
You are viewing the documentation for Play 1. The documentation for Play 2 is here.

Setting-up your preferred IDE

Working with Play is easy. You don’t even need a sophisticated IDE as Play compiles and refreshes the modifications you make to your source files automatically. So you can easily work using a simple text editor.

However, using a modern Java IDE provides cool productivity features like auto-completion, on-the-fly compilation, assisted refactoring and debugging. Play supports the NetBeans, IntelliJ IDEA and Eclipse platforms.


Generate configuration

Play provides a command to simplify Eclipse configuration. To transform a Play application into a working Eclipse project, use the eclipsify command:

# play eclipsify myApp

You then need to import the application into your Workspace with the File/Import/General/Existing project… menu.

The eclipsify command generates several launchers for the application. The main launcher in only usable with the Run As Eclipse command. You can then use the Connect JPDA launcher using Debug As to start a debugging session at any time. Stopping the debugging session will not stop the server.

If you make any important changes to your application, such as changing the classpath, use eclipsify again to regenerate the configuration files.

Do not commit Eclipse configuration files when you work in a team!

The generated configuration files contain absolute references to your framework installation. These are specific to your own installation. When you work in a team, each developer must keep his Eclipse configuration files private.

Play Eclipse plug-in

Additionally, Play comes with an Eclipse plug-in that provides editors for HTML view templates, application.conf and the routes file.

To install, copy the JAR file from $PLAY_HOME/support/eclipse to $ECLIPSE_HOME/dropins.


Play provides a command to simplify NetBeans configuration. To transform an existing application to a valid NetBeans project, use the netbeansify command:

# play netbeansify myApp

Then you can just open the application as a NetBeans project.

Use the standard Run button to start the application. When the application is started you can attach a debugging session at any time using the Debug button. Stopping the debugging session doesn’t stop the server.

If you make any important change to your application such as changing the classpath, use netbeansify again to regenerate the configuration files.

Do not commit the nbproject/ directory when you work in a team!

The generated configuration files contains absolute references to your framework installation. These are specific to your own installation. When you work in a team on the same application, each developer must keep his NetBeans configuration files private.

IntelliJ IDEA

Play provides a command to simplify IntelliJ IDEA configuration. To transform an existing application to a valid IntelliJ IDEA module, use the idealize command:

# play idealize myApp

To create a single module project, do the following in IntelliJ IDEA.

  1. On the command line, use the play new command to create the Play project.
  2. On the command line, use the play idealize command to create an IntelliJ IDEA module.
  3. In IntelliJ IDEA, on the File menu, select New Project…
  4. In the New Project wizard, select Create project from scratch.
  5. Click the Next button.
  6. On the next wizard page, change the Project files location to the directory containing your Play application.
  7. On the same wizard page, set the Project file format to your preferred format.
  8. On the same wizard page, uncheck Create module (since the module already exists).
  9. Click the Finish button.
  10. On the File menu, select New Module…
  11. On the Add Module wizard, select Import existing module and select the .iml in the application directory.
  12. Click the Finish button.

To add a run configuration:

  1. In IntelliJ IDEA, on the Run menu, select Edit Configurations.
  2. Right-click on Application under Defaults and select Add New Configuration.
  3. Under Main class, enter play.server.Server.
  4. Under VM parameters, enter *-Dapplication.path=“.”.
  5. Under Working directory, enter the application path.

To run Play in test mode in IntelliJ:

  1. Edit the run configuration and in VM parameters, append
  2. Right-click on your module and select Open Module Settings.
  3. Select the Dependencies tab.
  4. Click Add… and select Single-Entry Module Library.
  5. Select $PLAY_HOME/modules/testrunner/lib/play-testrunner.jar and click OK.

Do not commit the .iml files when you work in a team!

The generated configuration files contains absolute references to your framework installation. These are specific to your own installation. When you work in a team on the same application, each developer must keep his IntelliJ IDEA configuration files private.


Install the Textmate bundle provided at $PLAY_HOME/support/ to enable syntax coloring and auto-completion. The bundle also eases navigation between controllers and views.


Inspired by Textmate, the snipMate plug-in provides keyword auto-completion in Vim. Play provides snippets files for HTML and Java: to use them, install snipMate and copy $PLAY_HOME/support/vim/*.snippets to ~/.vim/snippets/.

Custom configuration

As Play applications are standard Java applications, you don’t need a specific plug-in to work with your preferred editor. This, however, requires a little bit of knowledge of how Play works.

Classpath settings

A Play application classpath is built as follows (in this order):


If you have any modules enabled, you will need to add all modules’ libraries (from the $module/lib/ directory) to the classpath as well.

Main class to run

To start a Play application, just run the play.server.Server class. Play uses the "application.path" system property to locate the application to run. Typically you pass this value with:

java -Dapplication.path="/app/path"…

Java agent

To enable HotSwap reloading you have to load a Java agent packaged in the play.jar library. Typically like this:

java -javaagent:"$PLAY_PATH/framework/play.jar" …

It’s not required, but will speed-up class reloading when it is possible.

Debugging issues

Play automatically reloads Java classes when the Java sources are modified. However as Java does not fully support class reloading, the JDPA debugger can easily get confused: breakpoint submission may fail or the debugger may stop on the wrong line when you step into the code.

To avoid this behavior, a better way is to start a fresh debugging session after a code modification. Luckily, JPDA supports the ability to connect and disconnect the debugger at any time without restarting the JVM.

So the correct workflow for debugging is:

  1. Make changes to your source code.
  2. Refresh the browser to see the results. (At this time Play will reload your code modifications and redefine classes in the JVM.)
  3. If something goes wrong and you need to debug, start a new debug session.
  4. Debug and correct your code.
  5. Disconnect the debugger.

By using this work-flow you will always have a debugger synchronized with the code loaded in the JVM.

Next: ‘Hello World’ tutorial.