Interface TypeBinder<T>

All Known Implementing Classes:
As.DEFAULT, BinaryBinder, ByteArrayArrayBinder, ByteArrayBinder, CalendarBinder, DateBinder, DateTimeBinder, FileArrayBinder, FileBinder, LocaleBinder, UploadArrayBinder, UploadBinder

public interface TypeBinder<T>

Supported type for binding. This interface is used to implement custom binders.

Method Summary
 java.lang.Object bind(java.lang.String name, java.lang.annotation.Annotation[] annotations, java.lang.String value, java.lang.Class actualClass, java.lang.reflect.Type genericType)
          Called when your parameter needs to be bound.

Method Detail


java.lang.Object bind(java.lang.String name,
                      java.lang.annotation.Annotation[] annotations,
                      java.lang.String value,
                      java.lang.Class actualClass,
                      java.lang.reflect.Type genericType)
                      throws java.lang.Exception
Called when your parameter needs to be bound.

name - the name of you parameter ie myparam for a simple param but can also be a complex one : mybean.address.street
annotations - An array of annotation that may be bound to your method parameter or your bean property
value - the actual value as a string that needs to be bound
actualClass - The class of the object you want to associate the value with
genericType - The generic type associated with the object you want to bound the value to
the 'bound' object for example a date object if the value was '12/12/2002'

Guillaume Bort & zenexity - Distributed under Apache 2 licence, without any warrantly