CSRF helper for Play calls
Generate an HTML input checkbox.
Generate an HTML input checkbox.
@checkbox(field = myForm("done"))
Default input structure.
Default input structure.
<dl> <dt><label for="username"></dt> <dd><input type="text" name="username" id="username"></dd> <dd class="error">This field is required!</dd> <dd class="info">Required field.</dd> </dl>
Default field constructor.
Default field constructor.
It generates field as following:
<dl class="error"> <dt><label for="name">Your name:</label></dt> <dd><input type="text" id="name" name="name"></dd> <dd class="error">This field is required</dd> <dd class="info">Required</dd> </dl>
Generate an HTML form.
Generate an HTML form.
@form(action = routes.Users.submit, args = 'class -> "myForm") { ... }
Prepare a generic HTML input.
Generate an HTML checkbox group
Generate an HTML checkbox group
@inputCheckboxGroup( contactForm("hobbies"), options = Seq("S" -> "Surfing", "R" -> "Running", "B" -> "Biking","P" -> "Paddling"), '_label -> "Hobbies", '_error -> contactForm("hobbies").error.map(_.withMessage("select one or more hobbies")))
Generate an HTML5 input date.
Generate an HTML5 input date.
@inputDate(field = myForm("releaseDate"), args = 'size -> 10)
Generate an HTML input file.
Generate an HTML input file.
@inputFile(field = myForm("name"), args = 'size -> 10)
Generate an HTML input password.
Generate an HTML input password.
@inputPassword(field = myForm("password"), args = 'size -> 10)
Generate an HTML radio group
Generate an HTML radio group
@inputRadioGroup( contactForm("gender"), options = Seq("M"->"Male","F"->"Female"), '_label -> "Gender", '_error -> contactForm("gender").error.map(_.withMessage("select gender")))
Generate an HTML input text.
Generate an HTML input text.
@inputText(field = myForm("name"), args = 'size -> 10, 'placeholder -> "Your name")
Generates a Javascript object that lets you refer to your application's routes in Javascript code
Generates a Javascript object that lets you refer to your application's routes in Javascript code
You can access your routes in JavaScript without hardcoded URL's, e.g. assuming jQuery's ajax function:
$.ajax(jsRoutes.controllers.Users.list()).done( /* */ ).fail( /* */ )
Each action in the generated object also has the following properties: * *type*: HTTP method * *url*: the url to be used
Javascript CommonJS module loader
Javascript CommonJS module loader
Should only be used in development mode: in production, compiled Javascript should be used
RequireJS Javascript module loader.
RequireJS Javascript module loader.
@requireJs(core = routes.Assets.at("javascripts/require.js").url, module = routes.Assets.at("javascripts/main").url)
Generate an HTML select.
Generate an HTML select.
@select( field = myForm("mySelect"), options = Seq( "Foo" -> "foo text", "Bar" -> "bar text", "Baz" -> "baz text" ), '_default -> "Choose One", '_disabled -> Seq("FooKey", "BazKey") 'cust_att_name -> "cust_att_value" )
Generate an HTML textarea.
Generate an HTML textarea.
@textarea(field = myForm("address"), args = 'rows -> 3, 'cols -> 50)
The url-encoded value of string
using the charset provided by codec
Contains template helpers, for example for generating HTML forms.