Package play.http

Interface HttpErrorHandler

    • Method Detail

      • onClientError

        CompletionStage<Result> onClientError​(Http.RequestHeader request,
                                              int statusCode,
                                              String message)
        Invoked when a client error occurs, that is, an error in the 4xx series.
        request - The request that caused the client error.
        statusCode - The error status code. Must be greater or equal to 400, and less than 500.
        message - The error message.
        a CompletionStage with the Result.
      • onServerError

        CompletionStage<Result> onServerError​(Http.RequestHeader request,
                                              Throwable exception)
        Invoked when a server error occurs.
        request - The request that triggered the server error.
        exception - The server error.
        a CompletionStage with the Result.