Tries to convert the node into a T, throwing an exception if it can't.
Tries to convert the node into a T, throwing an exception if it can't. An implicit Reads[T] must be defined.
Tries to convert the node into a T.
Tries to convert the node into a T. An implicit Reads[T] must be defined. Any error is mapped to None
Some[T] if it succeeds, None if it fails.
Tries to convert the node into a JsValue
Tries to convert the node into a JsValue
Transforms this node into a JsResult using provided Json transformer Reads[JsValue]
Transforms this node into a JsResult using provided Json transformer Reads[JsValue]
Tries to convert the node into a JsResult[T] (Success or Error).
Tries to convert the node into a JsResult[T] (Success or Error). An implicit Reads[T] must be defined.
If this result contains JsNull
or is undefined, returns JsSuccess(None)
If this result contains JsNull
or is undefined, returns JsSuccess(None)
Otherwise returns the result of validating as an A
and wrapping the result in a Some
Wrapper for JsValue to represent an existing Json value.