Provider for creating actor refs
Provider for the actor system
Components for configuring Akka.
Support for binding actors with Guice.
Support for binding actors with Guice.
Mix this trait in with a Guice AbstractModule to get convenient support for binding actors. For example:
class MyModule extends AbstractModule with AkkaGuiceSupport { def configure = { bindActor[MyActor]("myActor") } }
Then to use the above actor in your application, add a qualified injected dependency, like so:
class MyController @Inject() (@Named("myActor") myActor: ActorRef) extends Controller { ... }
Provider for the default execution context
Provider for the default execution context
Support for creating injected child actors.
Low priority timeouts to add withTimeout
methods to scala.concurrent.Future.
Provider for the default flow materializer
Provider for the default flow materializer
This trait is used to provide a non-blocking timeout on an operation that returns a Future.
This trait is used to provide a non-blocking timeout on an operation that returns a Future.
Please note that the play.api.Application default ActorSystem should be used as input here, as the actorSystem.scheduler is responsible for scheduling the timeout, using under the hood.
You can dependency inject the ActorSystem as follows to create a Future that will timeout after a certain period of time:
class MyService(val actorSystem: ActorSystem) extends Timeout { def calculateWithTimeout(timeoutDuration: FiniteDuration): Future[Int] = { timeout(actorSystem, timeoutDuration)(rawCalculation()) } def rawCalculation(): Future[Int] = { import akka.pattern.after implicit val ec = actorSystem.dispatcher akka.pattern.after(300 millis, actorSystem.scheduler)(Future(42))(actorSystem.dispatcher) } }
You should check for timeout by using Future.recover() or Future.recoverWith() and checking for TimeoutException:
val future = myService.calculateWithTimeout(100 millis).recover { case _: TimeoutException => -1 }
Helper to access the application defined Akka Actor system.
useful helper methods to create and compose Promises
This is a static object that can be used to import timeout implicits, as a convenience.
This is a static object that can be used to import timeout implicits, as a convenience.
import play.api.libs.concurrent.Timeout._
Provider for the actor system