Parses specified column as boolean.
Parses specified column as boolean.
from 1 to n
import anorm.{ SQL, SqlParser } val t: (Boolean, String) = SQL("SELECT a, b FROM test") .as(SqlParser.bool(1) ~ SqlParser.str("b") map ( SqlParser.flatten) single)
Parses specified column as boolean.
Parses specified column as boolean.
import anorm.{ SQL, SqlParser } val t: (Boolean, String) = SQL("SELECT a, b FROM test") .as(SqlParser.bool("a") ~ SqlParser.str("b") map ( SqlParser.flatten) single)
Parses specified column as byte.
Parses specified column as byte.
from 1 to n
import anorm.{ SQL, SqlParser } val t: (Byte, String) = SQL("SELECT a, b FROM test") .as(SqlParser.byte(1) ~ SqlParser.str("b") map ( SqlParser.flatten) single)
Parses specified column as byte.
Parses specified column as byte.
import anorm.{ SQL, SqlParser } val t: (Byte, String) = SQL("SELECT a, b FROM test") .as(SqlParser.byte("a") ~ SqlParser.str("b") map ( SqlParser.flatten) single)
Parses specified column as date.
Parses specified column as date.
from 1 to n
import anorm.{ SQL, SqlParser } val t: (Date, String) = SQL("SELECT a, b FROM test") .as( ~ SqlParser.str("b") map ( SqlParser.flatten) single)
Parses specified column as date.
Parses specified column as date.
import anorm.{ SQL, SqlParser } val t: (Date, String) = SQL("SELECT a, b FROM test") .as("a") ~ SqlParser.str("b") map ( SqlParser.flatten) single)
Parses specified column as double.
Parses specified column as double.
from 1 to n
import anorm.{ SQL, SqlParser } val t: (Double, String) = SQL("SELECT a, b FROM test") .as(SqlParser.double(1) ~ SqlParser.str("b") map ( SqlParser.flatten) single)
Parses specified column as double.
Parses specified column as double.
import anorm.{ SQL, SqlParser } val t: (Double, String) = SQL("SELECT a, b FROM test") .as(SqlParser.double("a") ~ SqlParser.str("b") map ( SqlParser.flatten) single)
Flatten columns tuple-like.
Flatten columns tuple-like.
import anorm.SQL import anorm.SqlParser.{ long, str, int } val tuple: (Long, String, Int) = SQL("SELECT a, b, c FROM Test"). as(long("a") ~ str("b") ~ int("c") map (SqlParser.flatten) single)
Parses specified column as float.
Parses specified column as float.
from 1 to n
import anorm.{ SQL, SqlParser } val t: (Float, String) = SQL("SELECT a, b FROM test") .as(SqlParser.float(1) ~ SqlParser.str("b") map ( SqlParser.flatten) single)
Parses specified column as float.
Parses specified column as float.
import anorm.{ SQL, SqlParser } val t: (Float, String) = SQL("SELECT a, b FROM test") .as(SqlParser.float("a") ~ SqlParser.str("b") map ( SqlParser.flatten) single)
Returns row parser for column at given position
Returns row parser for column at given position
Column position, from 1 to n
import anorm.SQL import anorm.SqlParser.get val res: (Float, String) = // parsing columns #1 & #3 SQL("SELECT * FROM Test").as(get[String](1) ~ get[Float](3) map { case str ~ f => (f -> str) } *)
Returns row parser for column with given name
Returns row parser for column with given name
Column name
import anorm.SQL import anorm.SqlParser.get val title: String = SQL("SELECT title FROM Books"). as(get[String]("title").single)
Parses specified column as integer.
Parses specified column as integer.
from 1 to n
import anorm.{ SQL, SqlParser } val t: (Int, String) = SQL("SELECT a, b FROM test") .as( ~ SqlParser.str("b") map ( SqlParser.flatten) single)
Parses specified column as integer.
Parses specified column as integer.
import anorm.{ SQL, SqlParser } val t: (Int, String) = SQL("SELECT a, b FROM test") .as("a") ~ SqlParser.str("b") map ( SqlParser.flatten) single)
Parses specified column as long.
Parses specified column as long.
from 1 to n
import anorm.{ SQL, SqlParser } val t: (Long, String) = SQL("SELECT a, b FROM test") .as(SqlParser.long(1) ~ SqlParser.str("b") map ( SqlParser.flatten) single)
Parses specified column as long.
Parses specified column as long.
import anorm.{ SQL, SqlParser } val t: (Long, String) = SQL("SELECT a, b FROM test") .as(SqlParser.long("a") ~ SqlParser.str("b") map ( SqlParser.flatten) single)
Returns row parser which true if specified column
is found
and matching expected value
Returns row parser which true if specified column
is found
and matching expected value
import anorm.SQL import anorm.SqlParser.matches val m: Boolean = SQL("SELECT * FROM table").as(matches("a", 1.2f).single) // true if column |a| is found and matching 1.2f, otherwise false
true if matches, or false if not
Returns parser for a scalar not-null value.
Returns parser for a scalar not-null value.
val count = SQL("select count(*) from Country").as(scalar[Long].single)
Parses specified column as short.
Parses specified column as short.
from 1 to n
import anorm.{ SQL, SqlParser } val t: (Short, String) = SQL("SELECT a, b FROM test") .as(SqlParser.short(1) ~ SqlParser.str("b") map ( SqlParser.flatten) single)
Parses specified column as short.
Parses specified column as short.
import anorm.{ SQL, SqlParser } val t: (Short, String) = SQL("SELECT a, b FROM test") .as(SqlParser.short("a") ~ SqlParser.str("b") map ( SqlParser.flatten) single)
Parses specified column as string.
Parses specified column as string.
from 1 to n
import anorm.{ SQL, SqlParser } val t: (Float, String) = SQL("SELECT a, b FROM test") .as(SqlParser.float("a") ~ SqlParser.str(1) map ( SqlParser.flatten) single)
Parses specified column as string.
Parses specified column as string.
import anorm.{ SQL, SqlParser } val t: (Float, String) = SQL("SELECT a, b FROM test") .as(SqlParser.float("a") ~ SqlParser.str("b") map ( SqlParser.flatten) single)
Returns row parser which throws exception if specified column
is either
missing or not matching expected value
Returns row parser which throws exception if specified column
is either
missing or not matching expected value
If row contains described column, do nothing (Unit).
import anorm.SQL import anorm.SqlParser.{ contains, str } val parser = contains("a", true) ~ str("b") map { case () ~ str => str } SQL("SELECT * FROM table").as(parser.+) // Throws exception if there no |a| column or if |a| is not true, // otherwise parses as non-empty list of |b| strings.
(Since version 2.3.0) Use matches