Apply filters to the given action.
Apply filters to the given action.
Apply any filters to the given handler.
Apply any filters to the given handler.
Get a handler for the given request.
Get a handler for the given request.
In addition to retrieving a handler for the request, the request itself may be modified - typically it will be tagged with routing information. It is also acceptable to simply return the request as is. Play will switch to using the returned request from this point in in its request handling.
The reason why the API allows returning a modified request, rather than just wrapping the Handler in a new Handler that modifies the request, is so that Play can pass this request to other handlers, such as error handlers, or filters, and they will get the tagged/modified request.
The request to handle
The possibly modified/tagged request, and a handler to handle it
Called when an HTTP request has been received.
Called when an HTTP request has been received.
The default is to use the application router to find the appropriate action.
This method can be overridden if you want to provide some custom routing strategies, for example, using different routers based on various request parameters.
The request
A handler to handle the request, if one can be found
A default implementation of the HttpRequestHandler.
This can be conveniently overridden to plug in global interception or custom routing logic into Play's existing request handling infrastructure.
Technically, this is not the default request handler that Play uses, rather, the GlobalSettingsHttpRequestHandler is the default one, in order to ensure that existing legacy implementations of global request interception still work. In future, this will become the default request handler.
The default implementations of method interception methods on play.api.GlobalSettings match the implementations of this, so when not providing any custom logic, whether this is used or the global settings http request handler is used is irrelevant.