
You are viewing the documentation for the 2.6.0-M5 development release. The latest stable release series is 3.0.x.

§What’s new in Play 2.6

This page highlights the new features of Play 2.6. If you want to learn about the changes you need to make when you migrate to Play 2.6, check out the Play 2.6 Migration Guide.

§Akka HTTP Server Backend

Play now uses the Akka-HTTP server engine as the default backend. More detail about Play’s integration with Akka-HTTP can be found on the Akka HTTP Server page. There is an additional page on configuring Akka HTTP.

The Netty backend is still available, and has been upgraded to use Netty 4.1. You can explicitly configure your project to use Netty on the NettyServer page.

§Request attributes

Requests in Play 2.6 now contain attributes. Attributes allow you to store extra information inside request objects. For example, you can write a filter that sets an attribute in the request and then access the attribute value later from within your actions.

Attributes are stored in a TypedMap that is attached to each request. TypedMaps are immutable maps that store type-safe keys and values. Attributes are indexed by a key and the key’s type indicates the type of the attribute.


// Create a TypedKey to store a User object
class Attrs {
  public static final TypedKey<User> USER = TypedKey.<User>create("user");

// Get the User object from the request
User user = req.attrs().get(Attrs.USER);
// Put a User object into the request
Request newReq = req.addAttr(Attrs.USER, newUser);


// Create a TypedKey to store a User object
object Attrs {
  val User: TypedKey[User] = TypedKey[User].apply("user")

// Get the User object from the request
val user: User = req.attrs(Attrs.User)
// Put a User object into the request
val newReq = req.addAttr(Attrs.User, newUser)

Attributes are stored in a TypedMap. You can read more about attributes in the TypedMap documentation: Javadoc, Scaladoc.

Request tags have now been deprecated and you should migrate to use attributes instead. See the tags section in the migration docs for more information.

§Injectable Twirl Templates

Twirl templates can now be created with a constructor annotation using @this. The constructor annotation means that Twirl templates can be injected into templates directly and can manage their own dependencies, rather than the controller having to manage dependencies not only for itself, but also for the templates it has to render.

As an example, suppose a template has a dependency on a component TemplateRenderingComponent, which is not used by the controller.

First, add the @Inject annotation to Twirl in build.sbt:

TwirlKeys.constructorAnnotations += "@javax.inject.Inject()"

Then create a file IndexTemplate.scala.html using the @this syntax for the constructor. Note that the constructor must be placed before the @() syntax used for the template’s parameters for the apply method:

@this(trc: TemplateRenderingComponent)


And finally define the controller by injecting the template in the constructor:

public MyController @Inject()(indexTemplate: views.html.IndexTemplate,
                              cc: ControllerComponents)
  extends AbstractController(cc) {

  def index = Action { implicit request =>


public class MyController extends Controller {

  private final views.html.indexTemplate template;

  public MyController(views.html.indexTemplate template) {
    this.template = template;

  public Result index() {
    return ok(template.render());


Once the template is defined with its dependencies, then the controller can have the template injected into the controller, but the controller does not see TemplateRenderingComponent.

§Filters Enhancements

Play now comes with a default set of enabled filters, defined through configuration. This provides a “secure by default” experience for new Play applications, and tightens security on existing Play applications.

The following filters are enabled by default:

In addition, filters can now be configured through application.conf. To append to the defaults list, use the +=:


If you want to specifically disable a filter for testing, you can also do that from configuration:


Please see the Filters page for more details.

NOTE: If you are migrating from an existing project that does not use CSRF form helpers such as CSRF.formField, then you may see “403 Forbidden” on PUT and POST requests, from the CSRF filter. To check this behavior, please add <logger name="play.filters.csrf" value="TRACE"/> to your logback.xml. Likewise, if you are running a Play application on something other than localhost, you must configure the AllowedHostsFilter to specifically allow the hostname/ip you are connecting from.

§JWT Cookies

Play now uses JSON Web Token (JWT) format for session and flash cookies. This allows for a standardized signed cookie data format, cookie expiration (making replay attacks harder) and more flexibility in signing cookies.

Please see Scala or Java pages for more details.

§Logging Marker API

SLF4J Marker support has been added to play.Logger and play.api.Logger.

In the Java API, it is a straight port of the SLF4J Logger API. This is useful, but you may find an SLF4J wrapper like Godaddy Logger for a richer logging experience.

In the Scala API, markers are added through a MarkerContext trait, which is added as an implicit parameter to the logger methods, i.e.

import play.api._"some info message")(MarkerContext(someMarker))

This opens the door for implicit markers to be passed for logging in several statements, which makes adding context to logging much easier without resorting to MDC. In particular, see what you can do with the Logstash Logback Encoder:

trait RequestMarkerContext {

  implicit def requestHeaderToMarkerContext(request: RequestHeader): MarkerContext = {
    import net.logstash.logback.marker.LogstashMarker
    import net.logstash.logback.marker.Markers._

    val requestMarkers: LogstashMarker = append("host",
      .and(append("path", request.path))



And then used in a controller and carried through Future that may use different execution contexts:

def asyncIndex = Action.async { implicit request =>
  Future {

def methodInOtherExecutionContext()(implicit mc: MarkerContext): Result = {
  logger.debug("index: ") // same as above

Note that marker contexts are also very useful for “tracer bullet” style logging, where you want to log on a specific request without explicitly changing log levels. For example, you can add a marker only when certain conditions are met:

trait TracerMarker {
  import TracerMarker._

  implicit def requestHeaderToMarkerContext(implicit request: RequestHeader): MarkerContext = {
    val marker = org.slf4j.MarkerFactory.getDetachedMarker("dynamic") // base do-nothing marker...
    if (request.getQueryString("trace").nonEmpty) {

object TracerMarker {
  private val tracerMarker = org.slf4j.MarkerFactory.getMarker("TRACER")

class TracerBulletController @Inject()(cc: ControllerComponents)
  extends AbstractController(cc) with TracerMarker {
  private val logger = play.api.Logger("application")

  def index = Action { implicit request: Request[AnyContent] =>
    logger.trace("Only logged if queryString contains trace=true")

    Ok("hello world")

And then trigger logging with the following TurboFilter in logback.xml:

<turboFilter class="ch.qos.logback.classic.turbo.MarkerFilter">

For more information, please see ScalaLogging or JavaLogging.

For more information about using Markers in logging, see TurboFilters and marker based triggering sections in the Logback manual.

§Security Logging

A security marker has been added for security related operations in Play, and failed security checks now log at WARN level, with the security marker set. This ensures that developers always know why a particular request is failing, which is important now that security filters are enabled by default in Play.

The security marker also allows security failures to be triggered or filtered distinct from normal logging. For example, to disable all logging with the SECURITY marker set, add the following lines to the logback.xml file:

<turboFilter class="ch.qos.logback.classic.turbo.MarkerFilter">

In addition, log events using the security marker can also trigger a message to a Security Information & Event Management (SEIM) engine for further processing.

§Configuring a Custom Logging Framework in Java

Before, if you want to use a custom logging framework, you had to configure it using Scala, even if the you have a Java project. Now it is possible to create custom LoggerConfigurator in both Java and Scala. To create a LoggerConfigurator in Java, you need to implement the given interface, for example, to configure Log4J:

import com.typesafe.config.Config;
import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory;
import org.slf4j.ILoggerFactory;
import play.Environment;
import play.LoggerConfigurator;
import play.Mode;
import play.api.PlayException;

import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;

import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.*;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.config.Configurator;

public class JavaLog4JLoggerConfigurator implements LoggerConfigurator {

    private ILoggerFactory factory;

    public void init(File rootPath, Mode mode) {
        Map<String, String> properties = new HashMap<>();
        properties.put("application.home", rootPath.getAbsolutePath());

        String resourceName = "log4j2.xml";
        URL resourceUrl = this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResource(resourceName);
        configure(properties, Optional.ofNullable(resourceUrl));

    public void configure(Environment env) {
        Map<String, String> properties = LoggerConfigurator.generateProperties(env, ConfigFactory.empty(), Collections.emptyMap());
        URL resourceUrl = env.resource("log4j2.xml");
        configure(properties, Optional.ofNullable(resourceUrl));

    public void configure(Environment env, Config configuration, Map<String, String> optionalProperties) {
        // LoggerConfigurator.generateProperties enables play.logger.includeConfigProperties=true
        Map<String, String> properties = LoggerConfigurator.generateProperties(env, configuration, optionalProperties);
        URL resourceUrl = env.resource("log4j2.xml");
        configure(properties, Optional.ofNullable(resourceUrl));

    public void configure(Map<String, String> properties, Optional<URL> config) {
        try {
            LoggerContext loggerContext = (LoggerContext) LogManager.getContext(false);

            factory = org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder.getSingleton().getLoggerFactory();
        } catch (URISyntaxException ex) {
            throw new PlayException(
                "log4j2.xml resource was not found",
                "Could not parse the location for log4j2.xml resource",

    public ILoggerFactory loggerFactory() {
        return factory;

    public void shutdown() {
        LoggerContext loggerContext = (LoggerContext) LogManager.getContext();

Note: this implementation is fully compatible with Scala version LoggerConfigurator and can even be used in Scala projects if necessary, which means that module creators can provide a Java or Scala implementation of LoggerConfigurator and they will be usable in both Java and Scala projects.

§Java Compile Time Components

Just as Scala, Play now has components to enable Java Compile Time Dependency Injection. The components were created as interfaces that you should implements and they provide default implementations. There are components for all the types that could be injected when using Runtime Dependency Injection. To create an application using Compile Time Dependency Injection, you just need to provide an implementation of play.ApplicationLoader that uses a custom implementation of play.BuiltInComponents, for example:

import play.routing.Router;
import play.ApplicationLoader;
import play.BuiltInComponentsFromContext;
import play.filters.components.HttpFiltersComponents;

public class MyComponents extends BuiltInComponentsFromContext
        implements HttpFiltersComponents {

    public MyComponents(ApplicationLoader.Context context) {

    public Router router() {
        return Router.empty();

The play.ApplicationLoader:

import play.ApplicationLoader;

public class MyApplicationLoader implements ApplicationLoader {

    public Application load(Context context) {
        return new MyComponents(context).application();


And configure MyApplicationLoader as explained in Java Compile-Time Dependency Injection docs.

§Improved Form Handling I18N support

The MessagesApi and Lang classes are used for internationalization in Play, and are required to display error messages in forms.

In the past, putting together a form in Play has required multiple steps, and the creation of a Messages instance from a request was not discussed in the context of form handling.

In addition, it was inconvenient to have a Messages instance passed through all template fragments when form handling was required, and Messages implicit support was provided directly through the controller trait. The I18N API has been refined with the addition of a MessagesProvider trait, implicits that are tied directly to requests, and the forms documentation has been improved.

The MessagesAction has been added. This action exposes a MessagesRequest, which is a WrappedRequest that extends MessagesProvider, only a single implicit parameter needs to be made available to templates, and you don’t need to extend Controller with I18nSupport. This is also useful because to use CSRF with forms, both a Request (technically a RequestHeader) and a Messages object must be available to the template.

class FormController @Inject()(messagesAction: MessagesAction, components: ControllerComponents)
  extends AbstractController(components) {


  val userForm = Form(
      "name" -> text,
      "age" -> number

  def index = messagesAction { implicit request: MessagesRequest[AnyContent] =>
  def post = ...  

where displayForm.scala.html is defined as:

@(userForm: Form[UserData])(implicit request: MessagesRequestHeader)

@import helper._

@helper.form(action = {
  @CSRF.formField                     @* <- takes a RequestHeader    *@
  @helper.inputText(userForm("name")) @* <- takes a MessagesProvider *@
  @helper.inputText(userForm("age"))  @* <- takes a MessagesProvider *@

For more information, please see ScalaI18N or JavaI18N.

§Future Timeout and Delayed Support

Play’s support for futures in asynchronous operations has been improved, using the Futures trait.

You can use the play.libs.concurrent.Futures interface to wrap a CompletionStage in a non-blocking timeout:

class MyClass {
    public MyClass(Futures futures) {
        this.futures = futures;

    CompletionStage<Double> callWithOneSecondTimeout() {
        return futures.timeout(computePIAsynchronously(), Duration.ofSeconds(1));

or use play.api.libs.concurrent.Futures trait in the Scala API:

import play.api.libs.concurrent.Futures._

class MyController @Inject()(cc: ControllerComponents)(implicit futures: Futures) extends AbstractController(cc) {

  def index = Action.async {
    // withTimeout is an implicit type enrichment provided by importing Futures._
    intensiveComputation().withTimeout(1.seconds).map { i =>
      Ok("Got result: " + i)
    }.recover {
      case e: TimeoutException =>

There is also a delayed method which only executes a Future after a specified delay, which works similarly to timeout.

For more information, please see ScalaAsync or JavaAsync.

§CustomExecutionContext and Thread Pool Sizing

This class defines a custom execution context that delegates to an It is very useful for situations in which the default execution context should not be used, for example if a database or blocking I/O is being used. Detailed information can be found in the ThreadPools page, but Play 2.6.x adds a CustomExecutionContext class that handles the underlying Akka dispatcher lookup.

§Updated Templates with Preconfigured CustomExecutionContexts

All of the Play example templates on Play’s download page that use blocking APIs (i.e. Anorm, JPA) have been updated to use custom execution contexts where appropriate. For example, going to shows that the JPAPersonRepository class takes a DatabaseExecutionContext that wraps all the database operations.

For thread pool sizing involving JDBC connection pools, you want a fixed thread pool size matching the connection pool, using a thread pool executor. Following the advice in HikariCP’s pool sizing page, you should configure your JDBC connection pool to double the number of physical cores, plus the number of disk spindles.

The dispatcher settings used here come from Akka dispatcher:

# db connections = ((physical_core_count * 2) + effective_spindle_count)
fixedConnectionPool = 9

database.dispatcher {
  executor = "thread-pool-executor"
  throughput = 1
  thread-pool-executor {
    fixed-pool-size = ${fixedConnectionPool}

§Defining a CustomExecutionContext in Scala

To define a custom execution context, subclass CustomExecutionContext with the dispatcher name:

class DatabaseExecutionContext @Inject()(system: ActorSystem)
   extends CustomExecutionContext(system, "database.dispatcher")

Then have the execution context passed in as an implicit parameter:

class DatabaseService @Inject()(implicit executionContext: DatabaseExecutionContext) {

§Defining a CustomExecutionContext in Java

To define a custom execution context, subclass CustomExecutionContext with the dispatcher name:

import play.libs.concurrent.CustomExecutionContext;

public class DatabaseExecutionContext
        extends CustomExecutionContext {

    public DatabaseExecutionContext(ActorSystem actorSystem) {
        // uses a custom thread pool defined in application.conf
        super(actorSystem, "database.dispatcher");

Then pass the JPA context in explicitly:

public class JPAPersonRepository implements PersonRepository {

    private final JPAApi jpaApi;
    private final DatabaseExecutionContext executionContext;

    public JPAPersonRepository(JPAApi jpaApi, DatabaseExecutionContext executionContext) {
        this.jpaApi = jpaApi;
        this.executionContext = executionContext;


Next: Migration Guides