Plugin managing the application Akka Actor System.
A promise state that contains either a value or an exception.
A promised value that wraps around scala.
The state of a promise; it's waiting, contains a value, or contains an exception.
A redeemable can be completed exactly once with either a value of type A or an exception.
A promise state containing a non-exception value.
A promise state containing an exception.
Helper to access the application defined Akka Actor system.
useful helper methods to create and compose Promises
A promise state indicating it has not been completed yet.
Represents an already-completed promise by immediately evaluating the parameter.
(Since version 2.2) Use scala.concurrent.Future instead.
(Since version 2.2) Use scala.concurrent.Promise instead.
Utility classes commonly useful in concurrent programming, such as Promise and Akka helpers. For example: