Annotation Types Summary |
CheckWith |
Email |
This field must be a valid email. |
Equals |
This field must be equals to another field. |
InFuture |
This date must be in the future. |
InPast |
This date must be in the past. |
IPv4Address |
This field must be a valid IP address. |
IPv6Address |
This field must be a valid IP address. |
IsTrue |
This field must be true. |
Match |
This field must match the regexp. |
Max |
This field must be lower than. |
MaxSize |
This field size must be lower than. |
Min |
This field must be greater than. |
MinSize |
This field size must be equal or greater than. |
Password |
This field is a password. |
Phone |
This field contain a phone number
This validation is relaxed and is intended to enforce a basic phone pattern. |
Range |
This field must be lower than and greater than. |
Required |
This field is required. |
Unique |
Check that a field or or field in a context is unique. |
This field must be a valid url. |
Valid |
This bean must satisfy all checks. |