Default actions ready to use as is from your routes file.
Default actions ready to use as is from your routes file.
GET /google controllers.Default.redirect(to = "")
GET /favicon.ico controllers.Default.notFound
GET /admin controllers.Default.todo
GET /xxx controllers.Default.error
Controller that serves static resources from an external folder.
Controller that serves static resources from an external folder. It useful in development mode if you want to serve static assets that shouldn't be part of the build process.
Not that this controller is not intented to be used in production mode and can lead to security issues. Therefore it is automatically disabled in production mode.
All assets are served with max-age=3600 cache directive.
You can use this controller in any application, just by declaring the appropriate route. For example:
GET /assets/*file"/home/peter/myplayapp/external", file) GET /assets/*file"C:\external", file) GET /assets/*file"relativeToYourApp", file)
Controller that serves static resources.
Controller that serves static resources.
Resources are searched in the classpath.
It handles Last-Modified and ETag header automatically. If a gzipped version of a resource is found (Same resource name with the .gz suffix), it is served instead. If a digest file is available for a given asset then its contents are read and used to supply a digest value. This value will be used for serving up ETag values and for the purposes of reverse routing. For example given "a.js", if there is an "a.js.md5" file available then the latter contents will be used to determine the Etag value. The reverse router also uses the digest in order to translate any file to the form <digest>-<asset> for example "a.js" may be also found at "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e-a.js". If there is no digest file found then digest values for ETags are formed by forming a sha1 digest of the last-modified time.
The default digest algorithm to search for is "md5". You can override this quite easily. For example if the SHA-1 algorithm is preferred:
"assets.digest.algorithm" = "sha1"
You can set a custom Cache directive for a particular resource if needed. For example in your application.conf file:
"assets.cache./public/images/logo.png" = "max-age=3600"
You can use this controller in any application, just by declaring the appropriate route. For example:
GET /assets/*file"/public", file)