case classMaxMemoryBufferExceeded(message: String) extends Part[Nothing] with Product with Serializable
The multipart/form-data parser buffers many things in memory, including data parts, headers, file names etc.
Some buffer limits apply to each element, eg, there is a buffer for headers before they are parsed. Other buffer
limits apply to all in memory data in aggregate, this includes data parts, file names, part names.
If any of these buffers are exceeded, this will be emitted.
The multipart/form-data parser buffers many things in memory, including data parts, headers, file names etc.
Some buffer limits apply to each element, eg, there is a buffer for headers before they are parsed. Other buffer limits apply to all in memory data in aggregate, this includes data parts, file names, part names.
If any of these buffers are exceeded, this will be emitted.