- absoluteURL(Http.Request) - Method in class play.mvc.Call
Transform this call to an absolute URL.
- absoluteURL(Http.Request, boolean) - Method in class play.mvc.Call
Transform this call to an absolute URL.
- ACCEPT - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
- accept() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.RequestHeader
- ACCEPT_CHARSET - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
- ACCEPT_ENCODING - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
- ACCEPT_LANGUAGE - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
- ACCEPT_RANGES - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
- ACCEPTED - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.Status
- acceptedTypes() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.RequestHeader
- acceptLanguages() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.RequestHeader
The Request Langs extracted from the Accept-Language header and sorted by preference (preferred first).
- accepts(String) - Method in class play.mvc.Http.RequestHeader
Check if this request accepts a given media type.
- ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_CREDENTIALS - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
- ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_HEADERS - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
- ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_METHODS - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
- ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_ORIGIN - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
- ACCESS_CONTROL_EXPOSE_HEADERS - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
- ACCESS_CONTROL_MAX_AGE - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
- ACCESS_CONTROL_REQUEST_HEADERS - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
- ACCESS_CONTROL_REQUEST_METHOD - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
- accessTokenURL - Variable in class play.libs.OAuth.ServiceInfo
- Action<T> - Class in play.mvc
An action acts as decorator for the action method call.
- Action() - Constructor for class play.mvc.Action
- Action.Simple - Class in play.mvc
A simple action with no configuration.
- Action.Simple() - Constructor for class play.mvc.Action.Simple
- addHeader(String, String) - Method in class play.libs.WS.WSRequest
Add an HTTP header (used for headers with mutiple values).
- addToSet(int, int, int, int) - Method in class play.libs.Time.CronExpression
- AGE - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
- Akka - Class in play.libs
Helper to access the application defined Akka Actor system.
- Akka() - Constructor for class play.libs.Akka
- all() - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Retrieves all entities of the given type.
- ALL_SPEC - Static variable in class play.libs.Time.CronExpression
- ALL_SPEC_INT - Static variable in class play.libs.Time.CronExpression
- ALLOW - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
- app - Variable in class play.test.WithApplication
- app - Variable in class play.test.WithServer
- Application - Class in play
A Play application.
- Application(play.api.Application) - Constructor for class play.Application
Creates an application from a Scala Application value.
- application() - Static method in class play.Play
Returns the currently running application.
- apply(String) - Method in class play.data.Form
Retrieve a field.
- apply(A) - Method in interface play.libs.F.Function
- apply() - Method in interface play.libs.F.Function0
- apply(A, B) - Method in interface play.libs.F.Function2
- apply(A, B, C) - Method in interface play.libs.F.Function3
- args - Variable in class play.mvc.Http.Context
Free space to store your request specific data
- arguments() - Method in class play.data.validation.ValidationError
Returns the error arguments.
- as(Class<T>) - Method in class play.mvc.Http.RequestBody
Cast this RequestBody as T if possible.
- as(String) - Method in class play.mvc.Results.Status
Change the Content-Type header for this result.
- asByteArray() - Method in class play.libs.WS.Response
Get the response body as a byte array
- asBytes(int) - Method in class play.mvc.Http.RawBuffer
Returns the buffer content as a bytes array.
- asBytes() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.RawBuffer
Returns the buffer content as a bytes array.
- asFile() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.RawBuffer
Returns the buffer content as File.
- asFormUrlEncoded() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.MultipartFormData
Extract the data parts as Form url encoded.
- asFormUrlEncoded() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.RequestBody
The request content parsed as URL form-encoded.
- asJava(Map<K, V>) - Static method in class play.libs.Scala
Converts a Scala Map to Java.
- asJava(Seq<T>) - Static method in class play.libs.Scala
Converts a Scala List to Java.
- asJson() - Method in class play.libs.WS.Response
Get the response body as a JsonNode
- asJson() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.RequestBody
The request content as Json.
- asMap() - Method in class play.Configuration
Returns the config as a map of plain old Java maps, lists and values.
- asMultipartFormData() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.RequestBody
The request content parsed as multipart form data.
- asPromise(Future<A>) - Static method in class play.libs.Akka
Transform this Akka future to a Play Promise.
- asRaw() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.RequestBody
The request content as Array bytes.
- asScala(Map<A, B>) - Static method in class play.libs.Scala
Converts a Java Map to Scala.
- asText() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.RequestBody
The request content as text.
- asXml() - Method in class play.libs.WS.Response
Get the response body as a DOM document
- asXml() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.RequestBody
The request content as XML.
- async(F.Promise<Result>) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Handles an Asynchronous result.
- attributes - Variable in class play.libs.OpenID.UserInfo
- AUTHORIZATION - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
- authorizationURL - Variable in class play.libs.OAuth.ServiceInfo
- availables() - Static method in class play.i18n.Lang
Retrieve Lang availables from the application configuration.
- BAD_GATEWAY - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.Status
- BAD_REQUEST - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.Status
- badRequest() - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 400 BAD_REQUEST simple result.
- badRequest(Content) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 400 BAD_REQUEST simple result.
- badRequest(Content, String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 400 BAD_REQUEST simple result.
- badRequest(String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 400 BAD_REQUEST simple result.
- badRequest(String, String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 400 BAD_REQUEST simple result.
- badRequest(JsonNode) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 400 BAD_REQUEST simple result.
- badRequest(JsonNode, String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 400 BAD_REQUEST simple result.
- badRequest(byte[]) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 400 BAD_REQUEST simple result.
- badRequest(InputStream) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 400 BAD_REQUEST chunked result.
- badRequest(InputStream, int) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 400 BAD_REQUEST chunked result.
- badRequest(File) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 400 BAD_REQUEST chunked result.
- badRequest(File, int) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 400 BAD_REQUEST simple result.
- badRequest(Results.Chunks<?>) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 400 BAD_REQUEST chunked result.
- beforeStart(Application) - Method in class play.GlobalSettings
Executed before any plugin - you can set-up your database schema here, for instance.
- bind(Map<String, String>, String...) - Method in class play.data.DynamicForm
Binds data to this form - that is, handles form submission.
- bind(JsonNode, String...) - Method in class play.data.Form
Binds Json data to this form - that is, handles form submission.
- bind(Map<String, String>, String...) - Method in class play.data.Form
Binds data to this form - that is, handles form submission.
- bind(String, String) - Method in interface play.mvc.PathBindable
Bind an URL path parameter.
- bind(String, Map<String, String[]>) - Method in interface play.mvc.QueryStringBindable
Bind a query string parameter.
- bindForCurrentThread(EntityManager) - Static method in class play.db.jpa.JPA
Bind an EntityManager to the current thread.
- bindFromRequest(String...) - Method in class play.data.DynamicForm
Binds request data to this form - that is, handles form submission.
- bindFromRequest(Http.Request, String...) - Method in class play.data.DynamicForm
Binds request data to this form - that is, handles form submission.
- bindFromRequest(String...) - Method in class play.data.Form
Binds request data to this form - that is, handles form submission.
- bindFromRequest(Http.Request, String...) - Method in class play.data.Form
Binds request data to this form - that is, handles form submission.
- bindFromRequest(Map<String, String[]>, String...) - Method in class play.data.Form
Binds request data to this form - that is, handles form submission.
- body() - Method in class play.libs.Jsonp
- body() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Request
The request body.
- BodyParser - Interface in play.mvc
A body parser parses the HTTP request body content.
- BodyParser.AnyContent - Class in play.mvc
Guess the body content by checking the Content-Type header.
- BodyParser.AnyContent() - Constructor for class play.mvc.BodyParser.AnyContent
- BodyParser.FormUrlEncoded - Class in play.mvc
Parse the body as form url encoded if the Content-Type is application/x-www-form-urlencoded.
- BodyParser.FormUrlEncoded() - Constructor for class play.mvc.BodyParser.FormUrlEncoded
- BodyParser.Json - Class in play.mvc
Parse the body as Json if the Content-Type is text/json or application/json.
- BodyParser.Json() - Constructor for class play.mvc.BodyParser.Json
- BodyParser.MultipartFormData - Class in play.mvc
Parse the body as form url encoded without checking the Content-Type.
- BodyParser.MultipartFormData() - Constructor for class play.mvc.BodyParser.MultipartFormData
- BodyParser.Of - Annotation Type in play.mvc
Specify the body parser to use for an Action method.
- BodyParser.Raw - Class in play.mvc
Store the body content in a RawBuffer.
- BodyParser.Raw() - Constructor for class play.mvc.BodyParser.Raw
- BodyParser.Text - Class in play.mvc
Parse the body as text if the Content-Type is text/plain.
- BodyParser.Text() - Constructor for class play.mvc.BodyParser.Text
- BodyParser.TolerantJson - Class in play.mvc
Parse the body as Json without checking the Content-Type.
- BodyParser.TolerantJson() - Constructor for class play.mvc.BodyParser.TolerantJson
- BodyParser.TolerantText - Class in play.mvc
Parse the body as text without checking the Content-Type.
- BodyParser.TolerantText() - Constructor for class play.mvc.BodyParser.TolerantText
- BodyParser.TolerantXml - Class in play.mvc
Parse the body as Xml without checking the Content-Type.
- BodyParser.TolerantXml() - Constructor for class play.mvc.BodyParser.TolerantXml
- BodyParser.Xml - Class in play.mvc
Parse the body as Xml if the Content-Type is text/xml.
- BodyParser.Xml() - Constructor for class play.mvc.BodyParser.Xml
- browser - Variable in class play.test.WithBrowser
- buildExpression(String) - Method in class play.libs.Time.CronExpression
- byId(I) - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Retrieves an entity by ID.
- Cache - Class in play.cache
Provides an access point for Play's cache service.
- Cache() - Constructor for class play.cache.Cache
- CACHE_CONTROL - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
- Cached - Annotation Type in play.cache
Mark an action to be cached on server side.
- CachedAction - Class in play.cache
Cache another action.
- CachedAction() - Constructor for class play.cache.CachedAction
- call(Http.Context) - Method in class play.cache.CachedAction
- call(Http.Context) - Method in class play.db.ebean.TransactionalAction
- call(Http.Context) - Method in class play.db.jpa.TransactionalAction
- call(Http.Context) - Method in class play.mvc.Action
Executes this action with the give HTTP context and returns the result.
- Call - Class in play.mvc
Defines a 'call', describing an HTTP request.
- Call() - Constructor for class play.mvc.Call
- call(Http.Context) - Method in class play.mvc.Security.AuthenticatedAction
- callAction(HandlerRef) - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
Call an action method while decorating it with the right @With interceptors.
- callAction(HandlerRef, FakeRequest) - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
Call an action method while decorating it with the right @With interceptors.
- callbacks - Variable in class play.mvc.WebSocket.In
Callbacks to invoke at each frame.
- cancel() - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Cancels query execution, if supported by the underlying database and driver.
- changeLang(String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
Change durably the lang for the current user
- changeLang(String) - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Context
Change durably the lang for the current user.
- charset(Result) - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
Extracts the Charset of this Result value.
- checkNext(int, String, int, int) - Method in class play.libs.Time.CronExpression
- classloader() - Method in class play.Application
Retrieves the application classloader.
- Classpath - Class in play.libs
- Classpath() - Constructor for class play.libs.Classpath
- clear() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Flash
Clears the flash scope.
- clear() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Session
Clears the session.
- clone() - Method in class play.libs.Time.CronExpression
- close() - Method in class play.libs.Comet
Close the channel
- close() - Method in class play.mvc.Results.Chunks.Out
Closes the stream.
- close() - Method in interface play.mvc.WebSocket.Out
Close this channel.
- closeCallbacks - Variable in class play.mvc.WebSocket.In
Callbacks to invoke on close.
- code() - Method in class play.i18n.Lang
The Lang code (such as fr or en-US).
- Comet - Class in play.libs
A Chunked stream sending Comet messages.
- Comet(String) - Constructor for class play.libs.Comet
Create a new Comet socket
- configuration() - Method in class play.Application
Retrieves the application configuration/
- Configuration - Class in play
The current application configuration.
- Configuration(Config) - Constructor for class play.Configuration
Creates a new configuration from a Typesafe Config object.
- Configuration(play.api.Configuration) - Constructor for class play.Configuration
Creates a new configuration from a Scala-based configuration.
- configuration - Variable in class play.mvc.Action
The action configuration - typically the annotation used to decorate the action method.
- CONFLICT - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.Status
- CONNECTION - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
- constraints() - Method in class play.data.Form.Field
Returns all the constraints associated with this field.
- Constraints - Class in play.data.validation
Defines a set of built-in validation constraints.
- Constraints() - Constructor for class play.data.validation.Constraints
- Constraints.Email - Annotation Type in play.data.validation
Defines a email constraint for a string field.
- Constraints.EmailValidator - Class in play.data.validation
Validator for @Email
- Constraints.EmailValidator() - Constructor for class play.data.validation.Constraints.EmailValidator
- Constraints.Max - Annotation Type in play.data.validation
Defines a maximum value for a numeric field.
- Constraints.MaxLength - Annotation Type in play.data.validation
Defines a maxmimum length for a string field.
- Constraints.MaxLengthValidator - Class in play.data.validation
Validator for @MaxLength
- Constraints.MaxLengthValidator() - Constructor for class play.data.validation.Constraints.MaxLengthValidator
- Constraints.MaxLengthValidator(long) - Constructor for class play.data.validation.Constraints.MaxLengthValidator
- Constraints.MaxValidator - Class in play.data.validation
Validator for @Max
- Constraints.MaxValidator() - Constructor for class play.data.validation.Constraints.MaxValidator
- Constraints.MaxValidator(long) - Constructor for class play.data.validation.Constraints.MaxValidator
- Constraints.Min - Annotation Type in play.data.validation
Defines a minumum value for a numeric field.
- Constraints.MinLength - Annotation Type in play.data.validation
Defines a minumum length for a string field.
- Constraints.MinLengthValidator - Class in play.data.validation
Validator for @MinLength
- Constraints.MinLengthValidator() - Constructor for class play.data.validation.Constraints.MinLengthValidator
- Constraints.MinLengthValidator(long) - Constructor for class play.data.validation.Constraints.MinLengthValidator
- Constraints.MinValidator - Class in play.data.validation
Validator for @Min
- Constraints.MinValidator() - Constructor for class play.data.validation.Constraints.MinValidator
- Constraints.MinValidator(long) - Constructor for class play.data.validation.Constraints.MinValidator
- Constraints.Pattern - Annotation Type in play.data.validation
Defines a pattern constraint for a string field.
- Constraints.PatternValidator - Class in play.data.validation
Validator for @Pattern
- Constraints.PatternValidator() - Constructor for class play.data.validation.Constraints.PatternValidator
- Constraints.PatternValidator(String) - Constructor for class play.data.validation.Constraints.PatternValidator
- Constraints.Required - Annotation Type in play.data.validation
Defines a field as required.
- Constraints.RequiredValidator - Class in play.data.validation
Validator for @Required
- Constraints.RequiredValidator() - Constructor for class play.data.validation.Constraints.RequiredValidator
- Constraints.ValidateWith - Annotation Type in play.data.validation
Defines a custom validator.
- Constraints.ValidateWithValidator - Class in play.data.validation
Validator for @ValidateWith
- Constraints.ValidateWithValidator() - Constructor for class play.data.validation.Constraints.ValidateWithValidator
- Constraints.ValidateWithValidator(Class) - Constructor for class play.data.validation.Constraints.ValidateWithValidator
- Constraints.Validator<T> - Class in play.data.validation
Super-type for validators.
- Constraints.Validator() - Constructor for class play.data.validation.Constraints.Validator
- Content - Interface in play.mvc
Generic type representing content to be sent over an HTTP response.
- CONTENT_ENCODING - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
- CONTENT_LANGUAGE - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
- CONTENT_LENGTH - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
- CONTENT_LOCATION - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
- CONTENT_MD5 - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
- CONTENT_RANGE - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
- CONTENT_TRANSFER_ENCODING - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
- CONTENT_TYPE - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
- contentAsBytes(Result) - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
Extracts the content as bytes.
- contentAsBytes(Content) - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
Extracts the content as bytes.
- contentAsString(Content) - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
Extracts the content as String.
- contentAsString(Result) - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
Extracts the content as String.
- contentType() - Method in class play.libs.Jsonp
- contentType(Content) - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
Extracts the Content-Type of this Content value.
- contentType(Result) - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
Extracts the Content-Type of this Result value.
- CONTINUE - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.Status
- Controller - Class in play.mvc
Superclass for a Java-based controller.
- Controller() - Constructor for class play.mvc.Controller
- conversion - Static variable in class play.data.format.Formatters
The underlying conversion service.
- COOKIE - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
- cookie(String) - Method in class play.mvc.Http.RequestHeader
- cookie(String, Result) - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
* Extracts a Cookie value from this Result value
- cookies() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.RequestHeader
- cookies() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Response
- copy() - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Copies this query.
- country() - Method in class play.i18n.Lang
A valid ISO Country Code.
- CREATED - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.Status
- created() - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 201 CREATED simple result.
- created(Content) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 201 CREATED simple result.
- created(Content, String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 201 CREATED simple result.
- created(String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 201 CREATED simple result.
- created(String, String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 201 CREATED simple result.
- created(JsonNode) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 201 CREATED simple result.
- created(JsonNode, String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 201 CREATED simple result.
- created(byte[]) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 201 CREATED simple result.
- created(InputStream) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 201 CREATED chunked result.
- created(InputStream, int) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 201 CREATED chunked result.
- created(File) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 201 CREATED chunked result.
- created(File, int) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 201 CREATED simple result.
- created(Results.Chunks<?>) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 201 CREATED chunked result.
- cronInterval(String) - Static method in class play.libs.Time
Computes the number of milliseconds between the next valid date and the one after.
- cronInterval(String, Date) - Static method in class play.libs.Time
Compute the number of milliseconds between the next valid date and the one after.
- Crypto - Class in play.libs
- Crypto() - Constructor for class play.libs.Crypto
- ctx() - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
Returns the current HTTP context.
- ctx() - Static method in class play.mvc.Http.Context.Implicit
Returns the current context.
- current - Static variable in class play.mvc.Http.Context
- current() - Static method in class play.mvc.Http.Context
Retrieves the current HTTP context, for the current thread.
- EbeanPlugin - Class in play.db.ebean
A Play plugin that automatically manages Ebean configuration.
- EbeanPlugin(Application) - Constructor for class play.db.ebean.EbeanPlugin
- em(String) - Static method in class play.db.jpa.JPA
Get the EntityManager for specified persistence unit for this thread.
- em() - Static method in class play.db.jpa.JPA
Get the default EntityManager for this thread.
- em(String) - Method in class play.db.jpa.JPAPlugin
- email() - Static method in class play.data.validation.Constraints
Constructs a 'email' validator.
- emptyMap() - Static method in class play.libs.Scala
Creates an empty Scala Map.
- emptySeq() - Static method in class play.libs.Scala
Creates an empty Scala Seq.
- enabled() - Method in class play.db.jpa.JPAPlugin
- enabled() - Method in class play.Plugin
Is this plugin enabled.
- encryptAES(String) - Static method in class play.libs.Crypto
Encrypt a String with the AES encryption standard using the application secret
- encryptAES(String, String) - Static method in class play.libs.Crypto
Encrypt a String with the AES encryption standard.
- entrySet() - Method in class play.Configuration
Returns the config as a set of full paths to config values.
- equals(Object) - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model
- equals(Object) - Method in class play.i18n.Lang
- error(String) - Method in class play.data.DynamicForm
Retrieve an error by key.
- error(String) - Method in class play.data.Form
Retrieve an error by key.
- error(String) - Method in class play.Logger.ALogger
Log a message with the ERROR level.
- error(String, Throwable) - Method in class play.Logger.ALogger
Log a message with the ERROR level, with the given error.
- error(String) - Static method in class play.Logger
Log a message with the ERROR level.
- error(String, Throwable) - Static method in class play.Logger
Log a message with the ERROR level.
- errors() - Method in class play.data.Form
Returns all errors.
- errors() - Method in class play.data.Form.Field
Returns all the errors associated with this field.
- errorsAsJson() - Method in class play.data.Form
Returns the form errors serialized as Json.
- errorsAsJson(Lang) - Method in class play.data.Form
Returns the form errors serialized as Json using the given Lang.
- ETAG - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
- execute() - Method in class play.libs.WS.WSRequest
- execute(String) - Method in class play.libs.WS.WSRequestHolder
Execute an arbitrary method on the request asynchronously.
- EXPECT - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
- EXPECTATION_FAILED - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.Status
- EXPIRES - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
- expressionParsed - Variable in class play.libs.Time.CronExpression
- F - Class in play.libs
Defines a set of functional programming style helpers.
- F() - Constructor for class play.libs.F
- F.Callback<A> - Interface in play.libs
A Callback with a single argument.
- F.Callback0 - Interface in play.libs
A Callback with no arguments.
- F.Callback2<A,B> - Interface in play.libs
A Callback with 2 arguments.
- F.Callback3<A,B,C> - Interface in play.libs
A Callback with 3 arguments.
- F.Either<A,B> - Class in play.libs
Represents a value of one of two possible types (a disjoint union)
- F.Function<A,R> - Interface in play.libs
A Function with a single argument.
- F.Function0<R> - Interface in play.libs
A Function with no arguments.
- F.Function2<A,B,R> - Interface in play.libs
A Function with 2 arguments.
- F.Function3<A,B,C,R> - Interface in play.libs
A Function with 3 arguments.
- F.None<T> - Class in play.libs
Represents non-existent values.
- F.None() - Constructor for class play.libs.F.None
- F.Option<T> - Class in play.libs
Represents optional values.
- F.Option() - Constructor for class play.libs.F.Option
- F.Promise<A> - Class in play.libs
A promise to produce a result of type A
- F.Promise(Future<A>) - Constructor for class play.libs.F.Promise
Create a new promise wrapping the given Scala promise
- F.Promise.PromiseActor - Class in play.libs
- F.Promise.PromiseActor() - Constructor for class play.libs.F.Promise.PromiseActor
- F.Some<T> - Class in play.libs
Represents existing values of type T
- F.Some(T) - Constructor for class play.libs.F.Some
- F.Tuple<A,B> - Class in play.libs
A pair - a tuple of the types A
and B
- F.Tuple(A, B) - Constructor for class play.libs.F.Tuple
- F.Tuple3<A,B,C> - Class in play.libs
A tuple of A,B,C
- F.Tuple3(A, B, C) - Constructor for class play.libs.F.Tuple3
- F.Tuple4<A,B,C,D> - Class in play.libs
A tuple of A,B,C,D
- F.Tuple4(A, B, C, D) - Constructor for class play.libs.F.Tuple4
- F.Tuple5<A,B,C,D,E> - Class in play.libs
A tuple of A,B,C,D,E
- F.Tuple5(A, B, C, D, E) - Constructor for class play.libs.F.Tuple5
- FakeApplication - Class in play.test
A Fake application.
- FakeApplication(File, ClassLoader, Map<String, ? extends Object>, List<String>, GlobalSettings) - Constructor for class play.test.FakeApplication
A Fake application.
- fakeApplication() - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
Build a new fake application.
- fakeApplication(GlobalSettings) - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
Build a new fake application.
- fakeApplication(Map<String, ? extends Object>) - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
Build a new fake application.
- fakeApplication(Map<String, ? extends Object>, GlobalSettings) - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
Build a new fake application.
- fakeApplication(Map<String, ? extends Object>, List<String>) - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
Build a new fake application.
- fakeApplication(Map<String, ? extends Object>, List<String>, GlobalSettings) - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
Build a new fake application.
- fakeGlobal() - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
A fake Global
- FakeRequest - Class in play.test
Fake HTTP request implementation.
- FakeRequest() - Constructor for class play.test.FakeRequest
Constructs a new GET / fake request.
- FakeRequest(String, String) - Constructor for class play.test.FakeRequest
Constructs a new request.
- fakeRequest() - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
Build a new GET / fake request.
- fakeRequest(String, String) - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
Build a new fake request.
- fetch(String) - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Specifies a path to load including all its properties.
- fetch(String, FetchConfig) - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Additionally specifies a JoinConfig
to specify a 'query join' and/or define the lazy loading query.
- fetch(String, String) - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Specifies a path to fetch with a specific list properties to include, to load a partial object.
- fetch(String, String, FetchConfig) - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Additionally specifies a FetchConfig
to use a separate query or lazy loading to load this path.
- field(String) - Method in class play.data.DynamicForm
Retrieves a field.
- field(String) - Method in class play.data.Form
Retrieve a field.
- fill(Map) - Method in class play.data.DynamicForm
Fille with existing data.
- fill(T) - Method in class play.data.Form
Populates this form with an existing value, used for edit forms.
- filter() - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Creates a filter for sorting and filtering lists of entities locally without going back to the database.
- filterMany(String) - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Applies a filter on the 'many' property list rather than the root level objects.
- filters() - Method in class play.GlobalSettings
- findFutureIds() - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Executes a find IDs query in a background thread.
- findFutureList() - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Executes a find list query in a background thread.
- findFutureRowCount() - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Executes a find row count query in a background thread.
- findIds() - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Executes a query and returns the results as a list of IDs.
- findIterate() - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
- findList() - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Executes the query and returns the results as a list of objects.
- findMap() - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Executes the query and returns the results as a map of objects.
- findMap(String, Class<K>) - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Executes the query and returns the results as a map of the objects.
- findNextWhiteSpace(int, String) - Method in class play.libs.Time.CronExpression
- findPagingList(int) - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Returns a PagingList
for this query.
- findRowCount() - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Returns the number of entities this query should return.
- findSet() - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Executes the query and returns the results as a set of objects.
- findUnique() - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Executes the query and returns the results as either a single bean or null
, if no matching bean is found.
- findVisit(<any>) - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
- FIREFOX - Static variable in class play.test.Helpers
- flash() - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
Returns the current HTTP flash scope.
- flash(String, String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
Puts a new value into the flash scope.
- flash(String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
Returns a value from the flash scope.
- flash() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Context
Returns the current flash scope.
- flash() - Static method in class play.mvc.Http.Context.Implicit
Returns the current flash scope.
- flash(Result) - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
Extracts the Flash values of this Result value.
- flatMap(F.Function<A, F.Promise<B>>) - Method in class play.libs.F.Promise
Maps the result of this promise to a promise for a result of type B
, and flattens that to be
a single promise for B
- fluentWait() - Method in class play.test.TestBrowser
Creates a generic FluentWait instance
using the underlying web driver
- FORBIDDEN - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.Status
- forbidden() - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 403 FORBIDDEN simple result.
- forbidden(Content) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 403 FORBIDDEN simple result.
- forbidden(Content, String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 403 FORBIDDEN simple result.
- forbidden(String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 403 FORBIDDEN simple result.
- forbidden(String, String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 403 FORBIDDEN simple result.
- forbidden(JsonNode) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 403 FORBIDDEN simple result.
- forbidden(JsonNode, String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 403 FORBIDDEN simple result.
- forbidden(byte[]) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 403 FORBIDDEN simple result.
- forbidden(InputStream) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 403 FORBIDDEN chunked result.
- forbidden(InputStream, int) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 403 FORBIDDEN chunked result.
- forbidden(File) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 403 FORBIDDEN chunked result.
- forbidden(File, int) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 403 FORBIDDEN simple result.
- forbidden(Results.Chunks<?>) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 403 FORBIDDEN chunked result.
- forCode(String) - Static method in class play.i18n.Lang
Create a Lang value from a code (such as fr or en-US).
- Form<T> - Class in play.data
Helper to manage HTML form description, submission and validation.
- Form(Class<T>) - Constructor for class play.data.Form
Creates a new Form
- Form(String, Class<T>) - Constructor for class play.data.Form
- Form(String, Class<T>, Class<?>) - Constructor for class play.data.Form
- Form(String, Class<T>, Map<String, String>, Map<String, List<ValidationError>>, F.Option<T>) - Constructor for class play.data.Form
- Form(String, Class<T>, Map<String, String>, Map<String, List<ValidationError>>, F.Option<T>, Class<?>) - Constructor for class play.data.Form
Creates a new Form
- form() - Static method in class play.data.Form
Instantiates a dynamic form.
- form(Class<T>) - Static method in class play.data.Form
Instantiates a new form that wraps the specified class.
- form(String, Class<T>) - Static method in class play.data.Form
Instantiates a new form that wraps the specified class.
- form(String, Class<T>, Class<?>) - Static method in class play.data.Form
Instantiates a new form that wraps the specified class.
- form(Class<T>, Class<?>) - Static method in class play.data.Form
Instantiates a new form that wraps the specified class.
- Form.Display - Annotation Type in play.data
Defines a form element's display name.
- Form.Field - Class in play.data
A form field.
- Form.Field(Form<?>, String, List<F.Tuple<String, List<Object>>>, F.Tuple<String, List<Object>>, List<ValidationError>, String) - Constructor for class play.data.Form.Field
Creates a form field.
- format() - Method in class play.data.Form.Field
Returns the expected format for this field.
- Formats - Class in play.data.format
Defines several default formatters.
- Formats() - Constructor for class play.data.format.Formats
- Formats.AnnotationDateFormatter - Class in play.data.format
Annotation formatter, triggered by the @DateTime
- Formats.AnnotationDateFormatter() - Constructor for class play.data.format.Formats.AnnotationDateFormatter
- Formats.AnnotationNonEmptyFormatter - Class in play.data.format
Annotation formatter, triggered by the @NonEmpty
- Formats.AnnotationNonEmptyFormatter() - Constructor for class play.data.format.Formats.AnnotationNonEmptyFormatter
- Formats.DateFormatter - Class in play.data.format
Formatter for java.util.Date
- Formats.DateFormatter(String) - Constructor for class play.data.format.Formats.DateFormatter
Creates a date formatter.
- Formats.DateTime - Annotation Type in play.data.format
Defines the format for a Date
- Formats.NonEmpty - Annotation Type in play.data.format
Defines the format for a String
field that cannot be empty.
- Formatters - Class in play.data.format
Formatters helper.
- Formatters() - Constructor for class play.data.format.Formatters
- Formatters.AnnotationFormatter<A extends java.lang.annotation.Annotation,T> - Class in play.data.format
Super-type for annotation-based formatters.
- Formatters.AnnotationFormatter() - Constructor for class play.data.format.Formatters.AnnotationFormatter
- Formatters.SimpleFormatter<T> - Class in play.data.format
Super-type for custom simple formatters.
- Formatters.SimpleFormatter() - Constructor for class play.data.format.Formatters.SimpleFormatter
- FOUND - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.Status
- found(String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 302 FOUND simple result.
- found(Call) - Static method in class play.mvc.Results
Generates a 302 FOUND simple result.
- FROM - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames
- fromInputStream(InputStream, String) - Static method in class play.libs.XML
Parse an InputStream as DOM.
- fromJson(JsonNode, Class<A>) - Static method in class play.libs.Json
Convert a JsonNode to a Java value
- fromString(String) - Static method in class play.libs.XML
Parse an XML string as DOM.
- future(Callable<T>) - Static method in class play.libs.Akka
Executes a block of code asynchronously in the application Akka Actor system.
- GATEWAY_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface play.mvc.Http.Status
- generateEvolutionScript(EbeanServer, ServerConfig) - Static method in class play.db.ebean.EbeanPlugin
Helper method that generates the required evolution to properly run Ebean.
- get(String) - Static method in class play.cache.Cache
Retrieves an object by key.
- get(String) - Method in class play.data.DynamicForm
Gets the concrete value if the submission was a success.
- get() - Method in class play.data.Form
Gets the concrete value if the submission was a success.
- get(Lang, String, Object...) - Static method in class play.i18n.Messages
Translates a message.
- get(String, Object...) - Static method in class play.i18n.Messages
Translates a message.
- get() - Method in class play.libs.F.None
- get() - Method in class play.libs.F.Option
Returns the value if defined.
- get() - Method in class play.libs.F.Promise
Awaits for the promise to get the result using the default timeout (5000 milliseconds).
- get(Long, TimeUnit) - Method in class play.libs.F.Promise
Awaits for the promise to get the result.
- get(Long) - Method in class play.libs.F.Promise
Awaits for the promise to get the result.
- get() - Method in class play.libs.F.Some
- get() - Method in class play.libs.WS.WSRequestHolder
Perform a GET on the request asynchronously.
- get(String) - Method in interface play.mvc.Http.Cookies
- GET - Static variable in class play.test.Helpers
- getAllHeaders() - Method in class play.libs.OAuth.WSRequestAdapter
- getAllHeaders() - Method in class play.libs.WS.WSRequest
Return the headers of the request being constructed
- getArgumentsForConstraint(String, String, <any>) - Method in class play.data.Form
- getBody() - Method in class play.libs.WS.Response
Get the response body as a string.
- getBodyAsStream() - Method in class play.libs.WS.Response
Get the response body as a stream
- getBoolean(String) - Method in class play.Configuration
Retrieves a configuration value as a Boolean
- getBoolean(String, Boolean) - Method in class play.Configuration
Retrieves a configuration value as a Boolean
- getBooleanList(String) - Method in class play.Configuration
Retrieves a configuration value as a List
- getBooleanList(String, List<Boolean>) - Method in class play.Configuration
Retrieves a configuration value as a List
- getBytes(String) - Method in class play.Configuration
Retrieves a configuration value as a Bytes
- getBytes(String, Long) - Method in class play.Configuration
Retrieves a configuration value as a Bytes
- getBytesList(String) - Method in class play.Configuration
Retrieves a configuration value as a List
representing bytes.
- getBytesList(String, List<Long>) - Method in class play.Configuration
Retrieves a configuration value as a List
representing bytes.
- getConfig(String) - Method in class play.Configuration
Retrieves a sub-configuration, which is a configuration instance containing all keys that start with the given prefix.
- getConfigList(String) - Method in class play.Configuration
Retrieves a configuration value as a List
- getConfigList(String, List<Configuration>) - Method in class play.Configuration
Retrieves a configuration value as a List
- getConnection() - Static method in class play.db.DB
Returns a connection from the default datasource, with auto-commit enabled.
- getConnection(boolean) - Static method in class play.db.DB
Returns a connection from the default datasource, with the specified auto-commit setting.
- getConnection(String) - Static method in class play.db.DB
Returns a connection from any datasource, with auto-commit enabled.
- getConnection(String, boolean) - Static method in class play.db.DB
Get a connection from any datasource, with the specified auto-commit setting.
- getContentType() - Method in class play.libs.OAuth.WSRequestAdapter
- getContentType() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.MultipartFormData.FilePart
The file Content-Type
- getControllerInstance(Class<A>) - Method in class play.GlobalSettings
Manages controllers instantiation.
- getCronExpression() - Method in class play.libs.Time.CronExpression
- getData() - Method in class play.data.DynamicForm.Dynamic
Retrieves the data.
- getDataSource() - Static method in class play.db.DB
Returns the default datasource.
- getDataSource(String) - Static method in class play.db.DB
Returns any default datasource.
- getDayOfWeekNumber(String) - Method in class play.libs.Time.CronExpression
- getDouble(String) - Method in class play.Configuration
Retrieves a configuration value as an Double
- getDouble(String, Double) - Method in class play.Configuration
Retrieves a configuration value as an Double
- getDoubleList(String) - Method in class play.Configuration
Retrieves a configuration value as a List
- getDoubleList(String, List<Double>) - Method in class play.Configuration
Retrieves a configuration value as a List
- getErrorMessageKey() - Method in class play.data.validation.Constraints.EmailValidator
- getErrorMessageKey() - Method in class play.data.validation.Constraints.MaxLengthValidator
- getErrorMessageKey() - Method in class play.data.validation.Constraints.MaxValidator
- getErrorMessageKey() - Method in class play.data.validation.Constraints.MinLengthValidator
- getErrorMessageKey() - Method in class play.data.validation.Constraints.MinValidator
- getErrorMessageKey() - Method in class play.data.validation.Constraints.PatternValidator
- getErrorMessageKey() - Method in class play.data.validation.Constraints.RequiredValidator
- getErrorMessageKey() - Method in class play.data.validation.Constraints.ValidateWithValidator
- getErrorMessageKey() - Method in class play.data.validation.Constraints.Validator
- getExpressionFactory() - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Returns the ExpressionFactory
used by this query.
- getExpressionSetSummary(Set<Integer>) - Method in class play.libs.Time.CronExpression
- getExpressionSetSummary(ArrayList<Integer>) - Method in class play.libs.Time.CronExpression
- getExpressionSummary() - Method in class play.libs.Time.CronExpression
- getFile(String) - Method in class play.Application
Retrieves a file relative to the application root path.
- getFile() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.MultipartFormData.FilePart
The File.
- getFile(String) - Method in class play.mvc.Http.MultipartFormData
Access a file part.
- getFilename() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.MultipartFormData.FilePart
The file name.
- getFiles() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.MultipartFormData
Retrieves all file parts.
- getFinalFireTime() - Method in class play.libs.Time.CronExpression
NOT YET IMPLEMENTED: Returns the final time that the
will match.
- getFirstRow() - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Returns the first row value.
- getGeneratedSql() - Method in class play.db.ebean.Model.Finder
Returns the SQL that was generated for executing this query.
- getHeader(String) - Method in class play.libs.OAuth.WSRequestAdapter
- getHeader(String) - Method in class play.libs.WS.Response
Get the given HTTP header of the response
- getHeader(String) - Method in class play.libs.WS.WSRequest
- getHeader(String) - Method in class play.mvc.Http.RequestHeader
Retrieves a single header.
- getHeaders() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Response
Gets the current response headers.
- getInfo() - Method in class play.libs.OAuth
- getInt(String) - Method in class play.Configuration
Retrieves a configuration value as an Int
- getInt(String, Integer) - Method in class play.Configuration
Retrieves a configuration value as an Int
- getIntList(String) - Method in class play.Configuration
Retrieves a configuration value as a List
- getIntList(String, List<Integer>) - Method in class play.Configuration
Retrieves a configuration value as a List
- getKey() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.MultipartFormData.FilePart
The part name.
- getLastDayOfMonth(int, int) - Method in class play.libs.Time.CronExpression
- getList(String) - Method in class play.Configuration
Retrieves a configuration value as a