Community contributed extensions

Recaptcha module for Play!

Integrate challenge-response reCaptcha tests in 5 minutes.

What is a Captcha?

A Captcha is a type of challenge-response test used in computing to ensure that the response is not generated by a computer. Captcha are typically used to fight spam and validate that a human is using the system.




The modules requires the recapctha public/private key for your domain.

  1. Please go to
  2. Register and create a site for your domain
  3. Write down the generated public and private keys


There are two ways to deploy this module.

  1. You can download the zip and unpack it in your play/module folder.
  2. or, You can simply run 'play install recaptcha-0.9' and let Play do all the job for you!

How to Use

Well it’s kind of easy.
First, add this line in your conf/application.conf


Now the module offers two integration points: one to display the captcha, the other to validate it.

Generating the captcha

Play being an MVC framework, we need to define a action in the controller and its associated page.
Edit file app/controller/ as follows:

public class Application extends Controller {
public static void register() {

Create a file `app/view/Application/register.html`

#{extends ‘main.html’ /}
#{set title:‘Test reCaptcha’ /}
#{form @save()}

#{crionics.recaptcha publicKey:“YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY”, privateKey:“YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY”, theme:“red”, tabindex:“2”/}


Validating the captcha

Edit file app/controller/ and add the following:

import com.crionics.recaptcha.Recaptcha;

public class Application extends Controller {
public static void save() {

// ... Do some other form validation...
boolean status = Recaptcha.checkAnswer(“YOUR_PRIVATE_K”, request, params);

if (status) { System.out.println(“Captcha answer was entered correctly!”); } else { System.out.println(“Captcha answer is wrong”); register(); } } }

Testing the captcha

Start play and launch a browser to http://localhost:9000/Application/register


Tag parameters

The crionics.recaptcha tag takes the following parameters

publicKey: Mandatory field

privateKey: Mandatory field

theme: The theme to use. Possible values are:red (default), white, blackglass, clean

tabindex: Sets a tabindex for the reCAPTCHA text box. If other elements in the form use a tabindex, this should be set so that navigation is easier for the user

lang: A two character country code. By default the module will ask Play to provide the negotiated language. possible values are: en,nl,fr,de,pt,ru,es,tr

See the reCaptcha documentation for more details.


This module is based on the Recaptcha java library