Creates temporary folders inside a single temporary folder.
Creates temporary folders inside a single temporary folder. deleting all files on a successful application stop. Note that this will not clean up the filesystem if the application / JVM terminates abnormally.
Logic for creating a temporary file.
Logic for creating a temporary file. Users should try to clean up the file themselves, but this TemporaryFileCreator implementation may also try to clean up any leaked files, e.g. when the Application or JVM stops.
Configuration for the TemporaryFileReaper.
Configuration for the TemporaryFileReaper.
true if the reaper is enabled, false otherwise. Default is false.
the period after which the file is considered old. Default 5 minutes.
the initial delay after application start when the reaper first run. Default 5 minutes.
the duration after the initial run during which the reaper will scan for files it can remove. Default 5 minutes.
Creates temporary folders using java.nio.file.Files.createTempFile.
Creates temporary folders using java.nio.file.Files.createTempFile.
Files created by this method will not be cleaned up with the application or JVM stops.
Utilities to manage temporary files.
FileSystem utilities.