Package play.http

Class HttpErrorInfo

  • @ApiMayChange
    public abstract class HttpErrorInfo
    extends Object
    Used as request attribute which gets attached to the request that gets passed to an error handler. Contains additional information useful for handling an error.
    • Constructor Detail

      • HttpErrorInfo

        public HttpErrorInfo()
    • Method Detail

      • origin

        public abstract String origin()
        The origin of where the error handler was initially called.
        Play currently adds following values:
        • server-backend - The error handler was called in either the Netty or Akka-HTTP server backend.
        • csrf-filter - The error handler was called in CSRF filter code.
        • csp-filter - The error handler was called in CSP filter code.
        • allowed-hosts-filter - The error handler was called in Allowed hosts filter code.
        Third party modules may add their own origins.