Package play.classloading.enhancers

Interface Summary
ControllersEnhancer.ControllerSupport Mark class that need controller enhancement
EnhancedForContinuations This interface is added to all classes enhanced for Continuations.
LocalvariablesNamesEnhancer.LocalVariablesSupport Mark class that need local variables tracking

Class Summary
ControllersEnhancer Enhance controllers classes.
ControllersEnhancer.ControllerInstrumentation Runtime part needed by the instrumentation
Enhancer Enhancer support
Enhancer.ApplicationClassesClasspath Dumb classpath implementation for javassist hacking
LocalvariablesNamesEnhancer Track names of local variables ...
LocalvariablesNamesEnhancer.LocalVariablesNamesTracer Runtime part.
MailerEnhancer Enhance mailers classes.
PropertiesEnhancer Generate valid JavaBeans.
PropertiesEnhancer.FieldAccessor Runtime part.
SigEnhancer Compute a unique hash for the class signature.

Annotation Types Summary

Guillaume Bort & zenexity - Distributed under Apache 2 licence, without any warrantly