How you can help
Play is an open source project and everyone is encouraged to get involved! There are lots of ways you can contribute.
Donate to our Open Collective
300+ backersPlay uses Open Collective to collect donations from sponsors. These funds are used to pay contributors and cover project costs, openly and transparently. Individuals and companies alike can support Play financially by becoming backers or premium sponsors.
Join the Discuss Play forum
The Discuss Play Forum is where the Play community meets. Asking and answering questions on the discuss forum is a great way to share knowledge about Play.
Join the Discord chat
Discord serverDiscord is a real time chat channel like IRC. The play-users channel is used by Play users to discuss the ins and outs of writing great Play applications.
Contribute to Stack Overflow
17,000+ questionsStack Overflow is a Q&A site for programmers. Stack Overflow has a very active community of people asking and answering questions about Play. Users can vote on each others' contributions and earn reputation points.
Report bugs
950+ bug reportersBug reports help Play improve, so please report any issues you have! Play uses GitHub to track issues. When you report bugs, make sure you include lots of detail, including reproducible tests, example code or anything else you think might help.
Even if you're not ready to fix issues yourself just yet, you can help out by verifying issues that have been reported by others. Look for issues tagged with the needs-verification label. You can assist by looking at these issues and doing some checking to confirm whether they're bugs or not. You could provide reproducible tests or a sample project, or even just ask the original reporter for more information.
Patch the core
900+ committersPlay's code and documentation is hosted on GitHub. It's easy to get the code and build Play from source. Play development is discussed in the GitHub Discussions forum. You can ask on the list if you have any questions, or you can also chat to Play contributors through the play-contributors channel.
You're welcome to work on any feature you like—Play is open source after all!—but if you'd like some good ideas, look for issues tagged with the community label. These issues are ready and waiting for volunteers to pick them up.
To keep our code tidy and to make sure we work together smoothly there are some Contributor Guidelines that you'll need to make sure you follow.
Create modules
You can add new features to Play applications by creating a module. Writing new modules is often easier than patching Play's core code. You can learn about creating modules for Scala and Java.