Community contributed extensions

Atomic update operations

Before v1.2.6, PlayMorphia user must resort to morphia interface to get atomic update operations done:

Datastore ds = Employee.ds();
UpdateOperations op = ds.createUpdateOperations(Employee.class);
UpdateOperations<Employee> op = ds.createUpdateOperations(Employee.class).inc("salary", 10000).inc("bonus", 99999);
Query<Employee> q = (Query<Employee>)Employee.q().findBy("department", "IT").getMorphiaQuery();
ds.update(q, op);

Now with new v1.2.6, you do it this way:

Employee.o().inc("salary, bonus", 10000, 99999).update("department", "IT");

Why atomic update operations


See also

  1. Understand morphia model
  2. Using morphia model
  3. Using morphia query
  4. Morphia doc on updating
  5. Mongo doc on updating