.data.Form
Instantiates a dynamic form.
form(Class<T>) - Static method in class play.data.Form
Instantiates a new form that wraps the specified class.
form(String, Class<T>) - Static method in class play.data.Form
Instantiates a new form that wraps the specified class.
form(String, Class<T>, Class<?>) - Static method in class play.data.Form
Instantiates a new form that wraps the specified class.
form(Class<T>, Class<?>) - Static method in class play.data.Form
Instantiates a new form that wraps the specified class.
FORM - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.MimeTypes
Content-Type of form-urlencoded.
Form.Display - Annotation Type in play.data
Defines a form element's display name.
Form.Field - Class in play.data
A form field.
Form.Field(Form<?>, String, List<F.Tuple<String, List<Object>>>, F.Tuple<String, List<Object>>, List<ValidationError>, String) - Constructor for class play.data.Form.Field
Creates a form field.
format() - Method in class play.data.Form.Field
Returns the expected format for this field.
Formats - Class in play.data.format
Defines several default formatters.
Formats() - Constructor for class play.data.format.Formats
Formats.AnnotationDateFormatter - Class in play.data.format
Annotation formatter, triggered by the @DateTime annotation.
Formats.AnnotationDateFormatter() - Constructor for class play.data.format.Formats.AnnotationDateFormatter
Formats.AnnotationNonEmptyFormatter - Class in play.data.format
Annotation formatter, triggered by the @NonEmpty annotation.
Formats.AnnotationNonEmptyFormatter() - Constructor for class play.data.format.Formats.AnnotationNonEmptyFormatter
Formats.DateFormatter - Class in play.data.format
Formatter for java.util.Date values.
Formats.DateFormatter(String) - Constructor for class play.data.format.Formats.DateFormatter
Creates a date formatter.
Formats.DateTime - Annotation Type in play.data.format
Defines the format for a Date field.
Formats.NonEmpty - Annotation Type in play.data.format
Defines the format for a String field that cannot be empty.
formatted() - Method in class play.libs.EventSource.Event
Formatters - Class in play.data.format
Formatters helper.
Formatters() - Constructor for class play.data.format.Formatters
Formatters.AnnotationFormatter<A extends java.lang.annotation.Annotation,T> - Class in play.data.format
Super-type for annotation-based formatters.
Formatters.AnnotationFormatter() - Constructor for class play.data.format.Formatters.AnnotationFormatter
Formatters.SimpleFormatter<T> - Class in play.data.format
Super-type for custom simple formatters.
Formatters.SimpleFormatter() - Constructor for class play.data.format.Formatters.SimpleFormatter
FOUND - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.Status
found(String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 302 FOUND simple result.
found(Call) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 302 FOUND simple result.
FROM - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
fromInputStream(InputStream, String) - Static method in class play.libs.XML
Parse an InputStream as DOM.
fromJson(JsonNode, Class<A>) - Static method in class play.libs.Json
Convert a JsonNode to a Java value
fromString(String) - Static method in class play.libs.XML
Parse an XML string as DOM.
fromThread(ExecutionContext) - Static method in class play.libs.HttpExecution
An ExecutionContext that executes work on the given ExecutionContext.


GATEWAY_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.Status
generateEvolutionScript(EbeanServer, ServerConfig) - Static method in class play.db.ebean.EbeanPlugin
Helper method that generates the required evolution to properly run Ebean.
generateSignedToken() - Static method in class play.libs.Crypto
Generate a signed token
generateToken() - Static method in class play.libs.Crypto
Generate a cryptographically secure token
get(String) - Static method in class play.cache.Cache
Retrieves an object by key.
get(String) - Method in class play.data.DynamicForm
Gets the concrete value if the submission was a success.
get() - Method in class play.data.Form
Gets the concrete value if the submission was a success.
get(Lang, String, Object...) - Static method in class play.i18n.Messages
Translates a message.
get(Lang, List<String>, Object...) - Static method in class play.i18n.Messages
Translates the first defined message.
get(String, Object...) - Static method in class play.i18n.Messages
Translates a message.
get(List<String>, Object...) - Static method in class play.i18n.Messages
Translates the first defined message.
get() - Method in class play.libs.F.None
get() - Method in class play.libs.F.Option
Returns the value if defined.
get(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class play.libs.F.Promise
Awaits for the promise to get the result.
Throws a Throwable if the calculation providing the promise threw an exception
get(long) - Method in class play.libs.F.Promise
Awaits for the promise to get the result.
Throws a Throwable if the calculation providing the promise threw an exception
get() - Method in class play.libs.F.Some
get() - Method in class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSRequestHolder
Perform a GET on the request asynchronously.
get() - Method in interface play.libs.ws.WSRequestHolder
get(String) - Method in interface play.mvc.Http.Cookies
GET - Static variable in class play.test.Helpers
getAllHeaders() - Method in class play.libs.oauth.OAuth.WSRequestAdapter
getAllHeaders() - Method in class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSRequest
Return the headers of the request being constructed
getAllHeaders() - Method in class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSResponse
Get all the HTTP headers of the response as a case-insensitive map
getAllHeaders() - Method in interface play.libs.ws.WSRequest
getAllHeaders() - Method in interface play.libs.ws.WSResponse
getApplication() - Method in class play.server.ApplicationProvider
getArgumentsForConstraint(String, String, ConstraintDescriptor<?>) - Method in class play.data.Form
getBody() - Method in class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSRequest
getBody() - Method in class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSResponse
Get the response body as a string.
getBody() - Method in interface play.libs.ws.WSRequest
Get the body.
getBody() - Method in interface play.libs.ws.WSResponse
getBodyAsStream() - Method in class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSResponse
Get the response body as a stream
getBodyAsStream() - Method in interface play.libs.ws.WSResponse
getBoolean(String) - Method in class play.Configuration
Retrieves a configuration value as a Boolean.
getBoolean(String, Boolean) - Method in class play.Configuration
Retrieves a configuration value as a Boolean.
getBooleanList(String) - Method in class play.Configuration
Retrieves a configuration value as a List<Boolean>.
getBooleanList(String, List<Boolean>) - Method in class play.Configuration
Retrieves a configuration value as a List<Boolean>.
getBytes(String) - Method in class play.Configuration
Retrieves a configuration value as a Bytes.
getBytes(String, Long) - Method in class play.Configuration
Retrieves a configuration value as a Bytes.
getBytesList(String) - Method in class play.Configuration
Retrieves a configuration value as a List<Long> representing bytes.
getBytesList(String, List<Long>) - Method in class play.Configuration
Retrieves a configuration value as a List<Long> representing bytes.
getCalculator() - Method in class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSRequestHolder
getCalculator() - Method in interface play.libs.ws.WSRequestHolder
getConfig(String) - Method in class play.Configuration
Retrieves a sub-configuration, which is a configuration instance containing all keys that start with the given prefix.
getConfigList(String) - Method in class play.Configuration
Retrieves a configuration value as a List<Configuration>.
getConfigList(String, List<Configuration>) - Method in class play.Configuration
Retrieves a configuration value as a List<Configuration>.
getConnection() - Static method in class play.db.DB
Returns a connection from the default datasource, with auto-commit enabled.
getConnection(boolean) - Static method in class play.db.DB
Returns a connection from the default datasource, with the specified auto-commit setting.
getConnection(String) - Static method in class play.db.DB
Returns a connection from any datasource, with auto-commit enabled.
getConnection(String, boolean) - Static method in class play.db.DB
Get a connection from any datasource, with the specified auto-commit setting.
getContentType() - Method in class play.libs.oauth.OAuth.WSRequestAdapter
getContentType() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.MultipartFormData.FilePart
The file Content-Type
getControllerInstance(Class<A>) - Method in class play.GlobalSettings
Manages controllers instantiation.
getCookie(String) - Method in class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSResponse
Get only one cookie, using the cookie name.
getCookie(String) - Method in interface play.libs.ws.WSResponse
getCookies() - Method in class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSResponse
Get all the cookies.
getCookies() - Method in interface play.libs.ws.WSResponse
getCronExpression() - Method in class play.libs.Time.CronExpression
getData() - Method in class play.data.DynamicForm.Dynamic
Retrieves the data.
getDataSource() - Static method in class play.db.DB
Returns the default datasource.
getDataSource(String) - Static method in class play.db.DB
Returns any default datasource.
getDayOfWeekNumber(String) - Method in class play.libs.Time.CronExpression
getDomain() - Method in class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSCookie
getDomain() - Method in interface play.libs.ws.WSCookie
getDouble(String) - Method in class play.Configuration
Retrieves a configuration value as an Double.
getDouble(String, Double) - Method in class play.Configuration
Retrieves a configuration value as an Double.
getDoubleList(String) - Method in class play.Configuration
Retrieves a configuration value as a List<Double>.
getDoubleList(String, List<Double>) - Method in class play.Configuration
Retrieves a configuration value as a List<Double>.
getErrorMessageKey() - Method in class play.data.validation.Constraints.EmailValidator
getErrorMessageKey() - Method in class play.data.validation.Constraints.MaxLengthValidator
getErrorMessageKey() - Method in class play.data.validation.Constraints.MaxValidator
getErrorMessageKey() - Method in class play.data.validation.Constraints.MinLengthValidator
getErrorMessageKey() - Method in class play.data.validation.Constraints.MinValidator
getErrorMessageKey() - Method in class play.data.validation.Constraints.PatternValidator
getErrorMessageKey() - Method in class play.data.validation.Constraints.RequiredValidator
getErrorMessageKey() - Method in class play.data.validation.Constraints.ValidateWithValidator
getErrorMessageKey() - Method in class play.data.validation.Constraints.Validator
getExpires() - Method in class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSCookie
getExpires() - Method in interface play.libs.ws.WSCookie
getExpressionFactory() - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Returns the ExpressionFactory used by this query.
getExpressionSetSummary(Set<Integer>) - Method in class play.libs.Time.CronExpression
getExpressionSetSummary(ArrayList<Integer>) - Method in class play.libs.Time.CronExpression
getExpressionSummary() - Method in class play.libs.Time.CronExpression
getFile(String) - Method in class play.Application
Retrieves a file relative to the application root path.
getFile() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.MultipartFormData.FilePart
The File.
getFile(String) - Method in class play.mvc.Http.MultipartFormData
Access a file part.
getFilename() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.MultipartFormData.FilePart
The file name.
getFiles() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.MultipartFormData
Retrieves all file parts.
getFinalFireTime() - Method in class play.libs.Time.CronExpression
NOT YET IMPLEMENTED: Returns the final time that the CronExpression will match.
getFirstRow() - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Returns the first row value.
getFollowRedirects() - Method in class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSRequestHolder
getFollowRedirects() - Method in interface play.libs.ws.WSRequestHolder
getGeneratedSql() - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Returns the SQL that was generated for executing this query.
getHeader(String) - Method in class play.libs.oauth.OAuth.WSRequestAdapter
getHeader(String) - Method in class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSRequest
getHeader(String) - Method in class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSResponse
Get the given HTTP header of the response
getHeader(String) - Method in interface play.libs.ws.WSRequest
getHeader(String) - Method in interface play.libs.ws.WSResponse
getHeader(String) - Method in class play.mvc.Http.RequestHeader
Retrieves a single header.
getHeaders() - Method in class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSRequestHolder
getHeaders() - Method in interface play.libs.ws.WSRequestHolder
getHeaders() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Response
Gets the current response headers.
getInfo() - Method in class play.libs.oauth.OAuth
getInt(String) - Method in class play.Configuration
Retrieves a configuration value as an Int.
getInt(String, Integer) - Method in class play.Configuration
Retrieves a configuration value as an Int.
getIntList(String) - Method in class play.Configuration
Retrieves a configuration value as a List<Integer>.
getIntList(String, List<Integer>) - Method in class play.Configuration
Retrieves a configuration value as a List<Integer>.
getKey() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.MultipartFormData.FilePart
The part name.
getLastDayOfMonth(int, int) - Method in class play.libs.Time.CronExpression
getList(String) - Method in class play.Configuration
Retrieves a configuration value as a List<Object>.
getList(String, List<Object>) - Method in class play.Configuration
Retrieves a configuration value as a List<Object>.
getLong(String) - Method in class play.Configuration
Retrieves a configuration value as an Long.
getLong(String, Long) - Method in class play.Configuration
Retrieves a configuration value as an Long.
getLongList(String) - Method in class play.Configuration
Retrieves a configuration value as a List<Long>.
getLongList(String, List<Long>) - Method in class play.Configuration
Retrieves a configuration value as a List<Long>.
getMaxAge() - Method in class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSCookie
getMaxAge() - Method in interface play.libs.ws.WSCookie
getMaxRows() - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Returns the maximum of rows for this query.
getMessagePayload() - Method in class play.libs.oauth.OAuth.WSRequestAdapter
getMethod() - Method in class play.libs.oauth.OAuth.WSRequestAdapter
getMethod() - Method in class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSRequest
getMethod() - Method in interface play.libs.ws.WSRequest
getMilliseconds(String) - Method in class play.Configuration
Retrieves a configuration value as a Milliseconds.
getMilliseconds(String, Long) - Method in class play.Configuration
Retrieves a configuration value as a Milliseconds.
getMillisecondsList(String) - Method in class play.Configuration
Retrieves a configuration value as a List<Long> representing Milliseconds.
getMillisecondsList(String, List<Long>) - Method in class play.Configuration
Retrieves a configuration value as a List<Long> representing Milliseconds.
getMonthNumber(String) - Method in class play.libs.Time.CronExpression
getName() - Method in class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSCookie
getName() - Method in interface play.libs.ws.WSCookie
getNanoseconds(String) - Method in class play.Configuration
Retrieves a configuration value as a Nanoseconds.
getNanoseconds(String, Long) - Method in class play.Configuration
Retrieves a configuration value as a Nanoseconds.
getNanosecondsList(String) - Method in class play.Configuration
Retrieves a configuration value as a List<Long> representing Nanoseconds.
getNanosecondsList(String, List<Long>) - Method in class play.Configuration
Retrieves a configuration value as a List<Long> representing Nanoseconds.
getNextInterval(Date) - Method in class play.libs.Time.CronExpression
Return the interval between the next valid date and the one after
getNextInvalidTimeAfter(Date) - Method in class play.libs.Time.CronExpression
Returns the next date/time after the given date/time which does not satisfy the expression
getNextValidTimeAfter(Date) - Method in class play.libs.Time.CronExpression
Returns the next date/time after the given date/time which satisfies the cron expression.
getNumber(String) - Method in class play.Configuration
Retrieves a configuration value as an Number.
getNumber(String, Number) - Method in class play.Configuration
Retrieves a configuration value as an Number.
getNumberList(String) - Method in class play.Configuration
Retrieves a configuration value as a List<Number>.
getNumberList(String, List<Number>) - Method in class play.Configuration
Retrieves a configuration value as a List<Number>.
getNumericValue(String, int) - Method in class play.libs.Time.CronExpression
getObject(String) - Method in class play.Configuration
Retrieves a configuration value as a Object.
getObject(String, Object) - Method in class play.Configuration
Retrieves a configuration value as a Object.
getObjectList(String) - Method in class play.Configuration
Retrieves a configuration value as a List<Map<String, Object>>.
getObjectList(String, List<Map<String, Object>>) - Method in class play.Configuration
Retrieves a configuration value as a List<Map<String, Object>>.
getOrElse(String, Callable<T>, int) - Static method in class play.cache.Cache
Retrieve a value from the cache, or set it from a default Callable function.
getOrElse(T) - Method in class play.libs.F.Option
Get the value if defined, otherwise return the supplied defaultValue.
getPassword() - Method in class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSRequestHolder
getPassword() - Method in interface play.libs.ws.WSRequestHolder
getPath() - Method in class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSCookie
getPath() - Method in interface play.libs.ws.WSCookie
getPath() - Method in class play.server.ApplicationProvider
getProvider() - Method in class play.libs.oauth.OAuth
getQueryParameters() - Method in class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSRequestHolder
getQueryParameters() - Method in interface play.libs.ws.WSRequestHolder
getQueryString(String) - Method in class play.mvc.Http.RequestHeader
Helper method to access a queryString parameter.
getRawSql() - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Returns the RawSql that was set to use for this query.
getRequestUrl() - Method in class play.libs.oauth.OAuth.WSRequestAdapter
getScheme() - Method in class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSRequestHolder
getScheme() - Method in interface play.libs.ws.WSRequestHolder
getSet(int) - Method in class play.libs.Time.CronExpression
getStatus() - Method in class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSResponse
Get the HTTP status code of the response
getStatus() - Method in interface play.libs.ws.WSResponse
getStatusText() - Method in class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSResponse
Get the HTTP status text of the response
getStatusText() - Method in interface play.libs.ws.WSResponse
getString(String) - Method in class play.Configuration
Retrieves a configuration value as a String.
getString(String, String) - Method in class play.Configuration
Retrieves a configuration value as a String.
getStringList(String) - Method in class play.Configuration
Retrieves a configuration value as a List<String>.
getStringList(String, List<String>) - Method in class play.Configuration
Retrieves a configuration value as a List<Number>.
getTimeAfter(Date) - Method in class play.libs.Time.CronExpression
getTimeBefore(Date) - Method in class play.libs.Time.CronExpression
NOT YET IMPLEMENTED: Returns the time before the given time that the CronExpression matches.
getTimeout() - Method in class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSRequestHolder
getTimeout() - Method in interface play.libs.ws.WSRequestHolder
getTimeZone() - Method in class play.libs.Time.CronExpression
Returns the time zone for which this CronExpression will be resolved.
getTypes(Application, String) - Static method in class play.libs.Classpath
Scans the application classloader to retrieve all types within a specific package.
getTypesAnnotatedWith(Application, String, Class<? extends Annotation>) - Static method in class play.libs.Classpath
Scans the application classloader to retrieve all types annotated with a specific annotation.
getUnderlying() - Method in class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSClient
getUnderlying() - Method in class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSCookie
Returns the underlying "native" object for the cookie.
getUnderlying() - Method in class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSResponse
getUnderlying() - Method in interface play.libs.ws.WSClient
getUnderlying() - Method in interface play.libs.ws.WSCookie
Returns the underlying "native" object for the cookie.
getUnderlying() - Method in interface play.libs.ws.WSResponse
getUri() - Method in class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSResponse
Return the request URI.
getUri() - Method in interface play.libs.ws.WSResponse
getUrl() - Method in class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSRequest
getUrl() - Method in class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSRequestHolder
getUrl() - Method in interface play.libs.ws.WSRequest
getUrl() - Method in interface play.libs.ws.WSRequestHolder
getUsername() - Method in class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSRequestHolder
getUsername() - Method in interface play.libs.ws.WSRequestHolder
getUsername(Http.Context) - Method in class play.mvc.Security.Authenticator
Retrieves the username from the HTTP context; the default is to read from the session cookie.
getValidator() - Static method in class play.data.validation.Validation
Returns a JSR-303 Validator.
getValue(int, String, int) - Method in class play.libs.Time.CronExpression
getValue() - Method in class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSCookie
getValue() - Method in interface play.libs.ws.WSCookie
getWrappedApplication() - Method in class play.Application
getWrappedApplication() - Method in class play.test.FakeApplication
getWrappedConfiguration() - Method in class play.Configuration
getWrappedRequest() - Method in class play.test.FakeRequest
globalError() - Method in class play.data.Form
Retrieves the first global error (an error without any key), if it exists.
globalErrors() - Method in class play.data.Form
Retrieve all global errors - errors without a key.
GlobalSettings - Class in play
GlobalSettings is instantiated by the framework when an application starts, to let you perform specific tasks at start-up or shut-down.
GlobalSettings() - Constructor for class play.GlobalSettings
GONE - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.Status


handle(String) - Method in class play.filters.csrf.CSRFErrorHandler.DefaultCSRFErrorHandler
handle(String) - Method in interface play.filters.csrf.CSRFErrorHandler
Handle the CSRF error.
HandlerRef - Interface in play.mvc
Reference to an Handler.
hasErrors() - Method in class play.data.Form
Returns true if there are any errors related to this form.
hasGlobalErrors() - Method in class play.data.Form
Returns true if there any global errors related to this form.
hashCode() - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model
hashCode() - Method in class play.i18n.Lang
hashCode() - Method in class play.libs.F.Tuple
hashCode() - Method in class play.libs.F.Tuple3
hashCode() - Method in class play.libs.F.Tuple4
hashCode() - Method in class play.libs.F.Tuple5
hasHeader(String) - Method in class play.mvc.Http.RequestHeader
Checks if the request has the header.
having() - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Returns the query's having clause.
having(Expression) - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Adds an expression to the having clause and returns the query.
having(String) - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Adds clauses to the having clause and returns the query.
head() - Method in class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSRequestHolder
Perform a HEAD on the request asynchronously.
head() - Method in interface play.libs.ws.WSRequestHolder
HEAD - Static variable in class play.test.Helpers
header(String, Result) - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
Extracts an Header value of this Result value.
header(String, Result, long) - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
headers() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.RequestHeader
Retrieves all headers.
headers(Result) - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
Extracts all Headers of this Result value.
headers(Result, long) - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
Helpers - Class in play.test
Helper functions to run tests.
Helpers() - Constructor for class play.test.Helpers
HOST - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
host() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.RequestHeader
The request host.
HOUR - Static variable in class play.libs.Time.CronExpression
hours - Variable in class play.libs.Time.CronExpression
HTML - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.MimeTypes
Content-Type of html.
HTMLUNIT - Static variable in class play.test.Helpers
Http - Class in play.mvc
Defines HTTP standard objects.
Http() - Constructor for class play.mvc.Http
Http.Context - Class in play.mvc
The global HTTP context.
Http.Context(Long, RequestHeader, Http.Request, Map<String, String>, Map<String, String>, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class play.mvc.Http.Context
Creates a new HTTP context.
Http.Context.Implicit - Class in play.mvc
Import in templates to get implicit HTTP context.
Http.Context.Implicit() - Constructor for class play.mvc.Http.Context.Implicit
Http.Cookie - Class in play.mvc
HTTP Cookie
Http.Cookie(String, String, Integer, String, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class play.mvc.Http.Cookie
Http.Cookies - Interface in play.mvc
HTTP Cookies set
Http.Flash - Class in play.mvc
HTTP Flash.
Http.Flash(Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class play.mvc.Http.Flash
Http.HeaderNames - Interface in play.mvc
Defines all standard HTTP headers.
Http.MimeTypes - Interface in play.mvc
Common HTTP MIME types
Http.MultipartFormData - Class in play.mvc
Multipart form data body.
Http.MultipartFormData() - Constructor for class play.mvc.Http.MultipartFormData
Http.MultipartFormData.FilePart - Class in play.mvc
A file part.
Http.MultipartFormData.FilePart(String, String, String, File) - Constructor for class play.mvc.Http.MultipartFormData.FilePart
Http.RawBuffer - Class in play.mvc
Handle the request body a raw bytes data.
Http.RawBuffer() - Constructor for class play.mvc.Http.RawBuffer
Http.Request - Class in play.mvc
An HTTP request.
Http.Request() - Constructor for class play.mvc.Http.Request
Http.RequestBody - Class in play.mvc
The request body.
Http.RequestBody() - Constructor for class play.mvc.Http.RequestBody
Http.RequestHeader - Class in play.mvc
Http.RequestHeader() - Constructor for class play.mvc.Http.RequestHeader
Http.Response - Class in play.mvc
The HTTP response.
Http.Response() - Constructor for class play.mvc.Http.Response
Http.Session - Class in play.mvc
HTTP Session.
Http.Session(Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class play.mvc.Http.Session
Http.Status - Interface in play.mvc
Defines all standard HTTP status codes.
Http.WrappedContext - Class in play.mvc
A wrapped context.
Http.WrappedContext(Http.Context) - Constructor for class play.mvc.Http.WrappedContext
HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.Status
HttpExecution - Class in play.libs
ExecutionContexts that preserve the current thread's context ClassLoader and Http.Context.
HttpExecution() - Constructor for class play.libs.HttpExecution
httpOnly() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Cookie


id - Variable in class play.libs.openid.OpenID.UserInfo
id() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Context
The context id (unique)
id() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.WrappedContext
IF_MATCH - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
IF_MODIFIED_SINCE - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
IF_NONE_MATCH - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
IF_RANGE - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
IF_UNMODIFIED_SINCE - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
indexes() - Method in class play.data.Form.Field
Return the indexes available for this field (for repeated fields ad List)
info(String) - Method in class play.Logger.ALogger
Logs a message with the INFO level.
info(String, Object...) - Method in class play.Logger.ALogger
Logs a message with the INFO level.
info(String, Throwable) - Method in class play.Logger.ALogger
Logs a message with the INFO level, with the given error.
info(String) - Static method in class play.Logger
Log a message with the INFO level.
info(String, Object...) - Static method in class play.Logger
Log a message with the INFO level.
info(String, Throwable) - Static method in class play.Logger
Log a message with the INFO level.
initialBuffer() - Method in class play.libs.Comet
Initial chunk of data to send for browser compatibility (default to send 5Kb of blank data).
initialize(Constraints.Email) - Method in class play.data.validation.Constraints.EmailValidator
initialize(Constraints.MaxLength) - Method in class play.data.validation.Constraints.MaxLengthValidator
initialize(Constraints.Max) - Method in class play.data.validation.Constraints.MaxValidator
initialize(Constraints.MinLength) - Method in class play.data.validation.Constraints.MinLengthValidator
initialize(Constraints.Min) - Method in class play.data.validation.Constraints.MinValidator
initialize(Constraints.Pattern) - Method in class play.data.validation.Constraints.PatternValidator
initialize(Constraints.Required) - Method in class play.data.validation.Constraints.RequiredValidator
initialize(Constraints.ValidateWith) - Method in class play.data.validation.Constraints.ValidateWithValidator
inMemoryDatabase() - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
Constructs a in-memory (h2) database configuration to add to a FakeApplication.
inMemoryDatabase(String) - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
Constructs a in-memory (h2) database configuration to add to a FakeApplication.
inMemoryDatabase(String, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
Constructs a in-memory (h2) database configuration to add to a FakeApplication.
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.Status
internalServerError() - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 500 INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR simple result.
internalServerError(Content) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 500 INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR simple result.
internalServerError(Content, String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 500 INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR simple result.
internalServerError(String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 500 INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR simple result.
internalServerError(String, String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 500 INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR simple result.
internalServerError(JsonNode) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 500 INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR simple result.
internalServerError(JsonNode, String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 500 INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR simple result.
internalServerError(byte[]) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 500 INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR simple result.
internalServerError(InputStream) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 500 INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR chunked result.
internalServerError(InputStream, int) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 500 INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR chunked result.
internalServerError(File) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 500 INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR file result as an attachment.
internalServerError(File, boolean) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 500 INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR file result.
internalServerError(File, String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 500 INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR file result as an attachment.
internalServerError(File, int) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Since the length of the file is known, there is little reason to send a file as chunked.
internalServerError(Results.Chunks<?>) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 500 INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR chunked result.
invoke(A) - Method in interface play.libs.F.Callback
invoke() - Method in interface play.libs.F.Callback0
invoke(A, B) - Method in interface play.libs.F.Callback2
invoke(A, B, C) - Method in interface play.libs.F.Callback3
isActor() - Method in class play.mvc.WebSocket
If this method returns true, then the WebSocket should be handled by an actor.
isAutofetchTuned() - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Returns true if this query was tuned by autoFetch.
isDebugEnabled() - Method in class play.Logger.ALogger
Returns true if the logger instance has DEBUG level logging enabled.
isDebugEnabled() - Static method in class play.Logger
Returns true if the logger instance enabled for the DEBUG level?
isDefined(Lang, String) - Static method in class play.i18n.Messages
Check if a message key is defined.
isDefined(String) - Static method in class play.i18n.Messages
Check if a message key is defined.
isDefined() - Method in class play.libs.F.None
isDefined() - Method in class play.libs.F.Option
Is the value of this option defined?
isDefined() - Method in class play.libs.F.Some
isDev() - Method in class play.Application
Returns `true` if the application is `DEV` mode.
isDev() - Static method in class play.Play
Returns `true` if the current application is `DEV` mode.
isDirty - Variable in class play.mvc.Http.Flash
isDirty - Variable in class play.mvc.Http.Session
isEmpty() - Method in class play.libs.F.Option
isErrorEnabled() - Method in class play.Logger.ALogger
Returns true if the logger instance has ERROR level logging enabled.
isErrorEnabled() - Static method in class play.Logger
Returns true if the logger instance enabled for the ERROR level?
isForUpdate() - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Whether this query is for update
isInfoEnabled() - Method in class play.Logger.ALogger
Returns true if the logger instance has INFO level logging enabled.
isInfoEnabled() - Static method in class play.Logger
Returns true if the logger instance enabled for the INFO level?
isLeapYear(int) - Method in class play.libs.Time.CronExpression
isMaxSizeExceeded() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.RequestBody
isProd() - Method in class play.Application
Returns `true` if the application is `PROD` mode.
isProd() - Static method in class play.Play
Returns `true` if the current application is `PROD` mode.
isSatisfiedBy(Date) - Method in class play.libs.Time.CronExpression
Indicates whether the given date satisfies the cron expression.
isSecure() - Method in class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSCookie
isSecure() - Method in interface play.libs.ws.WSCookie
isTest() - Method in class play.Application
Returns `true` if the application is `TEST` mode.
isTest() - Static method in class play.Play
Returns `true` if the current application is `TEST` mode.
isTraceEnabled() - Method in class play.Logger.ALogger
Returns true if the logger instance has TRACE level logging enabled.
isTraceEnabled() - Static method in class play.Logger
Returns true if the logger instance enabled for the TRACE level?
isValid(String) - Method in class play.data.validation.Constraints.EmailValidator
isValid(String) - Method in class play.data.validation.Constraints.MaxLengthValidator
isValid(Number) - Method in class play.data.validation.Constraints.MaxValidator
isValid(String) - Method in class play.data.validation.Constraints.MinLengthValidator
isValid(Number) - Method in class play.data.validation.Constraints.MinValidator
isValid(String) - Method in class play.data.validation.Constraints.PatternValidator
isValid(Object) - Method in class play.data.validation.Constraints.RequiredValidator
isValid(Object) - Method in class play.data.validation.Constraints.ValidateWithValidator
isValid(T) - Method in class play.data.validation.Constraints.Validator
Returns true if this value is valid.
isValid(T, ConstraintValidatorContext) - Method in class play.data.validation.Constraints.Validator
Returns true if this value is valid for the given constraint.
isValidExpression(String) - Static method in class play.libs.Time.CronExpression
Indicates whether the specified cron expression can be parsed into a valid cron expression
isWarnEnabled() - Method in class play.Logger.ALogger
Returns true if the logger instance has WARN level logging enabled.
isWarnEnabled() - Static method in class play.Logger
Returns true if the logger instance enabled for the WARN level?
iterator() - Method in class play.libs.F.None
iterator() - Method in class play.libs.F.Some


JAVASCRIPT - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.MimeTypes
Content-Type of javascript.
javascriptRouter(String, Router.JavascriptReverseRoute...) - Static method in class play.Routes
Generates a JavaScript router.
javascriptRouter(String, String, Router.JavascriptReverseRoute...) - Static method in class play.Routes
Generates a JavaScript router.
javascriptUnbind() - Method in interface play.mvc.PathBindable
Javascript function to unbind in the Javascript router.
javascriptUnbind() - Method in interface play.mvc.QueryStringBindable
Javascript function to unbind in the Javascript router.
JPA - Class in play.db.jpa
JPA Helpers.
JPA() - Constructor for class play.db.jpa.JPA
JPAPlugin - Class in play.db.jpa
A Play plugin that automatically manages JPA configuration.
JPAPlugin(Application) - Constructor for class play.db.jpa.JPAPlugin
Json - Class in play.libs
Helper functions to handle JsonNode values.
Json() - Constructor for class play.libs.Json
JSON - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.MimeTypes
Content-Type of json.
Jsonp - Class in play.libs
The JSONP Content renders a JavaScript call of a JSON object.
Example of use, provided the following route definition:
Jsonp(String, JsonNode) - Constructor for class play.libs.Jsonp
jsonp(String, JsonNode) - Static method in class play.libs.Jsonp


key() - Method in class play.data.validation.ValidationError
Returns the error key.
key - Variable in class play.libs.oauth.OAuth.ConsumerKey
key - Variable in class play.libs.oauth.OAuth.ServiceInfo
keys() - Method in class play.Configuration
Retrieves the set of keys available in this configuration.


Lang - Class in play.i18n
A Lang supported by the application.
Lang(Lang) - Constructor for class play.i18n.Lang
lang() - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
Returns the current lang.
lang() - Static method in class play.mvc.Http.Context.Implicit
Returns the current lang.
lang() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Context
lang() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.WrappedContext
langCookieName() - Static method in class play.Play
language() - Method in class play.i18n.Lang
A valid ISO Language Code.
LAST_MODIFIED - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
lastdayOfMonth - Variable in class play.libs.Time.CronExpression
lastdayOfWeek - Variable in class play.libs.Time.CronExpression
left - Variable in class play.libs.F.Either
The left value.
Left(A) - Static method in class play.libs.F.Either
Constructs a left side of the disjoint union, as opposed to the Right side.
LENGTH_REQUIRED - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.Status
load(String) - Static method in class play.libs.Yaml
Load a Yaml file from the classpath.
load(InputStream, ClassLoader) - Static method in class play.libs.Yaml
Load the specified InputStream as Yaml.
loaded() - Method in class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSPlugin
loaded() - Method in class play.libs.ws.WSPlugin
Used for testing.
LOCATION - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
Logger - Class in play
High level API for logging operations.
Logger() - Constructor for class play.Logger
logger() - Static method in class play.PlayInternal
Logger.ALogger - Class in play
Typical logger interface
Logger.ALogger(Logger) - Constructor for class play.Logger.ALogger


manage() - Method in class play.test.TestBrowser
retrieves the underlying option interface that can be used to set cookies, manage timeouts among other things
map(F.Function<T, A>) - Method in class play.libs.F.Option
Map this option to another value.
map(F.Function<? super A, B>) - Method in class play.libs.F.Promise
Maps this promise to a promise of type B.
map(F.Function<? super A, B>, ExecutionContext) - Method in class play.libs.F.Promise
Maps this promise to a promise of type B.
max(long) - Static method in class play.data.validation.Constraints
Constructs a 'max' validator.
MAX_FORWARDS - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
maxAge() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Cookie
maxLength(long) - Static method in class play.data.validation.Constraints
Constructs a 'maxLength' validator.
message - Static variable in class play.data.validation.Constraints.EmailValidator
message - Static variable in class play.data.validation.Constraints.MaxLengthValidator
message - Static variable in class play.data.validation.Constraints.MaxValidator
message - Static variable in class play.data.validation.Constraints.MinLengthValidator
message - Static variable in class play.data.validation.Constraints.MinValidator
message - Static variable in class play.data.validation.Constraints.PatternValidator
message - Static variable in class play.data.validation.Constraints.RequiredValidator
message - Static variable in class play.data.validation.Constraints.ValidateWithValidator
message() - Method in class play.data.validation.ValidationError
Returns the error message.
messages() - Method in class play.data.validation.ValidationError
Returns the error messages.
Messages - Class in play.i18n
High-level internationalisation API.
Messages() - Constructor for class play.i18n.Messages
method() - Method in class play.mvc.Call
The request HTTP method.
method() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.RequestHeader
The HTTP Method.
METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.Status
min(long) - Static method in class play.data.validation.Constraints
Constructs a 'min' validator.
minLength(long) - Static method in class play.data.validation.Constraints
Constructs a 'minLength' validator.
MINUTE - Static variable in class play.libs.Time.CronExpression
minutes - Variable in class play.libs.Time.CronExpression
Mode - Enum in play
Application mode, either `DEV`, `TEST`, or `PROD`.
mode() - Static method in class play.Play
Returns the current mode of the application.
Model - Class in play.db.ebean
Base-class for Ebean-mapped models that provides convenience methods.
Model() - Constructor for class play.db.ebean.Model
Model.Finder<I,T> - Class in play.db.ebean
Helper for Ebean queries.
Model.Finder(Class<I>, Class<T>) - Constructor for class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Creates a finder for entity of type T with ID of type I.
Model.Finder(String, Class<I>, Class<T>) - Constructor for class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Creates a finder for entity of type T with ID of type I, using a specific Ebean server.
MONTH - Static variable in class play.libs.Time.CronExpression
monthMap - Static variable in class play.libs.Time.CronExpression
months - Variable in class play.libs.Time.CronExpression
MOVED_PERMANENTLY - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.Status
movedPermanently(String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 301 MOVED_PERMANENTLY simple result.
movedPermanently(Call) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 301 MOVED_PERMANENTLY simple result.
MULTIPLE_CHOICES - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.Status


name() - Method in class play.data.Form.Field
Returns the field name.
name() - Method in class play.data.Form
name() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Cookie
nearestWeekday - Variable in class play.libs.Time.CronExpression
newObject() - Static method in class play.libs.Json
Creates a new empty ObjectNode.
nextId() - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Returns the next identity value.
NingWSAPI - Class in play.libs.ws.ning
NingWSAPI(Application) - Constructor for class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSAPI
NingWSClient - Class in play.libs.ws.ning
NingWSClient(AsyncHttpClientConfig) - Constructor for class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSClient
NingWSCookie - Class in play.libs.ws.ning
The Ning implementation of a WS cookie.
NingWSCookie(Cookie) - Constructor for class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSCookie
NingWSPlugin - Class in play.libs.ws.ning
NingWSPlugin(Application) - Constructor for class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSPlugin
NingWSRequest - Class in play.libs.ws.ning
Provides the bridge between Play and the underlying ning request
NingWSRequest(NingWSClient, String, String, Map<String, Collection<String>>, Map<String, Collection<String>>) - Constructor for class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSRequest
NingWSRequest(NingWSClient, String, String, Map<String, Collection<String>>, FluentCaseInsensitiveStringsMap) - Constructor for class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSRequest
NingWSRequest(NingWSClient, String, String, Map<String, Collection<String>>, FluentCaseInsensitiveStringsMap, byte[]) - Constructor for class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSRequest
NingWSRequestHolder - Class in play.libs.ws.ning
provides the User facing API for building WS request.
NingWSRequestHolder(NingWSClient, String) - Constructor for class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSRequestHolder
NingWSResponse - Class in play.libs.ws.ning
A WS response.
NingWSResponse(Response) - Constructor for class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSResponse
NO_CONTENT - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.Status
NO_SPEC - Static variable in class play.libs.Time.CronExpression
NO_SPEC_INT - Static variable in class play.libs.Time.CronExpression
noContent() - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 204 NO_CONTENT simple result.
NON_AUTHORITATIVE_INFORMATION - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.Status
None() - Static method in class play.libs.F
Constructs a None value.
None() - Static method in class play.libs.F.Option
Constructs a None value.
None() - Static method in class play.libs.Scala
NOT_ACCEPTABLE - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.Status
NOT_FOUND - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.Status
NOT_IMPLEMENTED - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.Status
NOT_MODIFIED - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.Status
notFound() - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 404 NOT_FOUND simple result.
notFound(Content) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 404 NOT_FOUND simple result.
notFound(Content, String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 404 NOT_FOUND simple result.
notFound(String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 404 NOT_FOUND simple result.
notFound(String, String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 404 NOT_FOUND simple result.
notFound(JsonNode) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 404 NOT_FOUND simple result.
notFound(JsonNode, String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 404 NOT_FOUND simple result.
notFound(byte[]) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 404 NOT_FOUND simple result.
notFound(InputStream) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 404 NOT_FOUND chunked result.
notFound(InputStream, int) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 404 NOT_FOUND chunked result.
notFound(File) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 404 NOT_FOUND file result as an attachment.
notFound(File, boolean) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 404 NOT_FOUND file result.
notFound(File, String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 404 NOT_FOUND file result as an attachment.
notFound(File, int) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Since the length of the file is known, there is little reason to send a file as chunked.
notFound(Results.Chunks<?>) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 404 NOT_FOUND chunked result.
nthdayOfWeek - Variable in class play.libs.Time.CronExpression


OAuth - Class in play.libs.oauth
OAuth(OAuth.ServiceInfo) - Constructor for class play.libs.oauth.OAuth
OAuth(OAuth.ServiceInfo, boolean) - Constructor for class play.libs.oauth.OAuth
OAuth.ConsumerKey - Class in play.libs.oauth
A consumer key / consumer secret pair that the OAuth provider gave you, to identify your application.
OAuth.ConsumerKey(String, String) - Constructor for class play.libs.oauth.OAuth.ConsumerKey
OAuth.OAuthCalculator - Class in play.libs.oauth
A signature calculator for the Play WS API.
OAuth.OAuthCalculator(OAuth.ConsumerKey, OAuth.RequestToken) - Constructor for class play.libs.oauth.OAuth.OAuthCalculator
OAuth.RequestToken - Class in play.libs.oauth
A request token / token secret pair, to be used for a specific user.
OAuth.RequestToken(String, String) - Constructor for class play.libs.oauth.OAuth.RequestToken
OAuth.ServiceInfo - Class in play.libs.oauth
The information identifying a oauth provider: URLs and the consumer key / consumer secret pair.
OAuth.ServiceInfo(String, String, String, OAuth.ConsumerKey) - Constructor for class play.libs.oauth.OAuth.ServiceInfo
OAuth.WSRequestAdapter - Class in play.libs.oauth
OAuth.WSRequestAdapter(WSRequest) - Constructor for class play.libs.oauth.OAuth.WSRequestAdapter
of(String) - Static method in class play.Logger
Obtain a logger instance.
of(Class<?>) - Static method in class play.Logger
Obtain a logger instance.
OK - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.Status
ok() - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 200 OK simple result.
ok(Content) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 200 OK simple result.
ok(Content, String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 200 OK simple result.
ok(String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 200 OK simple result.
ok(String, String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 200 OK simple result.
ok(JsonNode) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 200 OK simple result.
ok(JsonNode, String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 200 OK simple result.
ok(byte[]) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 200 OK simple result.
ok(InputStream) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 200 OK chunked result.
ok(InputStream, int) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 200 OK chunked result.
ok(File) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 200 OK file result as an attachment.
ok(File, boolean) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 200 OK file result.
ok(File, String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 200 OK file result as an attachment.
ok(File, int) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Since the length of the file is known, there is little reason to send a file as chunked.
ok(Results.Chunks<?>) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 200 OK chunked result.
on(String) - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Changes the Ebean server.
onBadRequest(Http.RequestHeader, String) - Method in class play.GlobalSettings
Called when an action has been found, but the request parsing has failed.
onClose(F.Callback0) - Method in class play.mvc.WebSocket.In
Registers a close callback.
onConnected() - Method in class play.libs.Comet
The socket is ready, you can start sending messages.
onConnected() - Method in class play.libs.EventSource
The socket is ready, you can start sending messages.
onDisconnected(F.Callback0) - Method in class play.libs.Comet
Add a callback to be notified when the client has disconnected.
onDisconnected(F.Callback0) - Method in class play.libs.EventSource
Add a callback to be notified when the client has disconnected.
onDisconnected(F.Callback0) - Method in class play.mvc.Results.Chunks.Out
Attach a callback to be called when the socket is disconnected.
onError(Http.RequestHeader, Throwable) - Method in class play.GlobalSettings
Called when an exception occurred.
onFailure(F.Callback<Throwable>) - Method in class play.libs.F.Promise
Perform the given action callback if the promise encounters an exception.
onFailure(F.Callback<Throwable>, ExecutionContext) - Method in class play.libs.F.Promise
Perform the given action callback if the promise encounters an exception.
onHandlerNotFound(Http.RequestHeader) - Method in class play.GlobalSettings
Called when no action was found to serve a request.
onLoadConfig(Configuration, File, ClassLoader) - Method in class play.GlobalSettings
Called just after configuration has been loaded, to give the application an opportunity to modify it.
onLoadConfig(Configuration, File, ClassLoader, Mode) - Method in class play.GlobalSettings
Called just after configuration has been loaded, to give the application an opportunity to modify it.
onMessage(F.Callback<A>) - Method in class play.mvc.WebSocket.In
Registers a message callback.
onReady(Results.Chunks.Out<String>) - Method in class play.libs.Comet
onReady(Results.Chunks.Out<String>) - Method in class play.libs.EventSource
onReady(Results.Chunks.Out<A>) - Method in class play.mvc.Results.Chunks
Called when the Chunked stream is ready.
onReady(WebSocket.In<A>, WebSocket.Out<A>) - Method in class play.mvc.WebSocket
Called when the WebSocket is ready
onRedeem(F.Callback<A>) - Method in class play.libs.F.Promise
Perform the given action callback when the Promise is redeemed.
onRedeem(F.Callback<A>, ExecutionContext) - Method in class play.libs.F.Promise
Perform the given action callback when the Promise is redeemed.
onRequest(Http.Request, Method) - Method in class play.GlobalSettings
Call to create the root Action of a request for a Java application.
onRouteRequest(Http.RequestHeader) - Method in class play.GlobalSettings
Called when an HTTP request has been received.
onStart() - Method in class play.db.ebean.EbeanPlugin
Reads the configuration file and initialises required Ebean servers.
onStart() - Method in class play.db.jpa.JPAPlugin
Reads the configuration file and initialises required JPA EntityManagerFactories.
onStart(Application) - Method in class play.GlobalSettings
Executed after all plugins, including the database set-up with Evolutions and the EBean wrapper.
onStart() - Method in class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSPlugin
onStart() - Method in class play.Plugin
Called when the application starts.
onStop() - Method in class play.db.jpa.JPAPlugin
onStop(Application) - Method in class play.GlobalSettings
Executed when the application stops.
onStop() - Method in class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSPlugin
onStop() - Method in class play.Plugin
Called when the application stops.
onUnauthorized(Http.Context) - Method in class play.mvc.Security.Authenticator
Generates an alternative result if the user is not authenticated; the default a simple '401 Not Authorized' page.
OpenID - Class in play.libs.openid
provides support for OpenID
OpenID() - Constructor for class play.libs.openid.OpenID
OpenID.UserInfo - Class in play.libs.openid
OpenID.UserInfo(String) - Constructor for class play.libs.openid.OpenID.UserInfo
OpenID.UserInfo(String, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class play.libs.openid.OpenID.UserInfo
Option(T) - Static method in class play.libs.Scala
Wrap a value into a Scala Option.
options() - Method in class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSRequestHolder
Perform an OPTIONS on the request asynchronously.
options() - Method in interface play.libs.ws.WSRequestHolder
or(F.Promise<B>) - Method in class play.libs.F.Promise
combines the current promise with another promise using `or`
order() - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Returns the order by clause so that you can append an ascending or descending property to the order by clause.
order(String) - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Sets the order by clause, replacing the existing order by clause if there is one.
orderBy() - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Returns the order by clause so that you can append an ascending or descending property to the order by clause.
orderBy(String) - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Set the order by clause replacing the existing order by clause if there is one.
orderedContext() - Static method in class play.libs.HttpExecution
An ExecutionContext that executes work for a given Http.Context in the same actor each time, ensuring ordered execution of that work.
orElse(Option<T>, T) - Static method in class play.libs.Scala
Wrap a Scala Option, handling None by returning a defaultValue
ORIGIN - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
orNull(Option<T>) - Static method in class play.libs.Scala
Wrap a Scala Option, handling None as null.


parse(Formats.DateTime, String, Locale) - Method in class play.data.format.Formats.AnnotationDateFormatter
Binds the field - constructs a concrete value from submitted data.
parse(Formats.NonEmpty, String, Locale) - Method in class play.data.format.Formats.AnnotationNonEmptyFormatter
Binds the field - constructs a concrete value from submitted data.
parse(String, Locale) - Method in class play.data.format.Formats.DateFormatter
Binds the field - constructs a concrete value from submitted data.
parse(A, String, Locale) - Method in class play.data.format.Formatters.AnnotationFormatter
Binds the field - constructs a concrete value from submitted data.
parse(String, Class<T>) - Static method in class play.data.format.Formatters
Parses this string as instance of the given class.
parse(Field, String, Class<T>) - Static method in class play.data.format.Formatters
Parses this string as instance of a specific field in the given class
parse(String, Locale) - Method in class play.data.format.Formatters.SimpleFormatter
Binds the field - constructs a concrete value from submitted data.
parse(String) - Static method in class play.libs.Json
Parse a String representing a json, and return it as a JsonNode.
parse(InputStream) - Static method in class play.libs.Json
Parse a InputStream representing a json, and return it as a JsonNode.
parseCRONExpression(String) - Static method in class play.libs.Time
Parses a CRON expression.
parseDuration(String) - Static method in class play.libs.Time
Parses a duration.
parser(int) - Method in class play.mvc.BodyParser.AnyContent
parser(int) - Method in class play.mvc.BodyParser.Empty
parser(int) - Method in class play.mvc.BodyParser.FormUrlEncoded
parser(int) - Method in class play.mvc.BodyParser.Json
parser(int) - Method in class play.mvc.BodyParser.MultipartFormData
parser(int) - Method in interface play.mvc.BodyParser
parser(int) - Method in class play.mvc.BodyParser.Raw
parser(int) - Method in class play.mvc.BodyParser.Text
parser(int) - Method in class play.mvc.BodyParser.TolerantJson
parser(int) - Method in class play.mvc.BodyParser.TolerantText
parser(int) - Method in class play.mvc.BodyParser.TolerantXml
parser(int) - Method in class play.mvc.BodyParser.Xml
PARTIAL_CONTENT - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.Status
patch(String) - Method in class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSRequestHolder
Perform a PATCH on the request asynchronously.
patch(JsonNode) - Method in class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSRequestHolder
Perform a PATCH on the request asynchronously.
patch(InputStream) - Method in class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSRequestHolder
Perform a PATCH on the request asynchronously.
patch(String) - Method in interface play.libs.ws.WSRequestHolder
patch(JsonNode) - Method in interface play.libs.ws.WSRequestHolder
patch(InputStream) - Method in interface play.libs.ws.WSRequestHolder
path() - Method in class play.Application
Retrieves the application path.
path() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Cookie
path() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.RequestHeader
The URI path.
PathBindable<T extends PathBindable<T>> - Interface in play.mvc
Binder for path parameters.
pattern(String) - Static method in class play.data.validation.Constraints
Constructs a 'pattern' validator.
PAYMENT_REQUIRED - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.Status
play - package play
Provides the Play framework's publicly accessible Java API.
Play - Class in play
High-level API to access Play global features.
Play() - Constructor for class play.Play
play.cache - package play.cache
Provides the Cache API.
play.data - package play.data
Provides data manipulation helpers, mainly for HTTP form handling.
play.data.format - package play.data.format
Provides the formatting API used by Form classes.
play.data.validation - package play.data.validation
Provides the JSR 303 validation constraints.
play.db - package play.db
Provides the JDBC database access API.
play.db.ebean - package play.db.ebean
Provides Ebean ORM integration.
play.db.jpa - package play.db.jpa
Provides JPA ORM integration.
play.filters.csrf - package play.filters.csrf
play.i18n - package play.i18n
Provides the i18n API.
play.libs - package play.libs
Provides various APIs that are useful for developing web applications.
play.libs.oauth - package play.libs.oauth
play.libs.openid - package play.libs.openid
play.libs.ws - package play.libs.ws
play.libs.ws.ning - package play.libs.ws.ning
play.mvc - package play.mvc
Provides the Controller/Action/Result API for handling HTTP requests.
play.server - package play.server
play.test - package play.test
Contains test helpers.
PlayInternal - Class in play
Play internal global API.
PlayInternal() - Constructor for class play.PlayInternal
plugin(Class<T>) - Method in class play.Application
Retrieve the plugin instance for the class.
Plugin - Class in play
A Play plugin.
Plugin() - Constructor for class play.Plugin
port - Variable in class play.test.WithServer
post(String) - Method in class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSRequestHolder
Perform a POST on the request asynchronously.
post(JsonNode) - Method in class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSRequestHolder
Perform a POST on the request asynchronously.
post(InputStream) - Method in class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSRequestHolder
Perform a POST on the request asynchronously.
post(File) - Method in class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSRequestHolder
Perform a POST on the request asynchronously.
post(String) - Method in interface play.libs.ws.WSRequestHolder
post(JsonNode) - Method in interface play.libs.ws.WSRequestHolder
post(InputStream) - Method in interface play.libs.ws.WSRequestHolder
post(File) - Method in interface play.libs.ws.WSRequestHolder
POST - Static variable in class play.test.Helpers
PRAGMA - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
PRECONDITION_FAILED - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.Status
preferred(List<Lang>) - Static method in class play.i18n.Lang
Guess the preferred lang in the langs set passed as argument.
print(Formats.DateTime, Date, Locale) - Method in class play.data.format.Formats.AnnotationDateFormatter
Unbinds this field - converts a concrete value to plain string
print(Formats.NonEmpty, String, Locale) - Method in class play.data.format.Formats.AnnotationNonEmptyFormatter
Unbinds this field - converts a concrete value to plain string
print(Date, Locale) - Method in class play.data.format.Formats.DateFormatter
Unbinds this fields - converts a concrete value to a plain string.
print(A, T, Locale) - Method in class play.data.format.Formatters.AnnotationFormatter
Unbind this field (ie.
print(T) - Static method in class play.data.format.Formatters
Computes the display string for any value.
print(Field, T) - Static method in class play.data.format.Formatters
Computes the display string for any value, for a specific field.
print(TypeDescriptor, T) - Static method in class play.data.format.Formatters
Computes the display string for any value, for a specific type.
print(T, Locale) - Method in class play.data.format.Formatters.SimpleFormatter
Unbinds this field - transforms a concrete value to plain string.
promise(F.Function0<A>) - Static method in class play.libs.F.Promise
Create a Promise which will be redeemed with the result of a given function.
promise(F.Function0<A>, ExecutionContext) - Static method in class play.libs.F.Promise
Create a Promise which will be redeemed with the result of a given Function0.
provideBrowser(int) - Method in class play.test.WithBrowser
Override this if you want to use a different browser
provideFakeApplication() - Method in class play.test.WithApplication
Override this method to setup the fake application to use.
provideFakeApplication() - Method in class play.test.WithServer
Override this method to setup the fake application to use.
providePort() - Method in class play.test.WithServer
Override this method to setup the port to use.
PROXY_AUTHENTICATE - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.Status
PROXY_AUTHORIZATION - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
pure(A) - Static method in class play.libs.F.Promise
Create a new pure promise, that is, a promise with a constant value from the start.
put(String) - Method in class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSRequestHolder
Perform a PUT on the request asynchronously.
put(JsonNode) - Method in class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSRequestHolder
Perform a PUT on the request asynchronously.
put(InputStream) - Method in class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSRequestHolder
Perform a PUT on the request asynchronously.
put(File) - Method in class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSRequestHolder
Perform a PUT on the request asynchronously.
put(String) - Method in interface play.libs.ws.WSRequestHolder
put(JsonNode) - Method in interface play.libs.ws.WSRequestHolder
put(InputStream) - Method in interface play.libs.ws.WSRequestHolder
put(File) - Method in interface play.libs.ws.WSRequestHolder
put(String, String) - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Flash
Adds the given value to the flash scope.
put(String, String) - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Session
Adds the given value to the session.
PUT - Static variable in class play.test.Helpers
putAll(Map<? extends String, ? extends String>) - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Flash
Adds the given values to the flash scope.
putAll(Map<? extends String, ? extends String>) - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Session
Adds the given values to the session.


query() - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Creates a query.
queryString() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.RequestHeader
The query string content.
QueryStringBindable<T extends QueryStringBindable<T>> - Interface in play.mvc
Binder for query string parameters.
quitBrowser() - Method in class play.test.WithBrowser


RANGE - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
recover(F.Function<Throwable, A>) - Method in class play.libs.F.Promise
Wraps this promise in a promise that will handle exceptions thrown by this Promise.
recover(F.Function<Throwable, A>, ExecutionContext) - Method in class play.libs.F.Promise
Wraps this promise in a promise that will handle exceptions thrown by this Promise.
recoverWith(F.Function<Throwable, F.Promise<A>>) - Method in class play.libs.F.Promise
Creates a new promise that will handle thrown exceptions by assigning to the value of another promise.
recoverWith(F.Function<Throwable, F.Promise<A>>, ExecutionContext) - Method in class play.libs.F.Promise
Creates a new promise that will handle thrown exceptions by assigning to the value of another promise.
redirect(String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 303 SEE_OTHER simple result.
redirect(Call) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 303 SEE_OTHER simple result.
redirectLocation(Result) - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
Extracts the Location header of this Result value if this Result is a Redirect.
redirectLocation(Result, long) - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
redirectUrl(String) - Method in class play.libs.oauth.OAuth
The URL where the user needs to be redirected to grant authorization to your application.
redirectURL(String, String) - Static method in class play.libs.openid.OpenID
Retrieve the URL where the user should be redirected to start the OpenID authentication process
redirectURL(String, String, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class play.libs.openid.OpenID
Retrieve the URL where the user should be redirected to start the OpenID authentication process
redirectURL(String, String, Map<String, String>, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class play.libs.openid.OpenID
Retrieve the URL where the user should be redirected to start the OpenID authentication process
redirectURL(String, String, Map<String, String>, Map<String, String>, String) - Static method in class play.libs.openid.OpenID
Retrieve the URL where the user should be redirected to start the OpenID authentication process
ref(I) - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Retrieves an entity reference for this ID.
REFERER - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
refresh() - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model
Refreshes this entity from the database.
refresh(String) - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model
Refreshes this entity from the database, using a specific Ebean server.
register(Class<T>, Formatters.SimpleFormatter<T>) - Static method in class play.data.format.Formatters
Registers a simple formatter.
register(Class<T>, Formatters.AnnotationFormatter<A, T>) - Static method in class play.data.format.Formatters
Registers an annotation-based formatter.
reject(String, String, List<Object>) - Method in class play.data.DynamicForm
Adds an error to this form.
reject(String, String) - Method in class play.data.DynamicForm
Adds an error to this form.
reject(ValidationError) - Method in class play.data.Form
Adds an error to this form.
reject(String, String, List<Object>) - Method in class play.data.Form
Adds an error to this form.
reject(String, String) - Method in class play.data.Form
Adds an error to this form.
reject(String, List<Object>) - Method in class play.data.Form
Adds a global error to this form.
reject(String) - Method in class play.data.Form
Add a global error to this form.
reject(Result) - Static method in class play.mvc.WebSocket
Rejects a WebSocket.
rejectWith() - Method in class play.mvc.WebSocket
If this method returns a result, the WebSocket will be rejected with that result.
remoteAddress() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.RequestHeader
The client IP address.
remove(String) - Static method in class play.cache.Cache
remove(Object) - Method in class play.libs.F.Option
remove(Object) - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Flash
Removes the specified value from the flash scope.
remove(Object) - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Session
Removes the specified value from the session.
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class play.libs.F.Option
reportError(String, String, Throwable) - Method in class play.Configuration
Creates a configuration error for a specific configuration key.
request() - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
Returns the current HTTP request.
request() - Static method in class play.mvc.Http.Context.Implicit
Returns the current request.
request() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Context
Returns the current request.
request() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.WrappedContext
REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.Status
REQUEST_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.Status
REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.Status
requestData(Http.Request) - Method in class play.data.Form
REQUESTED_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.Status
requestTokenURL - Variable in class play.libs.oauth.OAuth.ServiceInfo
RequireCSRFCheck - Annotation Type in play.filters.csrf
This action requires a CSRF check.
RequireCSRFCheckAction - Class in play.filters.csrf
RequireCSRFCheckAction() - Constructor for class play.filters.csrf.RequireCSRFCheckAction
required() - Static method in class play.data.validation.Constraints
Constructs a 'required' validator.
RESET_CONTENT - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.Status
resetClient() - Method in class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSAPI
resets the underlying AsyncHttpClient
resource(String) - Method in class play.Application
Retrieves a resource from the classpath.
resourceAsStream(String) - Method in class play.Application
Retrieves a resource stream from the classpath.
response() - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
Returns the current HTTP response.
response() - Static method in class play.mvc.Http.Context.Implicit
Returns the current response.
response() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Context
Returns the current response.
response() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.WrappedContext
Result - Interface in play.mvc
Any action result.
Results - Class in play.mvc
Common results.
Results() - Constructor for class play.mvc.Results
Results.ByteChunks - Class in play.mvc
Chunked result based on byte[] chunks.
Results.ByteChunks() - Constructor for class play.mvc.Results.ByteChunks
Results.Chunks<A> - Class in play.mvc
A Chunked result.
Results.Chunks(Writeable<A>) - Constructor for class play.mvc.Results.Chunks
Results.Chunks.Out<A> - Class in play.mvc
A Chunked stream.
Results.Chunks.Out(Concurrent.Channel<A>, F.RedeemablePromise<Object>) - Constructor for class play.mvc.Results.Chunks.Out
Results.Chunks.Out(Concurrent.Channel<A>, List<F.Callback0>) - Constructor for class play.mvc.Results.Chunks.Out
Results.Redirect - Class in play.mvc
A redirect result.
Results.Redirect(int, String) - Constructor for class play.mvc.Results.Redirect
Results.Status - Class in play.mvc
A simple result.
Results.Status(Results.Status) - Constructor for class play.mvc.Results.Status
Results.Status(Results.Status, String, Codec) - Constructor for class play.mvc.Results.Status
Results.Status(Results.Status, JsonNode, Codec) - Constructor for class play.mvc.Results.Status
Results.Status(Results.Status, Content, Codec) - Constructor for class play.mvc.Results.Status
Results.Status(Results.Status, Results.Chunks<A>) - Constructor for class play.mvc.Results.Status
Results.Status(Results.Status, byte[]) - Constructor for class play.mvc.Results.Status
Results.Status(Results.Status, File) - Constructor for class play.mvc.Results.Status
Results.Status(Results.Status, File, boolean) - Constructor for class play.mvc.Results.Status
Results.Status(Results.Status, File, boolean, String) - Constructor for class play.mvc.Results.Status
Results.Status(Results.Status, File, int) - Constructor for class play.mvc.Results.Status
Results.Status(Results.Status, InputStream, int) - Constructor for class play.mvc.Results.Status
Results.StringChunks - Class in play.mvc
Chunked result based on String chunks.
Results.StringChunks() - Constructor for class play.mvc.Results.StringChunks
Results.StringChunks(String) - Constructor for class play.mvc.Results.StringChunks
Results.StringChunks(Codec) - Constructor for class play.mvc.Results.StringChunks
Results.Todo - Class in play.mvc
A 501 NOT_IMPLEMENTED simple result.
Results.Todo() - Constructor for class play.mvc.Results.Todo
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class play.libs.F.Option
retrieveAccessToken(OAuth.RequestToken, String) - Method in class play.libs.oauth.OAuth
Exchange a request token for an access token.
retrieveRequestToken(String) - Method in class play.libs.oauth.OAuth
Request the request token and secret.
RETRY_AFTER - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
right - Variable in class play.libs.F.Either
The right value.
Right(B) - Static method in class play.libs.F.Either
Constructs a right side of the disjoint union, as opposed to the Left side.
root() - Static method in class play.Configuration
The root configuration.
route(FakeRequest) - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
route(FakeRequest, long) - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
route(Application, FakeRequest) - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
route(Application, FakeRequest, long) - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
route(Application, FakeRequest, byte[]) - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
route(Application, FakeRequest, byte[], long) - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
route(FakeRequest, byte[]) - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
route(FakeRequest, byte[], long) - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
ROUTE_ACTION_METHOD - Static variable in class play.Routes
ROUTE_CONTROLLER - Static variable in class play.Routes
ROUTE_PATTERN - Static variable in class play.Routes
ROUTE_VERB - Static variable in class play.Routes
routeAndCall(FakeRequest) - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
routeAndCall(FakeRequest, long) - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
routeAndCall(Class<? extends Router.Routes>, FakeRequest) - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
routeAndCall(Class<? extends Router.Routes>, FakeRequest, long) - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
Routes - Class in play
Helper utilities related to `Router`.
Routes() - Constructor for class play.Routes
running(FakeApplication, Runnable) - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
Executes a block of code in a running application.
running(TestServer, Runnable) - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
Executes a block of code in a running server.
running(TestServer, Class<? extends WebDriver>, F.Callback<TestBrowser>) - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
Executes a block of code in a running server, with a test browser.
running(TestServer, WebDriver, F.Callback<TestBrowser>) - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
Executes a block of code in a running server, with a test browser.


save() - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model
Saves (inserts) this entity.
save(String) - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model
Saves (inserts) this entity.
saveManyToManyAssociations(String) - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model
Persist a many-to-many association.
saveManyToManyAssociations(String, String) - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model
Persist a many-to-many association.
Scala - Class in play.libs
Class that contains useful java <-> scala conversion helpers.
Scala() - Constructor for class play.libs.Scala
SECOND - Static variable in class play.libs.Time.CronExpression
seconds - Variable in class play.libs.Time.CronExpression
secret - Variable in class play.libs.oauth.OAuth.ConsumerKey
secret - Variable in class play.libs.oauth.OAuth.RequestToken
secure() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Cookie
secure() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.RequestHeader
Is the client using SSL? If the X-Forwarded-Proto header is present, then this method will return true if the value in that header is "https", if either the local address is, or if trustxforwarded is configured to be true in the application configuration file.
Security - Class in play.mvc
Defines several security helpers.
Security() - Constructor for class play.mvc.Security
Security.Authenticated - Annotation Type in play.mvc
Wraps the annotated action in an AuthenticatedAction.
Security.AuthenticatedAction - Class in play.mvc
Wraps another action, allowing only authenticated HTTP requests.
Security.AuthenticatedAction() - Constructor for class play.mvc.Security.AuthenticatedAction
Security.Authenticator - Class in play.mvc
Handles authentication.
Security.Authenticator() - Constructor for class play.mvc.Security.Authenticator
SEE_OTHER - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.Status
seeOther(String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 303 SEE_OTHER simple result.
seeOther(Call) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 303 SEE_OTHER simple result.
select(String) - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Explicitly sets a comma delimited list of the properties to fetch on the 'main' entity bean, to load a partial object.
selectNode(String, Object, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class play.libs.XPath
selectNode(String, Object) - Static method in class play.libs.XPath
selectNodes(String, Object, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class play.libs.XPath
Select all nodes that are selected by this XPath expression.
selectNodes(String, Object) - Static method in class play.libs.XPath
Select all nodes that are selected by this XPath expression.
selectText(String, Object, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class play.libs.XPath
Return the text of a node, or the value of an attribute
selectText(String, Object) - Static method in class play.libs.XPath
Return the text of a node, or the value of an attribute
send(EventSource.Event) - Method in class play.libs.EventSource
Send an event.
sendData(String) - Method in class play.libs.EventSource
Replaced by send
sendDataById(String, String) - Method in class play.libs.EventSource
Replaced by send
sendDataByName(String, String) - Method in class play.libs.EventSource
Replaced by send
sendMessage(String) - Method in class play.libs.Comet
Send a message on this socket (will be received as String in the Javascript callback method).
sendMessage(JsonNode) - Method in class play.libs.Comet
Send a Json message on this socket (will be received as Json in the Javascript callback method).
sequence(F.Promise<A>...) - Static method in class play.libs.F.Promise
Combine the given promises into a single promise for the list of results.
sequence(ExecutionContext, F.Promise<A>...) - Static method in class play.libs.F.Promise
Combine the given promises into a single promise for the list of results.
sequence(Iterable<F.Promise<A>>) - Static method in class play.libs.F.Promise
Combine the given promises into a single promise for the list of results.
sequence(Iterable<F.Promise<A>>, ExecutionContext) - Static method in class play.libs.F.Promise
Combine the given promises into a single promise for the list of results.
SERVER - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.Status
session() - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
Returns the current HTTP session.
session(String, String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
Puts a new value into the current session.
session(String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
Returns a value from the session.
session() - Static method in class play.mvc.Http.Context.Implicit
Returns the current session.
session() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Context
Returns the current session.
session() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.WrappedContext
session(Result) - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
Extracts the Session of this Result value.
session(Result, long) - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
set(String, Object, int) - Static method in class play.cache.Cache
Sets a value with expiration.
set(String, Object) - Static method in class play.cache.Cache
Sets a value without expiration.
SET_COOKIE - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
SET_COOKIE2 - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
setAuth(String) - Method in class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSRequestHolder
Sets the authentication header for the current request using BASIC authentication.
setAuth(String, String) - Method in class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSRequestHolder
Sets the authentication header for the current request using BASIC authentication.
setAuth(String, String, WSAuthScheme) - Method in class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSRequestHolder
Sets the authentication header for the current request.
setAuth(String) - Method in interface play.libs.ws.WSRequestHolder
setAuth(String, String) - Method in interface play.libs.ws.WSRequestHolder
setAuth(String, String, WSAuthScheme) - Method in interface play.libs.ws.WSRequestHolder
setAutofetch(boolean) - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Explicitly specifies whether to use 'Autofetch' for this query.
setBackgroundFetchAfter(int) - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Sets the rows after which fetching should continue in a background thread.
setBody(String) - Method in class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSRequestHolder
setBody(JsonNode) - Method in class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSRequestHolder
setBody(InputStream) - Method in class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSRequestHolder
setBody(File) - Method in class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSRequestHolder
setBody(String) - Method in interface play.libs.ws.WSRequestHolder
Set the body this request should use
setBody(JsonNode) - Method in interface play.libs.ws.WSRequestHolder
Set the body this request should use
setBody(InputStream) - Method in interface play.libs.ws.WSRequestHolder
Set the body this request should use
setBody(File) - Method in interface play.libs.ws.WSRequestHolder
Set the body this request should use
setBufferFetchSizeHint(int) - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Sets a hint, which for JDBC translates to Statement.fetchSize().
setCalendarHour(Calendar, int) - Method in class play.libs.Time.CronExpression
Advance the calendar to the particular hour paying particular attention to daylight saving problems.
setContentType(String) - Method in class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSRequestHolder
Set the content type.
setContentType(String) - Method in interface play.libs.ws.WSRequestHolder
setContentType(String) - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Response
Sets the content-type of the response.
setCookie(String, String) - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Response
Set a new transient cookie with path "/"
For example:
setCookie(String, String, Integer) - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Response
Set a new cookie with path "/"
setCookie(String, String, Integer, String) - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Response
Set a new cookie
setCookie(String, String, Integer, String, String) - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Response
Set a new cookie
setCookie(String, String, Integer, String, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Response
Set a new cookie
setData(Map) - Method in class play.data.DynamicForm.Dynamic
Sets the new data.
setDistinct(boolean) - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Sets whether this query uses DISTINCT.
setFirstRow(int) - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Sets the first row to return for this query.
setFollowRedirects(Boolean) - Method in class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSRequestHolder
Sets whether redirects (301, 302) should be followed automatically.
setFollowRedirects(Boolean) - Method in interface play.libs.ws.WSRequestHolder
setForUpdate(boolean) - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Execute the select with "for update" which should lock the record "on read"
setHeader(String, String) - Method in class play.libs.oauth.OAuth.WSRequestAdapter
setHeader(String, String) - Method in class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSRequest
setHeader(String, String) - Method in class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSRequestHolder
Sets a header with the given name, this can be called repeatedly.
setHeader(String, String) - Method in interface play.libs.ws.WSRequest
setHeader(String, String) - Method in interface play.libs.ws.WSRequestHolder
setHeader(String, String) - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Response
Adds a new header to the response.
setHeaders(Map<String, Collection<String>>) - Method in class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSRequest
setHeaders(Map<String, Collection<String>>) - Method in interface play.libs.ws.WSRequest
setId(Object) - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Sets the ID value to query.
setListener(QueryListener<T>) - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Sets a listener to process the query on a row-by-row basis.
setLoadBeanCache(boolean) - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
When set to true, all the beans from this query are loaded into the bean cache.
setMapKey(String) - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Sets the property to use as keys for a map.
setMaxRows(int) - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Sets the maximum number of rows to return in the query.
setMethod(String) - Method in class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSRequestHolder
setMethod(String) - Method in interface play.libs.ws.WSRequestHolder
Set the method this request should use.
setObjectMapper(ObjectMapper) - Static method in class play.libs.Json
Inject the object mapper to use.
setOrder(OrderBy<T>) - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Replaces any existing order by clause using an OrderBy object.
setOrderBy(OrderBy<T>) - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Set an OrderBy object to replace any existing order by clause.
setParameter(int, Object) - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Sets an ordered bind parameter according to its position.
setParameter(String, Object) - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Sets a named bind parameter.
setQuery(String) - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Sets the OQL query to run
setQueryParameter(String, String) - Method in class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSRequestHolder
Sets a query parameter with the given name,this can be called repeatedly.
setQueryParameter(String, String) - Method in interface play.libs.ws.WSRequestHolder
setQueryString(String) - Method in class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSRequestHolder
Sets a query string
setQueryString(String) - Method in interface play.libs.ws.WSRequestHolder
setRawSql(RawSql) - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Sets RawSql to use for this query.
setReadOnly(boolean) - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Sets whether the returned beans will be read-only.
setRequestUrl(String) - Method in class play.libs.oauth.OAuth.WSRequestAdapter
setTimeout(int) - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Sets a timeout on this query.
setTimeout(int) - Method in class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSRequestHolder
Sets the request timeout in milliseconds.
setTimeout(int) - Method in interface play.libs.ws.WSRequestHolder
setTimeZone(TimeZone) - Method in class play.libs.Time.CronExpression
Sets the time zone for which this CronExpression will be resolved.
setUrl(String) - Method in class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSRequest
setUrl(String) - Method in interface play.libs.ws.WSRequest
setUseCache(boolean) - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Sets whether to use the bean cache.
setUseQueryCache(boolean) - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Sets whether to use the query cache.
setUsername(String) - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Request
Defines the user name for this request.
setVirtualHost(String) - Method in class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSRequestHolder
Sets the virtual host.
setVirtualHost(String) - Method in interface play.libs.ws.WSRequestHolder
sign(String, byte[]) - Static method in class play.libs.Crypto
Signs the given String with HMAC-SHA1 using the given key.
sign(String) - Static method in class play.libs.Crypto
Signs the given String with HMAC-SHA1 using the application's secret key.
sign(WSRequest) - Method in class play.libs.oauth.OAuth.OAuthCalculator
sign(WSSignatureCalculator) - Method in class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSRequestHolder
sign(WSSignatureCalculator) - Method in interface play.libs.ws.WSRequestHolder
sign(WSRequest) - Method in interface play.libs.ws.WSSignatureCalculator
Sign a request
signToken(String) - Static method in class play.libs.Crypto
Sign a token.
SimpleResult - Interface in play.mvc
Use play.api.mvc.Result instead
size() - Method in class play.libs.F.None
size() - Method in class play.libs.F.Some
size() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.RawBuffer
Buffer size.
skipWhiteSpace(int, String) - Method in class play.libs.Time.CronExpression
Some(T) - Static method in class play.libs.F.Option
Construct a Some value.
Some(A) - Static method in class play.libs.F
Construct a Some value.
SSLEngineProvider - Interface in play.server
start(FakeApplication) - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
Starts a new application.
start(TestServer) - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
Starts a Test server.
start() - Method in class play.test.WithApplication
The application is automatically started before each test, you don’t need to call this method explicitly
start(FakeApplication) - Method in class play.test.WithApplication
start(FakeApplication, int) - Method in class play.test.WithBrowser
start() - Method in class play.test.WithServer
The server is automatically started before each test, you don’t need to call this method explicitly
start(FakeApplication) - Method in class play.test.WithServer
The server is automatically started before each test. You can setup the fake application to use by overriding the provideFakeApplication method.
start(FakeApplication, int) - Method in class play.test.WithServer
The server is automatically started before each test. You can setup the fake application and port to use by overriding the provideFakeApplication and providePort methods, respectively.
startPlay() - Method in class play.test.WithApplication
startServer() - Method in class play.test.WithServer
status(int) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a simple result.
status(int, Content) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a simple result.
status(int, Content, String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a simple result.
status(int, String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a simple result.
status(int, String, String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a simple result.
status(int, JsonNode) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a simple result.
status(int, JsonNode, String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a simple result.
status(int, byte[]) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a simple result.
status(int, InputStream) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a chunked result.
status(int, InputStream, int) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a chunked result.
status(int, File) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a chunked result.
status(int, File, int) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a simple result.
status(int, Results.Chunks<?>) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a chunked result.
status(Result) - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
Extracts the Status code of this Result value.
status(Result, long) - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
stop(FakeApplication) - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
Stops an application.
stop(TestServer) - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
Stops a Test server.
stopPlay() - Method in class play.test.WithApplication
stopServer() - Method in class play.test.WithServer
storeExpressionVals(int, String, int) - Method in class play.libs.Time.CronExpression
stringify(JsonNode) - Static method in class play.libs.Json
Convert a JsonNode to its string representation.
sub(String) - Method in class play.data.Form.Field
Get a sub-field, with a key relative to the current field.
subKeys() - Method in class play.Configuration
Retrieves the set of direct sub-keys available in this configuration.
success(A) - Method in class play.libs.F.RedeemablePromise
Completes the promise with a value.
SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.Status
system() - Static method in class play.libs.Akka
Retrieve the application Akka Actor system.


TE - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
TEMPORARY_REDIRECT - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.Status
temporaryRedirect(String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 307 TEMPORARY_REDIRECT simple result.
temporaryRedirect(Call) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 307 TEMPORARY_REDIRECT simple result.
test(A) - Method in interface play.libs.F.Predicate
testBrowser() - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
Creates a Test Browser.
testBrowser(int) - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
Creates a Test Browser.
testBrowser(Class<? extends WebDriver>) - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
Creates a Test Browser.
testBrowser(Class<? extends WebDriver>, int) - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
Creates a Test Browser.
testBrowser(WebDriver, int) - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
Creates a Test Browser.
testBrowser(WebDriver) - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
Creates a Test Browser.
TestBrowser - Class in play.test
A test browser (Using Selenium WebDriver) with the FluentLenium API (https://github.com/Fluentlenium/FluentLenium).
TestBrowser(Class<? extends WebDriver>, String) - Constructor for class play.test.TestBrowser
A test browser (Using Selenium WebDriver) with the FluentLenium API (https://github.com/Fluentlenium/FluentLenium).
TestBrowser(WebDriver, String) - Constructor for class play.test.TestBrowser
A test browser (Using Selenium WebDriver) with the FluentLenium API (https://github.com/Fluentlenium/FluentLenium).
testServer(int) - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
Creates a new Test server.
testServer(int, FakeApplication) - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
Creates a new Test server.
TestServer - Class in play.test
A test Netty web server.
TestServer(int, FakeApplication) - Constructor for class play.test.TestServer
A test Netty web server.
TestServer(int, FakeApplication, int) - Constructor for class play.test.TestServer
A test Netty web server with HTTPS support
testServer - Variable in class play.test.WithServer
TEXT - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.MimeTypes
Content-Type of text.
throwing(Throwable) - Static method in class play.libs.F.Promise
Create a new promise throwing an exception.
Time - Class in play.libs
Time utilities.
Time() - Constructor for class play.libs.Time
Time.CronExpression - Class in play.libs
Thanks to Quartz project, https://quartz.dev.java.net
Time.CronExpression(String) - Constructor for class play.libs.Time.CronExpression
Constructs a new CronExpression based on the specified parameter.
timeout(A, long, TimeUnit) - Static method in class play.libs.F.Promise
Create a Promise that is redeemed after a timeout.
timeout(A, long) - Static method in class play.libs.F.Promise
Create a Promise that is redeemed after a timeout.
timeout(long) - Static method in class play.libs.F.Promise
Create a Promise timer that throws a TimeoutException after a given timeout.
timeout(long, TimeUnit) - Static method in class play.libs.F.Promise
Create a Promise timer that throws a TimeoutException after a given timeout.
toArray() - Method in class play.libs.F.None
toArray(R[]) - Method in class play.libs.F.None
toArray() - Method in class play.libs.F.Some
toArray(R[]) - Method in class play.libs.F.Some
TODO - Static variable in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 501 NOT_IMPLEMENTED simple result.
toJson(Object) - Static method in class play.libs.Json
Convert an object to JsonNode.
token - Variable in class play.libs.oauth.OAuth.RequestToken
toLocale() - Method in class play.i18n.Lang
Convert to a Java Locale value.
toScala() - Method in interface play.mvc.Result
Retrieves the real (Scala-based) result.
toScala() - Method in class play.mvc.Results.Redirect
toScala() - Method in class play.mvc.Results.Status
toScala() - Method in class play.mvc.Results.Todo
toScala() - Method in interface play.mvc.SimpleResult
toSeq(List<T>) - Static method in class play.libs.Scala
Converts a Java List to Scala Seq.
toSeq(T[]) - Static method in class play.libs.Scala
Converts a Java Array to Scala Seq.
toString() - Method in class play.data.DynamicForm.Dynamic
toString() - Method in class play.data.Form.Field
toString() - Method in class play.data.Form
toString() - Method in class play.data.validation.ValidationError
toString() - Method in class play.libs.F.Either
toString() - Method in class play.libs.F.None
toString() - Method in class play.libs.F.Some
toString() - Method in class play.libs.F.Tuple
toString() - Method in class play.libs.F.Tuple3
toString() - Method in class play.libs.F.Tuple4
toString() - Method in class play.libs.F.Tuple5
toString() - Method in class play.libs.Time.CronExpression
Returns the string representation of the CronExpression
toString() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Context
toString() - Method in class play.mvc.Results.Status
trace(String) - Method in class play.Logger.ALogger
Logs a message with the TRACE level.
trace(String, Object...) - Method in class play.Logger.ALogger
Logs a message with the TRACE level.
trace(String, Throwable) - Method in class play.Logger.ALogger
Logs a message with the TRACE level, with the given error.
trace(String) - Static method in class play.Logger
Log a message with the TRACE level.
trace(String, Object...) - Static method in class play.Logger
Log a message with the TRACE level.
trace(String, Throwable) - Static method in class play.Logger
Log a message with the TRACE level.
TRAILER - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
Transactional - Annotation Type in play.db.ebean
Wraps the annotated action in an Ebean transaction.
Transactional - Annotation Type in play.db.jpa
Wraps the annotated action in an JPA transaction.
TransactionalAction - Class in play.db.ebean
Wraps an action in an Ebean transaction.
TransactionalAction() - Constructor for class play.db.ebean.TransactionalAction
TransactionalAction - Class in play.db.jpa
Wraps an action in am JPA transaction.
TransactionalAction() - Constructor for class play.db.jpa.TransactionalAction
TRANSFER_ENCODING - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
transform(F.Function<? super A, B>, F.Function<Throwable, Throwable>) - Method in class play.libs.F.Promise
Creates a new promise by applying the onSuccess function to a successful result, or the onFailure function to a failed result.
transform(F.Function<? super A, B>, F.Function<Throwable, Throwable>, ExecutionContext) - Method in class play.libs.F.Promise
Creates a new promise by applying the onSuccess function to a successful result, or the onFailure function to a failed result.
tryCompleteWith(F.Promise) - Method in class play.libs.F.RedeemablePromise
Completes this promise with the specified Promise, once that Promise is completed.
tryCompleteWith(F.Promise, ExecutionContext) - Method in class play.libs.F.RedeemablePromise
Completes this promise with the specified Promise, once that Promise is completed.
Tuple(A, B) - Static method in class play.libs.F
Constructs a tuple of A,B
Tuple(A, B) - Static method in class play.libs.Scala
Create a Scala Tuple2.
Tuple3(A, B, C) - Static method in class play.libs.F
Constructs a tuple of A,B,C
Tuple4(A, B, C, D) - Static method in class play.libs.F
Constructs a tuple of A,B,C,D
Tuple5(A, B, C, D, E) - Static method in class play.libs.F
Constructs a tuple of A,B,C,D,E


UNAUTHORIZED - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.Status
unauthorized() - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 401 UNAUTHORIZED simple result.
unauthorized(Content) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 401 UNAUTHORIZED simple result.
unauthorized(Content, String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 401 UNAUTHORIZED simple result.
unauthorized(String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 401 UNAUTHORIZED simple result.
unauthorized(String, String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 401 UNAUTHORIZED simple result.
unauthorized(JsonNode) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 401 UNAUTHORIZED simple result.
unauthorized(JsonNode, String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 401 UNAUTHORIZED simple result.
unauthorized(byte[]) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 401 UNAUTHORIZED simple result.
unauthorized(InputStream) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 401 UNAUTHORIZED chunked result.
unauthorized(InputStream, int) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 401 UNAUTHORIZED chunked result.
unauthorized(File) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 401 UNAUTHORIZED file result as an attachment.
unauthorized(File, boolean) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 401 UNAUTHORIZED file result.
unauthorized(File, String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 401 UNAUTHORIZED file result as an attachment.
unauthorized(File, int) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Since the length of the file is known, there is little reason to send a file as chunked.
unauthorized(Results.Chunks<?>) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 401 UNAUTHORIZED chunked result.
unbind(String) - Method in interface play.mvc.PathBindable
Unbind a URL path parameter.
unbind(String) - Method in interface play.mvc.QueryStringBindable
Unbind a query string parameter.
underlying() - Method in class play.Configuration
Returns the underlying Typesafe config object.
underlying() - Method in class play.Logger.ALogger
Get the underlying SLF4J logger.
underlying() - Static method in class play.Logger
Get the underlying application SLF4J logger.
underlyingLang - Variable in class play.i18n.Lang
unique() - Method in class play.mvc.Call
Append a unique identifier to the URL.
UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.Status
unwrap() - Method in class play.libs.oauth.OAuth.WSRequestAdapter
update() - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model
Updates this entity.
update(String) - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model
Updates this entity, using a specific Ebean server.
update(Object) - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model
Updates this entity, by specifying the entity ID.
update(Object, String) - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model
Updates this entity, by specifying the entity ID, using a specific Ebean server.
UPGRADE - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
uri() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.RequestHeader
The complete request URI, containing both path and query string.
url(String) - Method in class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSAPI
url(String) - Method in class play.libs.ws.ning.NingWSClient
url(String) - Static method in class play.libs.ws.WS
Prepare a new request.
url(String) - Method in interface play.libs.ws.WSAPI
url(String) - Method in interface play.libs.ws.WSClient
url() - Method in class play.mvc.Call
The request URL.
USE_PROXY - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.Status
USER_AGENT - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
username() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Request
The user name for this request, if defined.


Validation - Class in play.data.validation
Validation helpers.
Validation() - Constructor for class play.data.validation.Validation
ValidationError - Class in play.data.validation
A form validation error.
ValidationError(String, String) - Constructor for class play.data.validation.ValidationError
Constructs a new ValidationError.
ValidationError(String, String, List<Object>) - Constructor for class play.data.validation.ValidationError
Constructs a new ValidationError.
ValidationError(String, List<String>, List<Object>) - Constructor for class play.data.validation.ValidationError
Constructs a new ValidationError.
value() - Method in class play.data.Form.Field
Returns the field value, if defined.
value() - Method in class play.data.Form
Retrieves the actual form value.
value() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Cookie
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum play.libs.ws.WSAuthScheme
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum play.Mode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOr(String) - Method in class play.data.Form.Field
values() - Static method in enum play.libs.ws.WSAuthScheme
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum play.Mode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
varargs(T...) - Static method in class play.libs.Scala
Converts a Java varargs to Scala Seq.
VARY - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
verifiedId() - Static method in class play.libs.openid.OpenID
Check the identity of the user from the current request, that should be the callback from the OpenID server
version() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.RequestHeader
The HTTP version.
VIA - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames


waitUntil(FluentWait<WebDriver>, Function<WebDriver, T>) - Method in class play.test.TestBrowser
Repeatedly applies this instance's input value to the given function until one of the following occurs: the function returns neither null nor false, the function throws an unignored exception, the timeout expires Useful in situations where FluentAdapter#await is too specific (for example to check against page source)
waitUntil(Function<WebDriver, T>) - Method in class play.test.TestBrowser
Repeatedly applies this instance's input value to the given function until one of the following occurs: the function returns neither null nor false, the function throws an unignored exception, the default timeout expires useful in situations where FluentAdapter#await is too specific (for example to check against page source or title)
warn(String) - Method in class play.Logger.ALogger
Log a message with the WARN level.
warn(String, Object...) - Method in class play.Logger.ALogger
Log a message with the WARN level.
warn(String, Throwable) - Method in class play.Logger.ALogger
Log a message with the WARN level, with the given error.
warn(String) - Static method in class play.Logger
Log a message with the WARN level.
warn(String, Object...) - Static method in class play.Logger
Log a message with the WARN level.
warn(String, Throwable) - Static method in class play.Logger
Log a message with the WARN level.
WARNING - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
WebSocket<A> - Class in play.mvc
A WebSocket result.
WebSocket() - Constructor for class play.mvc.WebSocket
WebSocket.In<A> - Class in play.mvc
A WebSocket in.
WebSocket.In() - Constructor for class play.mvc.WebSocket.In
WebSocket.Out<A> - Interface in play.mvc
A WebSocket out.
webSocketURL(Http.Request) - Method in class play.mvc.Call
Transform this call to an WebSocket URL.
webSocketURL(Http.Request, boolean) - Method in class play.mvc.Call
Transform this call to an WebSocket URL.
webSocketURL(boolean, String) - Method in class play.mvc.Call
Transform this call to an WebSocket URL.
whenConnected(String, F.Callback<Comet>) - Static method in class play.libs.Comet
Creates a Comet.
whenConnected(F.Callback<EventSource>) - Static method in class play.libs.EventSource
Creates an EventSource.
whenReady(F.Callback<Results.Chunks.Out<byte[]>>) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results.ByteChunks
Creates a ByteChunks.
whenReady(F.Callback<Results.Chunks.Out<String>>) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results.StringChunks
Creates a StringChunks.
whenReady(String, F.Callback<Results.Chunks.Out<String>>) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results.StringChunks
Creates a StringChunks.
whenReady(Codec, F.Callback<Results.Chunks.Out<String>>) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results.StringChunks
Creates a StringChunks.
whenReady(F.Callback2<WebSocket.In<A>, WebSocket.Out<A>>) - Static method in class play.mvc.WebSocket
Creates a WebSocket.
where() - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Adds expressions to the where clause with the ability to chain on the ExpressionList.
where(Expression) - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Adds a single Expression to the where clause and returns the query.
where(String) - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Adds additional clauses to the where clause.
With - Annotation Type in play.mvc
Decorates an Action or a Controller with another Action.
withActor(F.Function<ActorRef, Props>) - Static method in class play.mvc.WebSocket
Handles a WebSocket with an actor.
withAnyContent(AnyContent, String, String) - Method in class play.test.FakeRequest
Set a AnyContent to this request.
WithApplication - Class in play.test
Provides an application for JUnit tests.
WithApplication() - Constructor for class play.test.WithApplication
withBody(T) - Method in class play.test.FakeRequest
Set a any body to this request.
WithBrowser - Class in play.test
Provides a server and browser to JUnit tests.
WithBrowser() - Constructor for class play.test.WithBrowser
withCookies(Http.Cookie...) - Method in class play.test.FakeRequest
Add cookies to this request
withFlash(String, String) - Method in class play.test.FakeRequest
Add addtional session to this request.
withFormUrlEncodedBody(Map<String, String>) - Method in class play.test.FakeRequest
Set a Form url encoded body to this request.
withHeader(String, String) - Method in class play.test.FakeRequest
Add additional headers to this request.
withId(String) - Method in class play.libs.EventSource.Event
withJsonBody(JsonNode) - Method in class play.test.FakeRequest
Set a Json Body to this request.
withJsonBody(JsValue) - Method in class play.test.FakeRequest
Set a Json Body to this request.
withJsonBody(JsonNode, String) - Method in class play.test.FakeRequest
Set a Json Body to this request.
withJsonBody(JsValue, String) - Method in class play.test.FakeRequest
Set a Json Body to this request.
withName(String) - Method in class play.libs.EventSource.Event
withRawBody(byte[]) - Method in class play.test.FakeRequest
Set a Binary Data to this request.
WithServer - Class in play.test
Provides a server to JUnit tests.
WithServer() - Constructor for class play.test.WithServer
withSession(String, String) - Method in class play.test.FakeRequest
Add addtional session to this request.
withTextBody(String) - Method in class play.test.FakeRequest
Set a Text to this request.
withTransaction(F.Function0<T>) - Static method in class play.db.jpa.JPA
Run a block of code in a JPA transaction.
withTransaction(F.Callback0) - Static method in class play.db.jpa.JPA
Run a block of code in a JPA transaction.
withTransaction(String, boolean, F.Function0<T>) - Static method in class play.db.jpa.JPA
Run a block of code in a JPA transaction.
withTransactionAsync(F.Function0<F.Promise<T>>) - Static method in class play.db.jpa.JPA
Run a block of asynchronous code in a JPA transaction.
withTransactionAsync(String, boolean, F.Function0<F.Promise<T>>) - Static method in class play.db.jpa.JPA
Run a block of asynchronous code in a JPA transaction.
withXmlBody(InputSource) - Method in class play.test.FakeRequest
Set a XML to this request.
wrap(Future<A>) - Static method in class play.libs.F.Promise
Creates a Promise that wraps a Scala Future.
wrap(Object) - Method in class play.libs.oauth.OAuth.OAuthCalculator
wrapped() - Method in class play.libs.F.Promise
Gets the Scala Future wrapped by this Promise.
write(A) - Method in class play.mvc.Results.Chunks.Out
Write a Chunk.
write(A) - Method in interface play.mvc.WebSocket.Out
Writes a frame.
WS - Class in play.libs.ws
Asynchronous API to to query web services, as an http client.
WS() - Constructor for class play.libs.ws.WS
WSAPI - Interface in play.libs.ws
WSAuthScheme - Enum in play.libs.ws
WSClient - Interface in play.libs.ws
WSCookie - Interface in play.libs.ws
A WS Cookie.
WSPlugin - Class in play.libs.ws
An extension of Plugin for WS.
WSPlugin(Application) - Constructor for class play.libs.ws.WSPlugin
WSRequest - Interface in play.libs.ws
WSRequestHolder - Interface in play.libs.ws
WSResponse - Interface in play.libs.ws
WSSignatureCalculator - Interface in play.libs.ws
Sign a WS call.
WWW_AUTHENTICATE - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames


XML - Class in play.libs
XML utilities.
XML() - Constructor for class play.libs.XML
XML - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.MimeTypes
Content-Type of xml.
XPath - Class in play.libs
XPath for parsing
XPath() - Constructor for class play.libs.XPath


Yaml - Class in play.libs
Yaml utilities.
Yaml() - Constructor for class play.libs.Yaml
YEAR - Static variable in class play.libs.Time.CronExpression
years - Variable in class play.libs.Time.CronExpression


zip(F.Promise<B>) - Method in class play.libs.F.Promise
Zips the values of this promise with another, and creates a new promise holding the tuple of their results


_1 - Variable in class play.libs.F.Tuple
_1 - Variable in class play.libs.F.Tuple3
_1 - Variable in class play.libs.F.Tuple4
_1 - Variable in class play.libs.F.Tuple5
_2 - Variable in class play.libs.F.Tuple
_2 - Variable in class play.libs.F.Tuple3
_2 - Variable in class play.libs.F.Tuple4
_2 - Variable in class play.libs.F.Tuple5
_3 - Variable in class play.libs.F.Tuple3
_3 - Variable in class play.libs.F.Tuple4
_3 - Variable in class play.libs.F.Tuple5
_4 - Variable in class play.libs.F.Tuple4
_4 - Variable in class play.libs.F.Tuple5
_5 - Variable in class play.libs.F.Tuple5
_requestHeader() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Context
The original Play request Header used to create this context.
_requestHeader() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.WrappedContext
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _