Tries to convert the node into a T, throwing an exception if it can't.
Tries to convert the node into a T, throwing an exception if it can't. An implicit Reads[T] must be defined.
Tries to convert the node into a T.
Tries to convert the node into a T. An implicit Reads[T] must be defined. Any error is mapped to None
Some[T] if it succeeds, None if it fails.
Transforms this node into a JsResult using provided Json transformer Reads[JsValue]
Transforms this node into a JsResult using provided Json transformer Reads[JsValue]
Tries to convert the node into a JsResult[T] (Success or Error).
Tries to convert the node into a JsResult[T] (Success or Error). An implicit Reads[T] must be defined.
Represent a Json string value.