Convenient extractor allowing to apply two extractors.
Convenient extractor allowing to apply two extractors. Example of use:
request match { case Accepts.Json() & Accepts.Html() => "This request accepts both JSON and HTML" }
Generates a ‘202 ACCEPTED’ result.
Generates a ‘202 ACCEPTED’ result.
Common extractors to check if a request accepts JSON, Html, etc.
Common extractors to check if a request accepts JSON, Html, etc. Example of use:
request match { case Accepts.Json() => Ok(toJson(value)) case _ => Ok( }
Content-Type of binary data.
Content-Type of binary data.
Generates a ‘502 BAD_GATEWAY’ result.
Generates a ‘502 BAD_GATEWAY’ result.
Generates a ‘400 BAD_REQUEST’ result.
Generates a ‘400 BAD_REQUEST’ result.
Content-Type of application cache.
Content-Type of application cache.
Content-Type of css.
Content-Type of css.
Generates a ‘409 CONFLICT’ result.
Generates a ‘409 CONFLICT’ result.
Generates a ‘100 Continue’ result.
Generates a ‘100 Continue’ result.
Generates a ‘201 CREATED’ result.
Generates a ‘201 CREATED’ result.
Content-Type of server sent events.
Content-Type of server sent events.
Generates a ‘413 REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE’ result.
Generates a ‘413 REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE’ result.
Generates a ‘417 EXPECTATION_FAILED’ result.
Generates a ‘417 EXPECTATION_FAILED’ result.
Content-Type of form-urlencoded.
Content-Type of form-urlencoded. This content type does not define a charset parameter.
Generates a ‘424 FAILED_DEPENDENCY’ result.
Generates a ‘424 FAILED_DEPENDENCY’ result.
Generates a ‘403 FORBIDDEN’ result.
Generates a ‘403 FORBIDDEN’ result.
Generates a ‘302 FOUND’ simple result.
Generates a ‘504 GATEWAY_TIMEOUT’ result.
Generates a ‘504 GATEWAY_TIMEOUT’ result.
Generates a ‘410 GONE’ result.
Generates a ‘410 GONE’ result.
Content-Type of html.
Content-Type of html.
Generates a ‘505 HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED’ result.
Generates a ‘505 HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED’ result.
Generates a ‘418 IM_A_TEAPOT’ result.
Generates a ‘418 IM_A_TEAPOT’ result.
Generates a ‘507 INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE’ result.
Generates a ‘507 INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE’ result.
Generates a ‘500 INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR’ result.
Generates a ‘500 INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR’ result.
Content-Type of javascript.
Content-Type of javascript.
Content-Type of json.
Content-Type of json. This content type does not define a charset parameter.
Generates a ‘423 LOCKED’ result.
Generates a ‘423 LOCKED’ result.
Generates a ‘405 METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED’ result.
Generates a ‘405 METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED’ result.
Generates a ‘301 MOVED_PERMANENTLY’ simple result.
Generates a ‘301 MOVED_PERMANENTLY’ simple result.
the URL to redirect to
Generates a ‘207 MULTI_STATUS’ result.
Generates a ‘207 MULTI_STATUS’ result.
Generates a ‘204 NO_CONTENT’ result.
Generates a ‘204 NO_CONTENT’ result.
Generates a ‘406 NOT_ACCEPTABLE’ result.
Generates a ‘406 NOT_ACCEPTABLE’ result.
Generates a ‘404 NOT_FOUND’ result.
Generates a ‘404 NOT_FOUND’ result.
Generates a ‘501 NOT_IMPLEMENTED’ result.
Generates a ‘501 NOT_IMPLEMENTED’ result.
Generates a ‘304 NOT_MODIFIED’ result.
Generates a ‘304 NOT_MODIFIED’ result.
Generates a ‘200 OK’ result.
Generates a ‘200 OK’ result.
Generates a ‘206 PARTIAL_CONTENT’ result.
Generates a ‘206 PARTIAL_CONTENT’ result.
Generates a ‘402 PAYMENT_REQUIRED’ result.
Generates a ‘402 PAYMENT_REQUIRED’ result.
Generates a ‘308 PERMANENT_REDIRECT’ simple result.
Generates a ‘308 PERMANENT_REDIRECT’ simple result.
the URL to redirect to
Generates a ‘412 PRECONDITION_FAILED’ result.
Generates a ‘412 PRECONDITION_FAILED’ result.
Generates a redirect simple result.
Generates a redirect simple result.
Call defining the URL to redirect to, which typically comes from the reverse router
Generates a redirect simple result.
Generates a redirect simple result.
Call defining the URL to redirect to, which typically comes from the reverse router
Generates a redirect simple result.
Generates a redirect simple result.
the URL to redirect to
queryString parameters to add to the queryString
Generates a redirect simple result.
Generates a redirect simple result.
the URL to redirect to
HTTP status
Generates a ‘408 REQUEST_TIMEOUT’ result.
Generates a ‘408 REQUEST_TIMEOUT’ result.
Generates a ‘205 RESET_CONTENT’ result.
Generates a ‘205 RESET_CONTENT’ result.
Generates a ‘303 SEE_OTHER’ simple result.
Generates a ‘503 SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE’ result.
Generates a ‘503 SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE’ result.
Generates a simple result.
Generates a ‘101 Switching Protocols’ result.
Generates a ‘101 Switching Protocols’ result.
Content-Type of text.
Content-Type of text.
Used to mark an action that is still not implemented, e.g.:
Used to mark an action that is still not implemented, e.g.:
def action(query: String) = TODO
Generates a ‘307 TEMPORARY_REDIRECT’ simple result.
Generates a ‘307 TEMPORARY_REDIRECT’ simple result.
the URL to redirect to
Generates a ‘429 TOO_MANY_REQUESTS’ result.
Generates a ‘429 TOO_MANY_REQUESTS’ result.
Generates a ‘401 UNAUTHORIZED’ result.
Generates a ‘401 UNAUTHORIZED’ result.
Generates a ‘422 UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY’ result.
Generates a ‘422 UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY’ result.
Generates a ‘415 UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE’ result.
Generates a ‘415 UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE’ result.
Generates a ‘414 REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG’ result.
Generates a ‘414 REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG’ result.
Content-Type of xhtml.
Content-Type of xhtml.
Content-Type of xml.
Content-Type of xml.
Retrieve the flash scope implicitly from the request.
Retrieve the flash scope implicitly from the request.
For example:
def index(name:String) = Action { implicit request => val message = request2flash("message") Ok("Got " + message) }
Retrieves the session implicitly from the request.
Retrieves the session implicitly from the request.
For example:
def index(name:String) = Action { implicit request => val username = request2session("username") Ok("Hello " + username) }
the codec
charset appended to mimeType
(Since version 2.6.0) Use TOO_MANY_REQUESTS instead
Generates a ‘429 TOO_MANY_REQUEST’ result.
Generates a ‘429 TOO_MANY_REQUEST’ result.
(Since version 2.6.0) Use TooManyRequests instead