Naming strategy, to map each class property to the corresponding column.
Only for internal purposes
Naming companion
Only for internal purposes
Returns a row parser generated for a case class T
getting column values by position.
Returns a row parser generated for a case class T
getting column values by position.
the type of case class
import anorm.{ Macros, RowParser } val p: RowParser[YourCaseClass] = Macros.indexedParser[YourCaseClass]
Returns a row parser generated for a case class T
getting column values by name.
Returns a row parser generated for a case class T
getting column values by name.
the type of case class
the column naming, to resolve the column name for each case class property
import anorm.{ Macros, RowParser } val p: RowParser[YourCaseClass] = Macros.namedParser[YourCaseClass]
Returns a row parser generated for a case class T
getting column values by name.
Returns a row parser generated for a case class T
getting column values by name.
the type of case class
import anorm.{ Macros, RowParser } val p: RowParser[YourCaseClass] = Macros.namedParser[YourCaseClass]
Returns a row parser generated for a case class T
getting column values by position, with an offset.
Returns a row parser generated for a case class T
getting column values by position, with an offset.
the type of case class
the offset of column to be considered by the parser
import anorm.{ Macros, RowParser } val p: RowParser[YourCaseClass] = Macros.offsetParser[YourCaseClass](2)
Returns a row parser generated for a case class T
getting column values according the property names
Returns a row parser generated for a case class T
getting column values according the property names
the type of case class
the column naming, to resolve the column name for each case class property
the names of the columns corresponding to the case class properties
import anorm.{ Macros, RowParser } val p: RowParser[YourCaseClass] = Macros.parser[YourCaseClass]("foo", "loremIpsum")
Returns a row parser generated for a case class T
getting column values according the property names
Returns a row parser generated for a case class T
getting column values according the property names
the type of case class
the names of the columns corresponding to the case class properties
import anorm.{ Macros, RowParser } val p: RowParser[YourCaseClass] = Macros.parser[YourCaseClass]("foo", "bar")
Returns a row parser generated for a sealed class family.
Returns a row parser generated
for a sealed class family.
Each direct known subclasses C
must be provided with an appropriate
in the implicit scope.
the type of the type family (either a sealed trait or abstract class)
the naming function for the discriminator column
the discriminating function applied to each name of the family type
Returns a row parser generated for a sealed class family.
Returns a row parser generated
for a sealed class family.
Each direct known subclasses C
must be provided with an appropriate
in the implicit scope.
the type of the type family (either a sealed trait or abstract class)
the discriminating function applied to each name of the family type
Returns a row parser generated for a sealed class family.
Returns a row parser generated
for a sealed class family.
Each direct known subclasses C
must be provided with an appropriate
in the implicit scope.
the type of the type family (either a sealed trait or abstract class)
the naming function for the discriminator column
Returns a row parser generated for a sealed class family.
Returns a row parser generated
for a sealed class family.
Each direct known subclasses C
must be provided with an appropriate
in the implicit scope.
The default naming is used.
the type of the type family (either a sealed trait or abstract class)
(Since version 2.5.2) Use namedParserImpl2